Personal Thought's
following statements are personal
thoughts and personal opinions of
Mike and/or Marie Bloodgood
hope this information will help you
and set the record straight where
needed. Nothing here is intended to
offend anyone and is all truthful to
the best of our knowledge.

It is with a sadden heart that I report the loss of our dear friend Drenda King on 12/31/21. Our deepest sympathy and prays are with the King family and friends. Drenda and Al King were not only dedicated to preserving the Llewellin Setter's purity and quality but are responsible for preserving the Llewellin Setter distinction in FDSB and for full breed recognition in IPDBA. In fact, every know Llewellin Setter today carries their dogs in their ancestry. If you own a Llewellin Setter today in either registry, they would not exist today without them.

Drenda Kay King DECEMBER 31 1946 -
DECEMBER 31 2021
Drenda Kay King, 75, of
Enola, Arkansas passed away at home in her
sleep on December 31st,
2021. She was born on December 31st, 1946, in Iraan,
Texas to the late William Robert Loftin,
and Jessie Jewel Loftin. In 1948, her
family moved to Arkansas, eventually
settling in Augusta where she graduated
from high school. In 1963, she married
Alfred O. King of Cotton Plant where she
began her family – having two sons, Alfred
O’Neal King, Jr., and William Paul King.
She was a mother full of love, not only
for her sons but for many nieces and
nephews. Drenda and Alfred shared a
life-long passion for raising and
preserving the heritage of the Llewellin
Setter Bird Dog.
was preceded in death by her parents;
along with her husband, Alfred; and
sister, Florence Marie
Boehm. Those remaining to
cherish her memory are two sons, O’Neal
King of Enola, and Bill (Kim) King of
Greenbriar; two brothers, Steve, and
Bill Loftin; one sister, Helen Loftin;
five grandsons, Kent, Paul, Brandon,
Eli, and Logan King; along with a host
of other family and friends.
Drenda’s funeral service will
be held at 11:00 am on January 8th at
Fowler Funeral Home, Brinkley with
visitation one hour prior. Burial to
follow at Cotton Plant Cemetery.

Alford O'Neal
King Sr. and Drenda Ray King
Is Line and
Inbreeding, Good or Bad?
By Michael J. Bloodgood
The best way to understand
line and inbreeding, is to look at how
wild animal species have been
reproducing successfully for tens of
thousands if not millions or billions of
years. This includes wolves, coyotes,
fox, and other wild canine species that
have been line and heavily inbreeding
since they became into existence.
Contrary to what many believe, Genetic
defects are not the result of close line
or inbreeding, they actually start as a
genetic mutation within an animal's DNA
(genes). A mutation can either be
carried as a dominant or as a recessive
and can either be good or bad for the
animal's breed/species. A dominant
mutation will manifest itself right
away, in the animal who carries it and
if bad for the species, it is removed
immediately through natural selection of
the fittest. The recessive mutations are
hidden and require that the mutation to
be present in both parents to manifest.
In-breeding surfaces these recessive
mutations within the 2nd generation and
is also removed through natural
selection of the fittest, so they don't
spread or continue in the species, it's
the natural proven way to maintain a
healthy species now for tens of
thousands of years if not longer.
In captivity, it is up to the breeder to
take natures place, so every individual
animal should be fully tested and only
the very best specimens in health,
confirmation, temperament, abilities
should be used for breeding. The higher
the standards are in testing and
selection, the better the breeding
program and offspring will be.
Up until about 40-50 years
ago all dogs were line and inbred and
documented for over 500 hundred years
just like nature intended animals to
breed, resulting in very few inherited
genetic disorders. The problem
started with breeders valuing
registration papers and their dogs
pedigrees more then the evaluation and
selection of the individual dog's health
or natural abilities to be used for
breeding. How many times has someone
said that the dog was not very good, but
had good dogs in their pedigree, so they
bred them, disregarding that the dog may
have a bad mutation and is why they are
no good.
They are basically sticking
their heads in the sand and when the
natural recessive mutations happened,
they simply bred them to unrelated mates
to avoid any from surfacing, but
resulting in secretly spreading the
recessives throughout their program and
breed, until no non-carrier's are left.
By that time all dogs in the breed are
carriers of several recessive disorders,
resulting in a program or even a breed
to be able to produce a healthy litter.
This has and is happening in many dog
breeds today and many more will soon
follow if they don't start returning to
line and inbreeding and strick culling,
as nature (God) intended.
As these genetic disorders
started multiplying throughout the dog
world, Veterinarian Colleges told
breeders to avoid in-breeding by using a calculation
called coefficient of inbreeding
(Col), or inbreeding coefficient.
This calculates the probability
that two copies of a gene variant
have been inherited from an
ancestor common to both mother and
the father. Unfortunately, this
has made breeders think that close
breeding should be avoided to
avoid recessive disorders, mean
while spreading them throughout
their program and breed. Line and inbreeding
actually protects the breed/species
from recessive mutations spreading.
The sooner a mutation is manifested
the sooner it can be removed and are
no longer a threat to their program or
A perfect example of
this is our 100% pure Dashing Bondhu
Llewellin Setters, who have been line
and inbred for over 150 years by the
world's top Setter breeders and
continue to amaze. We continue to make
sure no mutations arise in them by
breeding new breeders to their first
offspring. If the breeding produces
high quality healthy litter, the
parent will be used in the program and
if they are found to carry a hidden
mutation they can be immediately
removed from the breeding program and
put a complete stop to the spread of a
bad mutation within the second
generation of a breeding program or in
the breed.
Line and inbreeding
will also double up the good genes, so
just like in the wild, selection is
always the key. If all bad genes have
been removed, line and inbreeding will
increase the good gene traits to
become more dominant and prevalent in
the offspring, not only improving
them, but also making their offspring
more consistent or more clone like.
For example, pups
from a father and daughter breeding
can prove the father and daughter are
genetically free from any bad
mutations and it will intensify the
good genes they do have. Resulting in
producing more outstanding, one in a
life-time type dogs. It also makes
them stronger reproducers of the same.
If you check out our pedigrees, you
will find that many of our studs and
dams have been bred this way, assuring
us and our customers that they are
genetically free from harmful
Interesting enough,
geneticists have found that a full
brother and sister, only share an
average of 50% of the same genes. We
actually have seen customers who
accidentally bred full litter-mates
and all produced large health litters
of pups. I am
not saying one should breed that close
on purpose, but it shows that
in-breeding it self, does not cause
problems when no recessive mutations
are present.
A good healthy
line-breeding program, will breed a
half sister and brother out of an
outstanding common parent and an
outstanding parent to their
outstanding offspring to increase the
outstanding qualities in the line and
to make sure there are no genetic
faults in the line.
I know some breeders
will say, "but they now have DNA
testing for over 100 recessive
mutations", so it is no longer
necessary to in or line breed". The
truth is, even if we believe DNA
Testing for mutations is highly
accurate and it is far from it, it is
very limited to ONLY locating a
"specific previously categorize mutation
sequence" that originated from a
mutation in an individual canine
within that individual breed.
This means, that
testing for a mutation that were found
in a certain breed, won't be the same
mutation found in another breed or
even within it's own breed today,
because there might be multiple
origins for the same disorder. Here is
an example, testing for a gene
sequence that causes hip dysplasia in
Boxers, will have nothing to do with
canines from other breeds like
Setters, with the same disorder. So
testing for 150 past genetic sequences
found in other breeds, will produce
useless results and even if there was
a sequence found in your breed, it
will not find any of the newer
mutations until it has spread
throughout the breed and a DNA
sequence has been found categorized to
test in the future.
Geneticist have found
that one in twenty puppies born, will
have a NEW mutation in their DNA,
which means that new mutations are
happening in about 5% of all puppies
born in every breed each year. Even if
geneticists were given DNA samples of
every pup born, they cannot possibly
locate and categorize each and every
mutation sequence in every breed fast
Maintaining high
standards, testing all individuals,
and in/line breeding, is the key for
producing healthy canines far into the
future, just like nature (God)
intended. Contrary to popular belief,
breeding completely unrelated
(out-crossing) canines within it's
breed or with other breeds, will only
continue to spread genetic disorders
throughout their breeding program and
their breed.
Dew Claws
The reason front dew claws
are removed from many bird dogs, is
because in many breeds, their front dew
claws have become poorly developed and
have no function anymore. They just hang
out dangling getting caught and torn on
grasses, thorns, and brush, that can cause
soreness' and even infection, losing
valuable time in the field and causing the
dog unnecessary pain. They are easily
removed from most bird dog breeds with
just a snip of a toe nail clipper at a few
days old. We did this for many generations
while breeding German Shorthair Pointers.
We attempted to clip off
the front dew claws in our first two
litters of pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin
Setters and all the pups had problems
healing and required antibiotics. Many
required more clipping to remove the
extended bones and were left with large
scars on them. This also upset their
mothers and was a bad experience for all
So we investigated further
and realized that unlike many other breeds
today, the pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin
Setters front dew claws are VERY highly
developed with very strong muscles,
ligaments, and bones forming an intricate
working thumb. We have found that they
should not be removed by simply clipping
them off. Removing them is like removing a
functioning thumb from a person and to do
so properly, would require surgery to
remove the whole structure, not just the
front dew claw.
Their front dew claw
structure actually continues up along the
side and inside of their front legs and
does not dangle freely, like in other bird
dog breeds. Because it is so developed,
removing it may be like removing a big toe
and may interfere with their balance. In
fact it has now been proven that dogs do
use them when turning sharply, pulling
them after braking through the ice,
climbing over logs, etc. and dogs without
them are much more likely to have lower
leg injuries.
As puppies their front dew
claw may look a little large, loose, and
dangly, but as they continue to develop,
they will become leaner, stronger and they
will hold it tightly up against their
front foot out of the way of trouble. They
will even use it to climb over things,
like over fallen trees, rock walls, and
rough terrain while hunting and will even
pull them out after falling through the
ice. So unlike other bird dog breeds,
these actually have a function and are an
asset to them in the field and woods and
may even save their life.
All the Dashing Bondhu
Setters we purchased had them and but for
those first two litters of pups, all of
our Setters and pups have them and we have
never had a single problem or heard of a
single problem from all our customers.
It's very interesting to think that they
may be the last breed or line of dogs who
still have functioning front dew claws, or
should I say thumbs. I think that it is
amazing that Llewellin and Humphrey must
have bred these dogs down to the
development of their front dew claws being
better developed. We have not had any
Llewellin Setter pups born with rare dew
claws on their hind feet.
BTW, All
our Setters have front dew claws and we
hunt all our Setters and have never had
any problems with their dew claws hunted
under the worst grasses and cover
Functionality of Canine Dew Claws
The Function of Dewclaws 101
dewclaws are typically removed by some
at 3-5 days of age, because they are
believed to be a non-functional digit
that poses an unnecessary risk for
being injured.
standing, the front dewclaw may not
appear to be functional because it
doesn't come in contact with the
ground. However, observing the dewclaw
when the dog is in motion tells a
different story.
tendons attach to the dewclaw and play
an important role when the dog is in
motion. For example:
- When a
dog’s lead leg is on the ground during
the gallop or canter, the dewclaw is
on the ground to stabilize the carpus
- When a
dog turns, the dewclaw digs into the
ground to support the structures of
the limb and prevent torque
If a dog
does not have dewclaws, there is a
higher potential for the carpal
ligaments to stretch and tear which
could result in laxity and arthritis
over time (OUCH!). This can then
result in more stress being generated
through the dog's carpus, elbow,
shoulder, and spine as it tries to
compensate for the lack of digit.
On the
other hand, the rear dewclaws do not
have associated tendons and are
considered non-functional (though they
may be required for some breed
standards to be present).
speaking with many vets, you would be
surprised at how few dewclaw injuries
they see.
given the front dewclaws' functional
use, why are we so quick to remove
In dogs,
the most common injuries seen by many
rehab providers and vets occur in the
shoulder complex, yet we don’t see
shoulders being removed. Food for
Here are
some cool videos proving the
functionality of dewclaws in dogs:
is an area in the abdominal wall where the
great vessels of the umbilical cord exit
the body of the fetus to derive nutrition
and oxygen from the placenta. After birth,
these vessels close and shrink some. There
is left behind a small area in the mid
line where the vessels formerly escaped
the body. The nature of this structure is
a linear slit in the middling, lined with
normal connective tissue. There are other
structures on the 'middling' that undergo
similar development after birth.
the heart, there is a hole between the
upper chambers that allows the fetus to
bypass the lungs, which, of course, cannot
contribute any oxygen to the blood before
birth. Oxygen is obtained through the
umbilical cord from the placenta, where
the mother's blood stream exchanges oxygen
and carbon dioxide with the baby's
circulation. When there are delayed
closures in the heart, it may be possible
to hear a murmur at 4 or 5 weeks that is
no longer audible by 6 or 8 weeks. This is
normal development. These holes, like the
umbilicus, must be present in the fetus
and close over a period of time after
is a kind of slippery thin sheet of tissue
which is present in the abdomen. It
provides several services to the abdominal
organs. It has blood vessels traveling
through it to the intestine. Its surfaces
produce serious fluid which lubricates the
abdominal organs and makes it possible for
them to slide against each other without
rubbing. It carries lymph nodes for the
abdomen, and is a major depot for fat
storage. It partially contains the
abdominal organs - especially the small
intestine - and supports them in a kind of
"plastic bag". As the puppy puts on
weight, it is possible for a bit of this
thin slippery tissue to protrude through
the umbilical slit. As the normal process
of closing of the umbilicus proceeds, it
is possible for this bit of tissue/fat to
be entrapped. The danger here is whether
it is solely Omentum that is escaping, or
if the defect is large enough for a loop
of small intestine to escape the abdomen
as well.
is recommended to "reduce" the tissue
escaping at least once daily, by turning
the puppy on its back and gently massaging
the protrusion and slide the contents back
up into the abdomen. This lowers the risk
of a loop of intestine becoming
strangulated in the protruding tissue. If
the it is a closure defect, the normal
process of closing will continue, even if
at some point a small amount of momentum
may get entrapped in a bubble outside the
essentially closed body wall. This may be
viewed by some people as a hernia, and a
serious problem, but if the dog has a
small bubble, or 'outsy belly button', and
has been there since it was a baby, and
the pup/dog is healthy and well and it is
pretty obvious that the bubble does not
contain any intestine, the pup/dog is just
fine and should be of no concern. While
the puppy is younger, it may not be clear.
The very tiny holes the size of a pinkie
tip with a small bubble do not require
surgery. Only larger thumb size holes
should be checked closely to be sure that
no intestine becomes strangulated in the
process of closure.
no delayed closure can ever close
completely simply because there is
something sticking through it. If there
were no momentum sliding out, they would
continue to close normally. What they
sometimes do, is they close tightly around
the momentum, trapping it outside in an
absolutely firm unchanging bubble and is
perfectly all right and according to
specialists it should not effect the
selection process for breeding stock as
it's not genetic.
umbilical hernias will make no
progress in closing, ever and will grow
bigger as the pup grows bigger. They are
usually large and must always be
surgically repaired when the pup is at
least 4 months old. These can be quite
they are very rare and not very likely, (not one true hernia produced in over 22 years of
breeding the pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin
but with all things, anything is possible
as a non inherited birth defect. These are
easily spotted and if a pup would have a
"true hernia", it will be included in
their description and only offered to a
non breeding home and we send or post and
price reduced for their future surgery (if
not already done).
have never seen a female with a delayed
closure and trapped momentum bubble show
any sign of problem in carrying a litter
or whelping, even a very large litter. I
have never seen one of these females
produce puppies with hernias either.
catch is, you must know which you have.
Most veterinarians don't draw these kinds
of conclusions or try to differentiate the
two different conditions and many will
automatically recommend unnecessary
surgery. Breeders with years of experience
know the difference intuitively. Indeed,
since "true" hernias are relatively rare,
most have never seen one, unless they bred
a line that produced them in the past. In
any case, the experienced breeder knows
better if the line they are breeding will
produce "true" hernias or are just having
delayed closures and should know best how
to differentiate between the two.
it is very common if your pup turns out to
have a small pinkie tip size hole, just
follow the recommended procedure above and
it should not become any bigger and as the
pup grows it will become inconsequential.
Unfortunately, it can take 6 months to a
year before some will
completely close.
the unlikely event one would not
completely close and would require fixing
later on, it can easily be fixed when they
are spayed or neutered for a little extra.
Of course we do stand behind every pup we
sell and ONLY after 1 year of age
will refund the buyer $150. the
cost of what our vet charges for fixing
one if it is required to fix it without a
spay and $50. extra if done
during a spay. Do not let a vet
operate on a puppy, just follow the
recommendations above and wait until at
least 1 year old and reevaluate them
then, we have only had one that did
not close completely by one year of age
and even that one did eventually clos, so
we feel you should wait until your pup
turns one year old, to make sure it won't
close on it's own.
Our VET Dr. Green DVM of 25 years,
agrees there is no reason to operate on a
them under one year old. We know our dogs
better than anyone, including your Vet and
will NOT give any refunds on surgeries
performed under one year of age.
Unfortunately, with
raising fat rollie pollie puppies, we
increase the number of "delayed
closures" and they are just that. We
hardly ever got these until after
feeding high quality foods. The choice
we have is to raise thin or slender
pups, or to educate our customers. Since
we want to make sure our pups are
getting the best start possible to live
a long healthy life, we are going with
the later.
We once had a pup
with a large, silver dollar size
opening, so we assumed it was a true
hernia. We asked our Vet and he said he
would not operate until 4 months old, so
we made the appointment to get the
surgery done as soon as the pup was old
enough. We did not advertise the pup for
sale. When the day came to get the
surgery I went to get the pup and could
not find any problem, it had closed
completely and disappeared. We posted
the pup for sale and he sold quickly.
That was the worst one we have ever
produced and it even closed on it's own,
even sooner than many others.
About one in six
hundred pups will have a delay in a testicle
descending. For some reason like the delayed
closure, but much much rarer a testicle will
not descend on the normal time line and
even more rarer may take up to one year to descend even if
it cannot be found. Many Vets will insist
they operate as soon as possible, because a
non-descended testicle may mean the testicle
has migrated into the abdominal area, which
can increase the chance for cancer in that
testicle and will scare the owner to operate
on a young pup. They neglect to tell the
owner that it is VERY RARE for a
non-descended testicle to migrate and that
even if it did, it will only increased the
chance for cancer over the whole life-span
of the dog and not likely at all during
their first year of life. Our VET Dr. Green
DVM of 25 years, agrees that there is simply
NO good reason to operate on a pup,
especially when we know that all will
eventually drop on their own. We believe
they get caught up on some tissue and many
can be massaged and loosen to drop, or
assisted down, but even if not able to
massage it down, all but one case in 22
years have dropped on their own. If you have
waited until one year and it is deemed
necessary to remove by surgery, we will
refund $150. for it, ONLY if you wait until
one year old or older. That is what our Vet
recommends and he would charge.
Setting the
record straight about the King's and FDSB!
It seems a lot
of people would like to spread misinformation
about the Kings and what happened with them
and Field Dog Stud Book registry. Field Dog
Stud Book (FDSB) is a "Field Trail" registry
and the Llewellin Setter was actually given a
separate BREED recognition in 1902,
unfortunately, under the current owner, it has
been changed to just STRAIN distinction within
the "English Setter" breed. Llewellin’s
dominated FDSB field Trails for over 50 years
until the rules were changed toward a bigger
running, farther ranging dogs using horse back
judged trails, that favored the more far
ranging English Pointers and caused some
English Setters to be bred for them and/or
crossing them were made. If you don't believe
me, just look at pictures of the English
Setters that won these early big running
trails and you can see the Pointer's
distinctive brow and forehead. The same was
done later on with other breeds like German
Short-haired Pointers. All the DNA parent
testing today will never remove all these
crosses made in the past. Some GSP's were
clearly just English Pointers with docked
most Llewellin Setter breeders especially the
King's did not change the breed to win those
types of trails, so they no longer supported
FDSB Field Trails. Since FDSB was the only
registry at that time to recognize them as a
separate strain, they continued registering
their Llewellin Setters with them, but because
FDSB was basically a Field Trail registry, a
riff between FDSB and King's grew. The current
owner of FDSB stated in written letters and
emails that "the Llewellin’s were no longer
making FDSB enough money to support their
distinction", because at that time FDSB made
most of their money from the Field Trail
entree fees and not from registration fees.
One of the reasons for that was, because they
did not mandate litter registration. They
allowed hand written applications for each pup
in the litter, saving both time and money for
the breeders, but opening the door to false
Also, the much
larger group of English Setter breeder's, who
were big supporter's of FDSB trails, wanted
the distinction removed, so over the past 30
years the present owner of FDSB has complained
about the lack of support at their Field
Trails and tried to eliminate the “Llewellin”
distinction, attempting to register them all
as “English Setters”, over and over again
without notice. Every time FDSB
attempted to do this, Al & Drenda King
would send out thousands of letters (before
internet) at their expense to all their former
customers to form a mailing campaign and a
petition to save the "Llewellin"distinction
and every time, the King's efforts worked. I
personally received these letters every time
from the King's, so it is VERY clear to anyone
who had Llewellins back then, if it was not
for the King's the "Llewellin" distinction
would have been long gone long ago, if
not them being a thorn in the side of the FDSB
owner. Keep in mind, the much larger amount of
English Setter owners and breeders who
supported FDSB Field Trails, were jealous,
because Setters with the “Llewellin”
distinction were demanding 2-4 times more than
their Field Trail Champion bred English
Setters were and still are today. So
basically, the owner of FDSB was not happy
with the Llewellin Setter breeders, especially
not with the King's personally and I
personally believe it became a personal agenda
to ruin the King's by the owner of FDSB.
Example: FDSB owner had approved the Russian
and other imported Setters that the King's
imported as "Llewellin Setters", but after
several years later and after receiving all
the registration income, the owner then
without notice or a hearing allowed, he
revoked the approval.
Most breeder's who bring in a new bloodlines,
cross them with all their dogs they currently
own. My personal opinion is that the owner of
FDSB thought he could ruin the distinction, by
allowing the new imports in and then later
recanting their approval, he could eliminate
the Llewellin breed in this manner. I believe
this was done to get Al to breed all his
Llewellin's with them and then all Al’s dogs
would then be revoked, so they would be
"English Setters" and he could then eliminate
the "Llewellin" distinction once and for all.
Fortunately, the King's were purest when it
comes to breeding dogs and kept each strain
they kept for breeding pure to their strain,
so even though FDSB revoked the imported new
strain years later, only those strains were
effected and not the rest of the Llewellin
Setters strains they owned.
When DNA
parenting became reasonable, registries like
AKC, used it as a tool to eliminate dishonest
dog breeder’s. Unfortunately, without
understanding DNA and that one in 20 canines
produce mutations, many honest breeder's were
falsely accused of falsifying papers. It’s my
personal opinion that the FDSB owner and some
jealous breeder's used it as way to get back
at the King’s. When FDSB asked DNA from
"IrishKing's Bondhu Ashley" he was all done
breeding and hunting living out his last days
loose on their farm. When FDSB asked for them
to get his DNAed at the King's expense, the
King's didn't question why, they simply did it
and gave FDSB permission to use it. If
someone would of falsified papers in a
registry, would they give the registry DNA
from a dog with one foot in the grave? No way,
all they would have to say is he died and his
remains are mixed with many others. Never
mind, if you knew Al at all, you would know he
was a purest and had gone through great
expense, sacrifice and time to get a dog of a
certain pure strain, over and over again. It
took us with the King's help, three years to
save the pure Humphrey Dashing Bondhu
bloodlines from extinction.
Anyway, the way I see it, FDSB owner, had
tried several years to ruin the King’s
breeding program and/or their reputation by
approving imported dogs and taking the
approval away years later. They had
checked hundreds of the King’s pups without
any DNA problems found, but they finally found
a three year old male Blue Belton that had
transferred ownership three times "on record"
that did not match it’s sire on his papers,
without any proof that the dog was the
original pup purchased from the King’s as a
puppy, if it wasn't personal then why did FDSB
made the DNA discrepancy PUBLIC. Everyone
knows, a dogs papers may not follow the dog
they were meant for. In fact, Dog Dealer's,
aka Dog Jockey's, are known to buy and sell
papers and keep papers to put on a
non-registered dogs. The dog may have changed
hands 3 times on record, but could have
changed hands 12 or more times without filling
in the transfer info. Many seller's sign and
date them, and leave the buyer's info blank.
They also can sell a dog and the buyer says,
he does not care about the papers, so now the
buyer has a set of papers he can use to sell
another Blue Belton with, sometimes making the
dog appear younger than he is demanding a very
high price. This is common practice among Dog
Example: The Kenton National's every Labor day
weekend in Kenton, Ohio, has 50 acres of flea
market as well as 10 acres of Dog Traders Row.
Over 50,000 people attend it annually. We have
seen dozens of Dog Jockey's with boxes full of
registration papers, for all kinds of hunting
dogs. Mostly for Coon Hounds and Beagles, but
also many bird dogs and both the dogs and
papers are sold, auctioned, traded, etc..
Since FDSB had no litter registration required
for over 100 years, their papers have become
the Dog Jockey's choice for bird dogs. All
they need to do is keep some old FDSB papers
and they can manufacture papers at will. FDSB
registry was always considered a JOKE among
AKC Breeder's, only good for entering your dog
in their field trails. Just like NSTRA papers
are today, just my opinion.
The DNA test only proves that the papers did
not match the dog tested. It NEVER proved the
King’s did anything WRONG! In fact, when the
dogs DNA was tested against all their studs in
use the year of the date of birth (all done at
the King's expense), not one matched, proving
the dog never originally came from the King’s,
but the FDSB owner never made that part
public. He only made public the fact that he
found a dog with the King’s papers that the
DNA did not match the sire on the papers. Nor,
did FDSB's owner allow the King's a public
hearing to appeal (as in FDSB By-Laws)! That's
right, it was the OWNER of FDSB who violated
the By-Laws, NOT the King's, by refusing the
King's a public hearing.
We had been good
friends with the Kings for a number of years
and received many letters about FDSB trying to
eliminate the “Llewellin” distinction and the
King's told us how the FDSB owner was
basically railroading them and knew that we
had helped start an international dog registry
(IPDBA) several years ago (1996) with 11
founders from around the world and asked how
hard it was to start one. The King's were
thinking of starting a “Field Setter Stud
Book” registry. When FDSB owner found out that
they were planning to start their own
registry, he publicly banned the King’s for "2
years" from registering their dogs, even
though they had NO evidence they had done
anything wrong. The King's stated FDSB by-laws
stating that they not only had to prove the
dog was from their kennel, that FDSB would
have to prove they "purposely falsified a
dog’s papers" according to their own By-Laws.
When the King’s ask for a hearing as stated in
the by-laws, the owner said there will be no
hearing and his decision was "FINAL". I have
personally read all these emails and letters
between them and that is the God's honest
TRUTH. If you want to register your dogs with
a registry that is owned by ONE man, NO Board
of Directors, who doesn't follow his own
BY-LAWS, be my guest, but NO WAY I WILL!
1. FDSB owner attempted to remove the
"Llewellin" distinction many times. .
2. The King's mailing champagnes saved the
"Llewellin" distinction, but resulted in them
becoming a personal target by FDSB owner.
3. FDSB approved several imported Setters as
"Llewellin Setters" for several years and then
revoked them in an attempt to hurt or
discredit the King's and/or the Llewellin
4. FDSB, DNA'd hundreds of Llewellin Setters
before finding the dog and made it public
without ANY evidence the dog was the same dog
purchased from the King's.
5. FDSB, banned the King's for 2 years,
without any proof or following their own
by-laws and also made that PUBLIC to
personally HURT THEM.
6. FDSB, would not give the King's a hearing
to appeal, in accordance with FDSB own
7. FDSB owner and members, spread false
statements about the King's and IPDBA
registry, despite IPDBA not ever registering
the dogs with the DNA problems or the imported
dogs as 'Llewellins".
8. FDSB owner has worked to block recognition
of IPDBA registered dogs, in other dog
registries, again without ANY evidence, simply
because IPDBA registered the King's dogs. BTW,
IPDBA has registered the "Llewellin Setter" as
a unique BREED, since 1996 and has BANNED many
bloodlines for false registrations and known
genetic inherited disorders, that are still
being spread throughout FDSB's Llewellin
Setters today!
9. I dare anyone to find one Llewellin Setter
bred in the US without any of King's bred dogs
in them. I also dare anyone to find anyone in
FDSB breeding within a pure strain today, like
the King's did for over 50+ years and we have
for the last 25+. All FDSB Setters are now all
crossed up strains and now full of genetic
deformities, with NO line-breeding to check
their bloodlines for them, or for any new
mutations of them. The same reasons why so
many breeds are suffering from years of
out-crossing bloodlines within their breed
today, spreading and introducing inherited
mutations without any test breeding generation
after generation. Picking a pup is like a roll
of the dice now in FDSB. It's my opinion that
the reasons are simple, FDSB has always been a
FIELD TRAIL and PROFIT based registry, and NOT
a BREEDERS base registry. FDSB continue to
allow known false pedigreed dogs and dogs with
known genetic disorders to be used within the
Llewellin breed as well as other breeds.
A perfect example of this was there continued
attempts of removing the Llewellin distinction
for many years, because they were not
attending FIELD TRIAL where FDSB made most of
the MONEY. FDSB owner finally found away to
make MONEY off the Llewellin's by forcing all
breeder's to continue to parent DNA test each
and EVERY pup/dog through them at twice the
price it costs and also pushing out breeder's
who did not attend FIELD TRIALS. FDSB PROFITS
have soared the past 10 years within the
Llewellin Setter breed in FDSB, yet IPDBA has
NOT increased prices for over 25 years of it's
founding in 1996 and offered DNA testing info,
micro-chip info, and tattoo equipment
available directly at cost and without any
profit to IPDBA. IPDBA Litter
Registration, Permanent Papers, and 5
generation Pedigree (at time of registration)
are still ONLY $20. each. Yet, IPDBA breeder's
get double what FDSB breeder's average for
Llewellin Setters and many other breeds,
simply because truly knowledgeable BREEDERS
who want to raise the best, genetically sound,
pups/dogs in the world, regardless the breed
are registering their dogs with IPDBA
exclusively. They are SIMPLY THE BEST
We deeply
regret to have to report that our dear
friend Alfred O. King Sr. passed away
on October 14th, 2011. He will be
deeply missed by all who knew him,
both 2 and 4 legged family, friends,
customers, and most of all the
Llewellin Setter Breed. Al was one of
a handful of true breeders who
understood the art of breeding dogs.
He is what I call a "purest breeder",
one that learned all he could about,
not only the BREED, but also about
strain within their breed and kept
them all as close to the original form
as those who created them as possible.
Our Friend Alfred O.
King with "Hank" of "Hunting with Hank".
We pray they are both
together again and that it's the
Lord's will that we will
all be
together again.
March 21, 1945 - October
14, 2011
was an "IPDBA Grand Master Breeder" and a
living legend of our life-time who without a
doubt had influenced the Llewellin Setter
breed more than any other breeder in the
world for the past 50+ years. Al loved the
breed and he also loved people, giving the
shirt off his back if someone asked.
Al and wife Drenda, there would never of
been "Hunting with Hank" or "Upland Days
with Dash", because there would have been
no "Hank" or "Dash" to make the great
shows possible, nor the thousands other
great pups and dogs that have been placed
all around the world. It was these great
dogs that brought the breeds popularity
back to the top. In fact, pedigrees show
that 99.9% of all Llewellin Setters in the
US would not be here if not for Alfred O.
King and his great breeding program. Not
to mention Al's many fights with FDSB
owner to keep the Llewellin Setters
recognition in FDSB and having to pay the
price for it.
King's Bomber's, King's Gladstone's,
King's Roycelle's, King's Blizzards,
IrishKings, ScottKings, BelgiumKings, and
the many with Dashing Bondhu names, as
well as the Russian Llewellin Setters,
Russian Irish, Russian Gorden, that Al
personally imported, are all here today
because of Alfred O. King. They are all a
testament of over 50 years of his and
Drenda's passion and die hard dedication
to the Llewellin Setter and in keeping all
their bloodlines separate and each line as
pure as could be. Alfred will leave his
personal mark on 99% of EVERY Llewellin
Setter in the breed for now and
ever. Even if there is 1%, they will
never survive without the King's influence
and sacrifice.
The fact
is, that it would be impossible to find
any quality, genetically sound Llewellin
Setter breeding program today that was not
owned by the King's who, produced, or had
a major hand in their dogs. If all the
Llewellin Setter's were removed that the
King's had anything to do with, there
would be NOTHING LEFT!! In fact, just like
with William Humphrey, the large majority
of the greatest Llewellin Setter breeder's
of our time had entrusted Alfred O. King
Sr. with their personal strains on their
passing and he was the only breeder who
continued their breeding programs
throughout these many years.
Marie and
I have been truly blessed to have known
the King's who have not only sold us the
best bird dogs in the world but have been
the best of friends for a very long
time and have entrusted us with their
amazing Dashing Bondhu bloodlines for us
to continue. In Fact, They offered us all
their Llewellin Setters, all the Russian,
all the American bloodlines and all the
Dashing Bondhu bloodlines, but we felt it
would be best if several people had them.
I would
like to tell a story about the kind of
person Al King was. When we purchased our
first Llewellin Setters from him in 1996,
we had told a good friend of ours in
Macon, Georgia about how amazing the dogs
and the King's were. My good friend Carl
McDaniel who was in his 80's who had just
lost his daughter who was beaten to death
by her husband and not only having to
grieve for her loss and the long trial, he
and his wife also in her 80's were left to
raise his two grandsons without much
income but SS. In fact, Carl also had
health issues, so his wife also in her
80's had to go out to work some just to
make ends meet.
called Al to tell him how I had
complimented his program and hospitality
while I visited with the King's and he
told Al if things were different he would
love to own one of his great Llewellin
Setters. About a week later Al
called Carl out of the blue and told him
that he had shipped him a Llewellin Setter
pup and had paid all the shipping and that
all Carl needed to do was to go to the GA
airport and pick him up. I had never seen
a more great full family. The grandsons
where just old enough to start hunting
that fall, so it was just what Carl and
the boys needed to pick them up during a
very hard time in their life. I would
never of known this except Carl told me.
It was also one of Al's best bred pups and
was not a runt or left over. I never heard
Al boast about anything he did, only God
knows what he did for thousands of people
over all his years. I know Al loved people
just about as much as he loved Llewellin
Setters. I am proud to call Al my very
good, best of friends. If anyone thinks Al
would have done anything unethical, do not
know him as we did for nearly 18 years.
We went
down to GA that fall and brought our Blaze
female with us and the two dogs were just
100% natural and did an awesome job
hunting those smart wild Georgia quail.
Carl and Al never met before their
passing, so I am sure they are now
enjoying each others company. I could go
on and on, about things Al did for his
fellow man, but he was NEVER into breeding
his Llewellin Setters for profit. Like us
it was more important to bring happiness
to everyone that gets one. He could have
sued or got back at some of those who
crossed him, but left those things for the
Lord to judge. I only wish I can handle
myself with the same grace as he did under
very unfair treatment. Instead of being
awarded for all he did to preserve and
save all the strains of Llewellin Setters,
he was stabbed in the back, because people
were jealous of his great success and huge
following of happy customers.
May God
bless his sole and may he rest in peace
and may the Lord Jesus Christ be with his
family and many close friends around the
world as they deal with the heavy loss of
this great breeder, person, christian,
husband, father, grand father, and great
Alfred O. King,
March 21, 1945 -
October 14, 2011
Alfred O. King, Sr., 66 of
Enola passed away, Friday, October 14, 2011.
Born in Cotton Plant, AR, he was a son to the
late Paul David and Ona Virginia (Jones) King.
Alfred was a loving husband, father,
grandfather and uncle, he was a member of
Needs Creek Baptist Church. Mr. King was the
founder of the Llewellin Setter Association, a
foremost breeder of Llewellin Setters, the
author of The Origin and History of the
Llewellin Setter, and an avid bird hunter. He
was also the owner operator of Junker's
Paradise and will be remembered as always
having a smile for everyone he met. He was
preceded in death by his previously mentioned
parents and two brothers LeRoy and Luther
Survivors include his wife of
forty eight years, Drenda (Loftin) King; sons,
Alfred O'Neal King, Jr. of Melbourne, AR and
Bill King and wife Kim of Greenbrier;
daughter-in-law Shiela King of Greenbrier;
grandsons: Kent, Paul, Brandon, Eli and Logan
King; brothers, Calvin King of Cotton Plant
and David King of Maumelle; grand niece,
Krissy King Lewis of Greenbrier and a host of
nephews, nieces and friends.
Services were held at 10:00
am, Tuesday, October 18, at Needs Creek
Baptist Church in Greenbrier, with Bro. Myron
Milholland officiating. Interment took place
at 3:00 pm, Cotton Plant Cemetery in Cotton
Plant, AR. Visitation were held from 6:00 to
8:00 pm, on Monday, October 17, at Roller
McNutt Funeral Home in Greenbrier.
Special Thank You to
& Drenda King of
Llewellin Kennel!
helping in saving the Llewellin Setter
breed from extinction when no one wanted a
pup unless it was out of the big running
Field Trail Champion and for preserving
these and almost all other Llewellin
Setter bloodlines in their original pure
forms. NO ONE has done more to preserve
the Llewellin Setters as foot hunting and
companion dogs in America than the King's
and no one has been more entrusted with
those who developed the strains with their
dogs than King Llewellin Kennel has.
It is
amazing to me how so many breeders can
forget those responsible for saving the
Llewellin Setter breed now that they are
once again highly popular. Al and Drenda,
are truly the King's of the Llewellin
Setter breed. If not for their dedication
and many years of sacrifices in preserving
each Llewellin line in their original pure
form, no one would had the pure Llewellin
Setter gene pools we see today and it
would be impossible for anyone to maintain
a genetically healthy pure Llewellin
Setter Kennel today.
It is
unfortunate that there are always people
who have to put other breeder's down in
order to make themselves feel important.
These hypocrites will slander breeder's
while continuing to use dogs in their own
breeding programs that would not even be
here if not for the person they are
slandering. I guess there should be no
surprise since the same exact thing was
done to Mr. Llewellin and many other
outstanding dog breeders throughout
history especially within FDSB.
The facts
are, it would be next to impossible to
find any quality, genetically sound
Llewellin Setter pedigrees that did not
have dogs that the King's had bred,
produced, or had a hand in. I am sorry to
say, that if all the Llewellin Setter's
were removed that the King's had anything
to do with, there would be NOTHING LEFT!!
In fact, just like with Humphrey, the
largest majority of great Llewellin Setter
breeder's of our time have entrusted Al
& Drenda King with their dogs on their
It is
also sad that a registry dictated by one
owner who has always wanted to end the
Llewellin breed's existence would harass a
kennel to leave their registry for years
and then when they do, they attempt to
hurt them personally by banning them from
registration after they had already left
them for another registry. Not only that,
but said they were banned for two years
(2002 &2003), but still say they are
banned today, when they have chosen not to
return to there dictatorship.
personally believe it's a free country and
with today's technical advances there are
registries designed to improve breeds
through special registration requirements
and not just take people's money and
just keep dog records. Everyone should be
free to register their dogs with the
registry of their choice, without being
harassed for years and then slandered for
leaving for the rest of their lives and
the King's there would never of been
"Hunting with Hank" or "Upland Days with
Dash", because there would be no great
"Hank" or "Dash" to make the great shows
nor the many other great dogs that have
brought the breeds popularity back to the
top. In fact, today's pedigrees show that
99% of all Llewellin Setters in the US
would not be here if not for the King's.
King's Bomber's, King's Gladstone's,
King's Roycelle's, King's Blizzards,
IrishKings, ScottKings, BelgiumKings,
Dashing Bondhu's, and generation of many
more are a huge testament to their love
and over 50 years of dedication to the
Llewellin Setter breed and in keeping
their bloodlines separate and pure as they
came to them, leaving their mark on the
breed forever.
Marie and
I have personally known Al & Drenda
for over 25 years, have been to their home
and kennel numerous times, spending
several hours and even days with them
talking meticulously about each line and
how hard they work to keep each line and
each individual dogs unique genes
preserved for the future of the breed and
purest of pedigrees. No one has done more
to keep their bloodlines PURE, never mind
keeping their breed PURE.
We have
not found more honest, fair,
understanding, and God fearing people.
They are GOOD PEOPLE who love their Lord,
family, and the Llewellin Setter breed and
deserve ALL our gratitude for all they
have and continue to do for the Llewellin
Setter breed!
Friends, Marie Bloodgood and Drenda King in
Friends, Mike Bloodgood and Al King in 2008
Can you find the Llewellin pup in the picture?
Dashing Bondhu Bell is there some where.
Little did we know Al was going to be gone in
just 2.5 years later.
& DVDs
Highly Recommended by
Mountain View Kennel, LLC.
Setter (Paper Back)
major factor to the
importance of this
book, subtitled
"Notices of the Most
Eminent Breeds Now
Extant....." is: His
was the first
documentation of
Setter Breeds in
existence at the
same time of their
existence. He lists
Histories, Owners,
Colors, and other
information. This
book was written
before the existence
of any Kennel Club.
The information in
his book was used as
the basis for the
first Kennel Club
Records. As noted in
the Cover Story for
the June, 1995 issue
of the "The
Association Journal"
Mr. Laverack was a
dedicated breeder
who studied and
based his breed on
the most perfect and
longest existing
line of Setters to
be found. His was
the only strain he
termed the English
Setter and was later
termed the Laverack
Setter. The Laverack
blood was the
foundation of the
Llewellin Setter.
King Publishing,
Inc. offers the
reprint of this book
per the volume of
requests. They had
acquired some of the
1945 reprints
through our Antique
business which sold
out very quickly. We
have made every
effort to hold the
price to an
affordable range.
Price: $20.00
Postage: $2.00 or
FREE with the order
of The Llewellin
Click on the link to
place your order
today or call
501-849-3383 e-mail:
Llewellin Setter: Origin &
Historical Development (Hard cover)
Edition By Alfred O.
King, Sr. This is
the first book to be
written strictly on
the Llewellin Setter
and their
development from the
first pointing
breeds. This book
covers the
development of the
Llewellin from the
1500's to the
1900's. The
information is
derived from
material acquired
from the first half
of the 20th century.
Over 75% of the
documentary is made
up of direct quotes
taken from old
writings from 1570
to 1930. Many of
these direct quotes
contradict another
on a given subject.
Who is to know at
this time which was
correct? By entering
all references to
each subject, you as
a reader are allowed
to form your own
conclusion. I
present my own
opinion and
conclusion as you
are welcome to
yours. This special
printing includes
photos and 35 pages
about Alfred O.
King, Sr. Written by
Alfred O. King Sr.
SETTERS, P.O. Drawer
100, Enola, AR
72047-0100 Hardback
= $55.00 includes
USPS Priority Mail
within the US.
Foreign postage will
be invoiced
separately. Sorry,
paperbacks no longer
available. Click on
the PayPal link to
place your order
today or call
501-849-3383 e-mail:
See pure "Dashing Bondhu
Llewellin Setters"
and an ancestor of our Setters
in action.
"Hunting With Hank" Episodes.
Click on image for Amazon link!
Episodes of Season
1 $24.95
Episodes of Season
2 $24.95
Episodes of Season
3 $49.95
Episodes of Season
Episodes of Season
Episodes of Season
"Dash in the
Uplands" pure "Dashing
and another ancestor in many
of our Setters.
on image to Amazon Link!
Episodes of Season 1

Episodes of Season
2 $49.95

Episodes of Season
3 $49.95
Unfortunately, jealousy
and politics always seems to plague
great dogs and their breeder's. There
seems to be a personal vendetta against
the King's, our kennel and IPDBA on some
Llewellin websites, especially by "Ernie
Hardman" who was hired by the King's
many years ago and fired for being
dishonest about his past experience. He
has since built a website presenting
himself as an authority on the Llewellin
Setter breed and has used the web-site
and message boards with others to bash
the King's and spread untruths about
them, the Llewellin breed, and even
IPDBA even after being contacted with
the facts and sent a cease and disease
letter from the IPDBA's attorney.
Hardman's website now is
trying to change history by claiming
that Mr. Llewellin did not develop the
Dashing Bondhu bloodlines on his website
stating. "Mr. Humphrey not
Mr. Llewellin developed the modern
Dashing Bondhu. Mr. Humphrey
developed the Dashing Bondhu line by
crossing the Mr. Law Turner's mostly
Laverack dogs with Mr. Hartley's
dogs and Mr. Llewellin's Wind'ems. "
All anyone, would
simply just have to do, is read Mr.
Humphrey's Manuscript to know this
statement is a complete falsehood.
Mr. Llewellin purchased FdCh.Ch.
Armstrong's Dash II and bred them to
Laveracks last great FdCh.Ch.
females and started naming all his
offspring "Dashing" and when
he was bred to FdCh.Ch. Laverack's
Countess Bear, they produced
"FdCh.Ch. Dashing Bondhu", the most
winning Setter since his sire had
won every field trail entered and
Mr. Llewellin started naming
all offspring from Countess
females with Dash II as "Dashing
something Bondhu" as their name.
Even if you don't count the three
years of breeding Laverack's Setters
and selecting those bloodlines like
"Dan", he bred FdCh.Ch.
Armstrong's Dash II
bloodlines from 1878 up until his
death in 1925, a total of 47 years
and making dozens of dual Field
Champions and show Champions with
Since it was 47
years of the Dashing Bondhu
bloodlines were fully developed
before Mr. Humphrey inherited all of
Mr. Llewellin's "Dashing Bondhu"
Setters. By the way Mr. Humphrey's
Manuscript states that he also
inherited pure "Dashing Bondhu"
Setters from Mr. Law Turner and Mr.
Hartley, all originating from Mr.
Llewellin's kennel. All Dashing
Bondhu's are of mostly Laverack
blood, so stating that Mr.
Turner's and Mr. Hertley's dogs were
mostly Laverack is meaningless. They
were outstanding dogs and all men
deserve credit for keeping the
bloodline pure, but to say they
developed them is simply giving them
much more credit than they deserve
nor would accept according to
Humphrey's own Manuscript. All three
breeder's like Sir Llewellin were
men of the highest integrity and
would have never of accepted credit
for them. Sadly, integrity seems to
be in short supply today.
In ALL of Mr.
Humphrey writings including his
manuscript, he ALWAYS gave FULL
credit for the "Dashing Bondhu"
Setters development to Sir. Richard
Llewellin and ONLY to Sir. Richard
Llewellin. Llewellin named his dogs
"Dashing"and "Bondhu" 47 years
before Mr. Humphrey inherited them
from him. In fact, Mr. Humphrey was
a small child when the dogs were
first created. In Humphrey's own
words at the time, quote he had sold all his
Setters he owned to "following in
Llewellin's foot steps in
every way possible".
Some may say Mr.
Humphrey continued to improve
the "Dashing Bondhu" bloodline,
but that could be said about
anyone who produces great
"Dashing Bondhu" pups in the
past 50 plus years since Mr.
Humphrey's passing, but NO WAY
can ANYONE get away with saying
Mr. Llewellin didn't develop the
"Dashing Bondhu" bloodlines that
we have today and there is no
way to prove if any improvement
were made, since they were the
WORLD'S BEST Setters when Sir.
Richard Llewellin owned them for
47 years, with Humphrey for 38
years, with Fr. Brannon, Dr.
Stephenson and the Kings for 30+
years and at Mountain View
Kennel, LLC. since 1996. Just
check out our
I cannot say
there are not good dogs of other
strains or even breeds, but I
will say I have yet to see ANY
better in general as the pure
Dashing Bondhu strain of
Llewellin Setters and have
owned, bred, trained and/or
hunted with EVERY bird dog breed
and strain of Llewellin Setters
in the USA.
Since Mr.
Hardman continues to knowingly
post misinformation on his
website, even after being
notified of his mistakes, I
would like to go on the
record. IPDBA stands for
the International Progressive
Dog Breeders "ALLIANCE" and NOT
ASSOCIATION, as stated on Mr.
Hardman's website. Also, Mr. Hardman
likes to insinuate that IPDBA
was formed for breeder's to
avoid DNA Testing, but the TRUTH
is IPDBA was
founded in 1996, by 11 tree dog
breeders, not even for the
Llewellin Setter breed and was
founded about 5 years before
FDSB even started DNA testing
any dogs parents. When we were
able to get the Llewellin Setter
BREED recognized in IPDBA as a
fully recognized BREED and NOT
just a strain in FDSB.
This was ALL
done many years before DNA was
even done by FDSB and was done
because of what FDSB was
allowing having many false
papered Setters. Just because
Mr. Hardman and many of those
FDSB breeders were left out of
the loop for good reason and
never invited to register their
dogs with IPDBA and not heard of
by them until many years later,
does not mean IPDBA did not
already exist. Mr. Hardman likes
to ASSUME a LOT and we all know
of what happens when someone
ASSUMES things they know NOTHING
about. People who ASSUME the
worst about something shows they
are NOT being honest and have a
special agenda.
IPDBA only
contacted the most reputable
breeders of the highest
standards of each breed to
register their dogs with them
and does not want unethical
breeders or dogs known with
genetic disorders and false
registrations in their registry.
IPDBA has never wanted to be the
largest dog registry, or profit
from DNA testing, they just want
to have the best dogs of every
breed registered in it.
In fact,
Mountain View Kennel, LLC. was
the first Llewellin Setter
Kennel to register their
Llewellin Setters with IPDBA in
1996. I had contacted Al King in
1996 to register their setters
with IPDBA and he later told me
he had wished he did. It was
IPDBA not FDSB who required 3
color photos, micro-chip,
tattoo, and diagram of markings
for over 5 years while FDSB
continued to let all breeders'
hand write each puppy
application to register, without
any litter registration
requirements. FDSB has over 100
years of poor registration
policies. Like most reputable
registries, IPDBA has always
required litter registration,
recording the litter date, sire
& dam, number of male and
female pups and the color and
markings of each of those pups.
All pups must be micro-chipped,
tattooed, and 3 color photos
record each and every pup/dog
before they can be permanently
Llewellin Photos
We not only see much
misinformation on prominent websites,
including Llewellin and English Setter
websites, we have see many photos
misrepresented as well. Some may be trying
to mislead, but some are just copying
misinformation onto their websites from
others. We will add photos as we find them
in an effort to correct so much
misinformation on the internet. These
photos are used here only to correct
misinformation and to give the copyrights
that belong to the original artist or
is one of the most misrepresented prints
being misused on many prominent Llewellin
Setter websites and pedigree data bases on
the internet today. Many websites have the
photo used to represent Dash II
(Laverack's) without the original
caption. This is a copy of the
original print done in 1887 with the
original caption stating his Kennel Club
registration number and his parents who
were Blue Prince (Laverack) and
Armstrong's Kate making the photo of Dash
II (Armstrong's), known in today's
pedigrees as Fd.Ch. Ch. Armstrong's Dash
II, who was purchased by Sir. Richard
Llewellin for the highest price ever paid
for a Setter at that time, who bred to his
Fd.Ch.Ch. Countess Bear
(Laverack's/Llewellin's) the sire of the
great Fd. Ch. Ch. Dashing Bondhu
(Llewellin's) the name sake of all pure
Dashing Bondhu bloodline today.
Below is his pedigree, note his
registration number and also the
registration number and name of Old Kate's
sire Dash II (laverack's). Some
names have been changed in pedigrees of
today to help distinguish the old dogs in
pedigrees, who originally did not have
their breeder's name. Dash was one of the
most common Setters names of that time, so
one must be careful when representing
which dog you are talking about.
True Llewellin
Also, we
see people now who are making FALSE claims
to MISLEAD the public, by making totally
false statements about what a "true
Llewellin Setter must be registered with a
certain registry". To think these people are
actually allowed to breed dogs and tell such
ridiculous LIES. Are they just that dumb, or
pushing an agenda, or are they simply that
unethical? Either way, how can they be
trusted with breeding dogs?? What is wrong
with getting your facts straight and telling
the truth???
like with ANY other BREED of dog, Llewellin
Setters can be registered with MANY
REGISTRIES that a person likes that
recognizes them. The fact is, that Llewellin
Setters have always been registered in other
registries instead of FDSB (American Field),
in fact, the FIRST ancestors were all
registered in the first registry in England
known as the Kennel Club 'KC', long before
AKC or FDSB even existed and were and are
registered in a number of other
registries in the USA, Canada, Europe and
around the world today. So claiming that
"one must be registered in one registry over
an other has no merit and is simply a joke.
In fact, FDSB does not even fully recognize
them as a "breed" and the facts are the
owner of FDSB has done everything in his
power to eliminate their recognition
separating them from the English Setter
breed. They are still only recognized within
the English Setter breed in their registry
as a strain of English Setters.
now that they are making so much money
DNAing them now they will stop trying to
eliminate them, BUT
pompous for someone to proclaim that their
personal registry of choice, is the "only
true Llewellin Setter Registry" , especially
when FDSB does not even recognized the
Llewellin Setter as a BREED, only as a
and some other registries FULLY recognize
them as a UNIQUE BREED, known as a
"LLEWELLIN SETTER" and have had the highest
registration policies, while FDSB allowed
breeder's to fill out litter apps for each
pup without ever registering their litters.
This policy a lone resulted in countless
English Setter pups and who knows what else,
being false registered as them simply to
double the value of their pups. The people
who did this, thought people were stupid to
not do it. FDSB admitted the problem and
showed the world what they think of the
Llewellin Setter breeder's, or why do they
force EVERY FDSB BREEDER to DNA verify each
and every pup they produce to be out the the
parents on their papers. Because it is the
ONLY way they can keep them from CHEATING!
'NLSA', is the first USA and the oldest
LLewellin Setter organization in history and
recognizes IPDBA as the "Llewellin Setter
registry", because IPDBA recognizes the
does NOT and HAS allowed people to register
them as English Setters, thousands of times,
loosing thousands of genetics, never to
return. One of the funny things they did was
to allow those who did not want to spend
hundreds of dollars to register a Llewellin
Setter litter, was to let everyone have the
option to just register their Llewellins as
English Setters without DNA parenting. If
the dogs pedigrees are fraudulent, then how
can they allow them to be register as
English Setters?? Do they think so little of
the English Setter breed that it does not
matter if they have false parents. What does
it say about the FDSB English Setter
breeder's in their registry. Basically, it's
OK to false paper your pups, just not as
Llewellin Setters today, but who cares if
your dogs grand parents and farther back
don't match. Countless Llewellin Setters
were registered as English Setters, to avoid
the DNA requirement. Many were pure, so
their gene pool was lost, for no good
reason. Why should FDSB charge twice as much
as DNA testing cost? That's Right, they
charge their breeder's double what the
testing costs them and do not allow them to
get DNA testing done unless through them.
Does that sound like FDSB trusts them, or is
FDSB just interested in making the profits.
In stead of making just a litter
registration, they now make hundreds of
dollars for each litter.
Also, it might be helpful to
note that IPDBA does not register the many
Llewellin Setters that have been "known to
be fraudulent", those breeder's and
bloodlines have ALL been BARED from IPDBA
registration, but they are STILL breeding
freely in FDSB Llewellin Setter breeding
programs today and continue to be spread
throughout the FDSB Llewellin Setter breed.
I now see breeder's removing pedigrees with
them from their websites, but still raising
litters out of the dogs and selling them to
unsuspecting buyers. Hay heck, they DNA
verify all their pups now, what else do we
expect them to do. How about removing those
bloodlines from your program, like the
King's did when they found out.
So now
the facts, we know FDSB has fraudulent
Llewellin Setter and English Setter
pedigrees and many questionable examples can
be found in FDSB registered German
Shorthair's with English Pointers. Can ANY
FDSB pedigree be trusted today? Is it any
wonder why IPDBA kennels get twice the
average price for their pups and have the
best guarantees found in the dog world or as
FDSB kennels do??
As you
can see from reading their website, Mike
& Marie are very experienced, well
educated, dedicated, faithful breeders, who
put their all in their breeding program.
They have been given the highest breeder
awards by their peer's and believe in
having the highest breeding standards,
breeding only the purest bloodlines,
genetically clean, testing every dog before
selecting only the very best, and taking
full responsibility by having the best
guarantee offered in the World. The same
guarantee they have had for over 47 years
and will have until they retire from dog
breeding. Bottom line, if they cannot give
the guarantee on a pup, they won't sell
Wikipedia Lies
It seems
that Wikipedia has removed the "Llewellin
Setter" description which was posted there
for many years, even though it is a
recognized unique breed today in IPDBA. It
looks like the English Setter people
wanted the Llewellin description removed.
They actually resorted to use an old quote
from a unknown pompous self proclaimed USA
expert/writer on bird dogs in a 1946
publication on English Setters, wrote that
"he knew of no pure strains of Llewellin
Setters left in the world", simply because
he did not know of any dogs of pure
bloodlines, he ASSUMES there were none
left in the World and now Wikipedia is
ASSUMING the same. Even over looking the 6
pure American strains, that were
recognized at the time, the pure Dashing
Bondhu's were not even in the USA yet,
because they were being bred in the UK by
Sir William Humphrey from 1925-1963 and
imported to the USA until the mid-late
60's. Unfortunately, it appears the
Wikipedia editor does not want to know
these facts and has refused to give the
Llewellin Setter any recognition. It is
clear the editor is an English Setter
supporter. That fact is that I personally
traced all our Llewellin Setter pedigrees
back to Sir. Richard Llewellin's personal
kennel--. This is a perfect example how
the English Setter people are working to
discredit Llewellin breeder's and the
breed's recognition. Since the King's were
the largest Llewellin Setter breeder of
pure bloodlines, they were the main
targets of English Setter breeder's and
Field Trailer's.
With the
Llewellin Setter pups demanding 3-4 times
what the average English Setter pup sells
for, and FDSB having allowed breeders to
hand write individual puppy papers without
any litter registration requirement
for about
100 years,
is there any wonder why FDSB could be the
leader in fraudulent registration papers
especially within the Llewellin Setter breed
today. We know for a fact, several dogs with
certain pedigrees have 1st, non-Llewellin
Setters and 2nd have dogs with known genetic
defects in FDSB today and NOTHING is being
or has been done to fix it.
Some of
us have watched for many years, English
Setter Kennels becoming Llewellin Setter
Kennels virtually over night and German
Shorthaired Pointers become almost all white
with little ticking and have the famous
English Pointer forehead in just a few
years. You would think someone in FDSB
would care, but not when the main goal is to
win big running trials judged on horse back.
All the way up to the 2000's one could
easily manufacture generations of old litter
papers dating back many generations and
years so that breeder's and the dogs were no
longer a live to verify.
The fact
is, nothing was in place to stop dog jockeys
(dog dealers) from buying local litters of
English Setters for $100-$200 a pup and
resell them for $500 plus as Llewellin
Setters. DNA parent testing today only
proves who the parents of the dogs are today
and nothing to do with their purity as a
breed today. Maybe DNA parenting has put an
end to switching papers for now on, but it
will never unravel all the false papering
that were done for the past 100 years
without any checks and balances. The
likelihood of the American bloodlines in
many kennels in FDSB, were crossed with
Field Trail English Setters or worse English
Pointers or who knows what, is all but
certain in the Field Trail circles. Thank
God for Al & Drenda King who spared no
expense or work to locate and maintain the
largest Llewellin Setter Kennel since
William Humphrey. They not only preserve the
Dashing Bondhu bloodlines when they got
them, but they kept All the American
bloodlines pure for over 50 years and helped
me to preserve the pure Humphrey strain for
generations to come.
This is
why "Straight Creek" which includes some
well know Field Trail Llewellin Setters
today and many others using different named
bloodlines are NOT allowed to be transferred
from FDSB to IPDBA registry today. Since,
they started with big running FDSB English
Setters, is their any wonder that they so
well in the Llewellin Setter trials, but
have VERY questionable pedigrees as far as
being accurate or pure "Llewellin Setters"
and are banned from IPDBA registration even
as an English Setter. Unlike, FDSB who has
registered Setters of questionable pedigree
as English Setters in the past, a false
pedigree is a false pedigree regardless what
breed and IPDBA will NOT register them at
actually read on some websites offering
Llewellin Setters for sale, that their dogs
have been DNA tested proving their dogs are
"pure Llewellin Setters" or are actually the
"purest Llewellin Setters". This would be
funny if not so sad to think these people
are actually breeding Llewellin Setters
today and can make so outrageous statements
when anyone with any sense or genetic
knowledge would know that it would be
IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to DNA test a pup all
the way back to Mr. Llewellin's personal
dogs, since they all have died and been gone
for over 100 years. Let me make it clear, it
is IMPOSSIBLE to tell by DNA testing the
differences between the English Setter breed
and a Llewellin Setter Breeds. It is
probably impossible to even tell by DNA any
of the Setter breeds from one another,
because not only were all Setters one breed
at one time, because Llewellin Setters
bloodlines were used in the development of
ALL the Setter breeds, long before they were
separated as different breeds. A Setter was
a Setter regardless of color in the 1800's.
Setters have been sene in art works dating
back to the 1500's and the Setters are the
oldest pedigreed dogs in history.
keep in mind the FACT that DNA testing is
only as honest and trusted as the person who
takes the DNA sample and they are only
testing the pup parents on the papers and
not if they are genetically pure or clean.
I'm not saying it a bad idea, just that it
always boils down to the honesty of the
breeder and those breeders before him,
regardless and does not have anything to do
with the authenticity of the pups pedigrees
or the purity or quality of the parents
FDSB has not remove the "Straight Creek" and
other known false bloodlines despite many
complaints filed against them with FDSB.
Another red
flag is that FDSB requires you DNA your dogs
through them ONLY, so they can get profit
from each test, by keeping 50% of fees for
themselves. This shows the true intent is to
make FDSB's owner more $$$ and has had
little to do with how pure they are. The
proof was when FDSB gave many people the
option to just register their litters as
English Setters to avoid the DNA
requirement. Am I missing something? If the
parents are in question, then why is it OK
to register them as English Setters, but not
as Llewellin Setters without DNA testing??
In fact, I think it is funny that FDSB said
it was only going to require DNA parent
testing for two years, but I guess they
either continued to find non-matched parents
in FDSB kennels or was it that they now have
DNA parent testing on EVERY Llewellin pup
produced to profit 50% of every pups DNA
testing fee. If it not to profit, it must
because they continue to find their breeders
untrustworthy, so I really find it funny to
see FDSB breeder's using the fact that they
are not trusted to breed without proving the
parents on every litter as a way to promote
their dogs as purer. BTW, the test has
NOTHING to do with purity, genetic health,
being better bird dogs, family companions,
or of better selection. It ONLY proves the
parents on the papers are the parents of the
pups in the litter. If a breeder is an
honest breeder and cares about purity, the
breeder will make sure the parents on the
papers are correct.
BTW, Mountain View
Kennel has NEVER bought pups, dogs, or
litters to resell, we only sell pups and
dogs raised at our kennel.
& Russian Llewellin's
It should be noted that
though I am not a breeder of the early
American Llewellin imports and the newer
imported Russian Llewellin Setters,
preferring to own, hunt, and breed Mr.
Llewellin's, Mr. Humphrey's and Fr.
Brannon's personal pure Dashing Bondhu
bloodlines only. I am not knocking those
dedicated in breeding those other Llewellin
bloodlines. In fact, I have owned and hunted
almost all the Llewellin strains over the
years and ALL made bird dogs, even better than
most other pointing breeds I have trained or
owned. It was our experience that the American
Llewellins we tried needed more training and
were a little head strong, compared to the
pure Dashing Bondhu gentlemen type bird dogs
that have a stronger willingness to please.
We must all keep in mind
that the selection was very different by
America breeders as well as by the Russian
breeders. Each line has their very own unique
style, appearance, and temperament and is what
makes them each a recognized unique line.
Everyone has different tastes and ideas of
what makes a good bird dog, hence different
lines were developed. In fact at one point the
American lines became so recognizably
different from Mr. Llewellin's own personal
dogs that some American writers claimed the
Llewellin Setter an American breed and believe
it or not, they even questioned if Mr.
Llewellin's personal Dashing Bondhu line
should be recognized as a Llewellin Setter or
Fact, there is no doubt
that Mr. Llewellin's early Setter's were
superior to all other bird dogs right from the
start, but it is important that the public
know that the early imported Llewellin
Setters, known as the American Llewellin
strains were from his test breedings and not
the same dogs he develop for years in his
personal breeding program with and he
continued to perfect his dogs all the way up
until his passing in 1925. His personal
Dashing Bondhu lines that he bred for 50
years, continued with Mr. Humphrey and
Humphrey's grandson Chris Sorenson for 38+
years, and Father Bannon for 30 more years,
and later with Al & Drenda King for
another 40 plus years, and continued here at
Mountain View Kennel since 1996.
Because the "Russian
Llewellin Setters" were bred so differently
from all other "Llewellin Setter's", they were
NEVER register as " Llewellin Setters" in
IPDBA, but were recognized as their own unique
breed in the International Progressive Dog
Breeders' Alliance all breed registry as
"Russian Llewellin Setters" bloodlines are not
allowed in the "Llewellin Setter" breed.
It's my true belief that
FDSB approved several imported Setters as
Llewellin Setters in the hopes that they would
be cross bred with all the Llewellin Setters
and then would be able to eliminate the
Llewellin distinction. This was done not
only with the Russian, but with several
others. This has also caused countless genes
lost from the Llewellin Setter breed.
There are basically four mandatory forms
of permanent identification being used in
IPDBA Registered Llewellin Setters since
1996 and today.
Color Photos
Micro chipping your Setter
We recommend the new Pro-ID
Mini Chips that you can purchase directly
online at
can be purchased by breeder's for as low as
$7.00 each registered to you. All Breeder's
should micro-chip their pups for
identification. Don't let registries or vet's
rob you or your customer's blind. Also,
breeders should tattoo their pups as it is
much easier and cheaper for a breeder to do
this at five weeks old then for each buyer to
find a vet to do it later.
The tattoo also protects the
breeder from someone moving the microchip and
putting it in another dog. Also, a small
amount of microchips stop working for some
reason, I had a friend who was accused that a
dog was not out of the parents on the papers,
but the dog had NO identification to prove the
dog was the dog sold from his kennel. It
caused a big uproar, but the dog never matched
any of their dogs DNA, so you would think that
everyone would have accepted the fact
that the dog DID NOT COME from their kennel
and the papers were switched during the three
transfers of the dog. Some continue to
slandered them today, so cover your back, and
tattoo and microchip every pup before they
leave your place. Plus, you will save your
customers expensive tattooing and chipping by
their vet's and many vet's don't tattoo or if
they do, they make them pay for anesthesia, we
have seen a vet charge a customer over $300.
to tattoo a dog.
microchips that we provide are or have been
registered to the International Progressive
Dog Breeders' Alliance, 'IPDBA' dog
registry. In the past, this has allowed us
to rely on IPDBA to contact you if your
pup/dog was lost and then found by animal
shelters and vet clinics. It has now come to
our attention that some shelters are not
willing to contact the original registered
owner or kennel of the microchip if the chip
has not been registered to an individual dog
and owner with a national online microchip
registry. IPDBA will continue to contact dog
owner's if they are contacted, but to make
sure all shelters will contact you, we
recommend that you also register your
pups/dogs microchip for life for a one time
low fee with the Microchip Registration
Center at
call (800) 434-2843. Please add our Customer
Provider Code # C14240 , so we can keep
track of our pups registered within their

This will assure you that your
dog is registered for life on all three online
national lists and will allow you to make your
contact changes online without any additional
note: We do not receive any discounts or
proceeds for recommending the Microchip
Registration Center. We do so because we
have been pleased with their excellent
Equipment from
Bass Supply Company
They have the perfect size tattooing equipment
for young Setter pups. We tattoo and microchip
all our Llewellin Setters at 5 weeks of age. We
recommend the green roll-on ink that will make
clear easy to read tattoo in a puppies ear that
will grow with the dog but will still remain
easy to read as an adult. Tattoo set is
available online at
Also, if you have a pup that needs tattooing,
you can purchase the kit and will have one if
your raise a litter. If you just want to
register your pup without breeding, you can just
purchase the last three numbers of the dogs
microchip number and some tattoo ink from them.
That is what most IPDBA breeders do is tattoo
the last three numbers of the microchip.

we keep all the many colors, patterns and
amount of ticking we do in our program.
is very important that every possible
gene be saved to maintain a healthy breeding
program. With the King's and the Lord's
help, we were able to save all known
remaining lines of Sir Llewellin's personal
pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines including the
pure Humphrey bloodline which was touch and
go for many years.
you consider how rare a pure Llewellin's
Setter is, never mind the pure Dashing
Bondhu bloodline are today, you know we need
all the dogs we have. Llewellin and Humphrey
were known to have 600+ dogs and the Kings
maintained about 300 pure Dashing Bondhu's a
lone at one time. So we are very small with
having less than 30 breeding Setters and are
taking a big chance by only keeping so few.
The bottom line is they can only be
maintained in the pure form if we maintain a
healthy number of diverse genes.
99% of pure Dashing Bondhu bloodline
reproduce are like clones as far as genetic
health, temperament, abilities, and natural
instincts the only real indication of
diversity is in their color, patterns, and
in the amount of ticking they each have.
Also, because the white genome always has
the propensity for producing deafness
in animals, one should never attempt to
produce whole litters of Belton (born
without markings) pups, or worse whole
litters of pups with little to no ticking.
Also, it has been our experience when
breeding generations of the dilute genome
that causes the Chestnut (Liver) color in
dogs, has the propensity for a
weakening immune system, without
regular infusions of non-dilute genes.
laymen terms, if you don't want diversity in
health, temperament, abilities, and natural
instincts, you must keep the diversity in
color, markings, and the amount of ticking
to maintain a healthy strong breeding
program. This is why a pure White Setter or
all Belton bloodline has never been
developed without having problems. If you
breed two Beltons of the same color together
over and over again for generations, you are
just asking for problems. If you ever
see a kennel with all Chestnut Beltons,
Orange Beltons, Blue Beltons, all white
Setters in any one color, or pattern. Not to
mention what happens when breeding for looks
has always sacrifices their hunting
abilities. I am afraid someone
without real breeding knowledge will try to
build a breeding program of dogs that look
like a famous dog or all alike, so buyer be
ware!! You may have to wait for a pup of a
certain color, pattern, or amount of
ticking, but you will know you are getting a
genetically sound pup that is well worth the
Our Thought's
on Field Trials!
by Michael J. Bloodgood
Though we had dominated
every breed of dog we entered in Field
Trails and Hunting events over the 48 years
we have been breeding dogs and the Llewellin
Setter had dominated the early foot hunting
type Field Trails around the world for
nearly a century, so much so that in my
opinion, the FDSB rules had to be changed in
America so the pointer could win, it is my
opinion that all Field Trails of today
do not help in making a breed better for the
foot or pleasure hunter at all. In fact,
they have proven to do much harm to
all the hunting breeds, especially as
family and hunting companion. The trails
promote an independent, high stung, wide
ranging, dogs, that require GPS tracking and
electric shock collars to keep them under
Do the math, even though less than 1% of all
Llewellin Setters will ever be entered in a
Field Trail, over 90% are puppies being
produced by Field Trailers today, with Field
Trailing in mind. These Kennels will still
advertise and sell their pups as companion
dogs and to foot hunters, when less than 20%
will even make a fair companion dog and will
not handle for the pleasure hunter and they
have designed their guarantee so that it
will not work, or they will make even more
money training your dog.
Just like Sir. William Humphrey, our goal at
Mountain View Kennel, LLC. is to preserve
Sir. Richard Llewellin's personal Dashing
Bondhu bloodlines, just the way they were
when Sir. Humphrey in inherited them from
him (as stated in the "Humphrey
Manuscripts"). The true Llewellin Setter was
developed to be "Man's Best Friend", a
Gentleman's ultimate companion and gun dog,
that hunted for their master, not the other
way around.
While, Field Trail type dogs are bred for
independents. We have Field Trailers asking
us all the time for an independent pups or
dogs, basically our culls, but we will never
sell one with breeding rights if they are
independent dogs. These are the type of
Setters they want to breed.
of this can be easily found in all types
of Field Trails.
1. The
bird dog field trails caused them to run
wide and wild with little regard of the
hunter, requiring horses to keep up with
them and tracking equipment to find them.
Even the gun dog trails, have both hunters
running after their dogs with loaded guns
in hand and dogs running as fast as they
can, to find and shoot as many birds as
fast as they can. Many Grouse Trials are
conducted using stocked quail, resulting
in many Grouse Champions titles being
awarded to dogs who never pointed a grouse
in their lives, never mind in competition
and would NEVER work close enough to hunt
grouse anyway.
This is
not the way pleasure or foot hunter hunt,
nor the way I want to hunt. Resulting in
wide and deep ranging dogs passing over
most cover until they run into a bird by
mistake. Also, with FDSB now bowing to the
animal rights groups banning all "shoot to
kill trails", how can any dog be put to a
true test? Not to mention having to force
train them to do what they should have
been bred to do in the first place.
2. The
Beagle field trails, caused the dogs to
become so slow on track barking 30 plus
times on a single track before moving to
the next track, that the track would turn
too cold to run and they would lose the
track before they could bring the rabbit
around to the gun. These were known as
Walkie Talkies by hunters and became
totally worthless as hunting dogs. Also,
now with the newer Gun Dog Beagle trials
they have already gone to the other
extreme and have them running too fast
pushing 90% of the game to hole instead of
bringing them around to the gun. Resulting
in Beagles that don't know how to jump a
rabbit on their own or having the sense to
find a rabbit on their own.
3. The
Tree hound Night hunts and even squirrel
hunts, resulted in wide ranging dogs who
disregard their owner's will and requiring
expensive tracking collars to locate the
dogs many miles from the hunter. Not to
mention the need for shocking collars to
shock their dogs for everything from trash
running, tree fighting with each other,
and even just to come when called.
Hunter's spend more time hunting for their
dogs, then hunting for game. Resulting in
dogs that hunt straight out and deep,
passing a lot of game until they run into
one by mistake. The hound breeds have been
so ruined that the cur breeds are now the
coon and squirrel hunters first choice,
but even some cur strains are already
falling to the same demise from
I trained
bird dogs professionally for the Field
trails for a number of years through the
mid 1970's and also bred, trained, and
competed with field trail Beagles in the
late 1970's and early 1980's and trained
and competed with tree dogs for over 30
years and was very successful filling
walls and boxes of hundreds of ribbons,
plaques, and trophies. I have even judged
all three types of trails and I finally
realized that trails did little if
anything in helping to develop the quality
of the dogs for the real hunter. In fact,
competition left it's mark on every dog
that was entered in trails and it was not
a positive mark. I also realized that with
less than 1% of the worlds hunting dogs
ever being entered in a Field Trail, it
was very unlikely that any of the best
dogs in the world would even attend,
making the titles I received meaning very
to say, titles from these types of trials
no longer mean much in the whole scheme of
things and I believe do more harm to the
dogs, to the breed, and sport then if they
were only pleasure hunted their whole
Here is
an example how many breeders breed today:
Now we made Field Champion Super Duper
that required so much force training and
is completely a man made dog and would be
worthless if not for skilled trainers,
slick handler's, and the almighty shock
and/tracking collars. He might have won
everything under the sun, he has little
chance of ever producing any natural pups,
and most of his offspring will need the
same force training, slick handler's,
etc., as Super Duper did to make them a
"Field Champion". But Look' Super Duper is
a Field Champion and that title will sell
puppies, so he will be studded to any
female that will stand and produce
hundreds of pups annually for his owner,
making lots of money, until the public
realizes what they have and the breeder
needs to find a new Super Duper to start
all over again.
though many of his pups won't ever be
worth a lick as natural hunting dogs, they
too will be used as breeder's in kennels
because they are out of Field Ch.
Super Duper. How many times have you heard
a breeder say, "She is not a very good
dog, but she is out of so and so"?
Unfortunately, 90% of breeder's think this
way and still think they are good dog
breeder's and are some how helping the
breed. Well, they are NOT!
If a dog
requires force training of any kind, the
dog should NEVER be considered for
Breeding PERIOD! Only the most NATURAL
dogs with the high degree of NATURAL
ability, should be even considered. A well
bred dog will produce a high percentage of
it's self! So if it requires shock
collars, tracking equipment, force
training, it will produce the same. The
Bird dog world is full of breeder's
breeding man made dogs, that are producing
pups that will require the same. As a
professional trainer, I trained a Beagle
to point solid, retrieve to hand, and even
back another dog on point. In fact she was
easier to train then most of the high
dollar pedigreed bird dogs we trained for
clients back then.
Once I
realized that the jug heads that we
trained were being used to win titles to
stud kennels and sell high dollar puppies
to the public, I quit professional
training, because we could not take part
in their farce.
I find it
interesting that most of the bird dog
breeder's advertising today are also
professional trainer's or are using or
recommending professional trainer's on
their websites. A good professional
trainer can make a bird dog out of a dog
from the dog pound. They will glad fully
sell you a pup out of two un-natural bird
dogs, so you will bring the pup back and
pay them to train their dog. Hey, first
you pay for the pup, then you pay them to
train the pup, how great is that. How
about breeding dogs that don't require
professional training, you might have to
pay a little more for the pup, but in the
long run, how much will you save and how
better off will the pup, breed, and world
will be. How many natural bird dogs will
require rescue or adoption? I'd say none!
As a
Grand Master Breeder, and 48 years of
breeding dogs, we have never heard of one
of our pups ending up in a shelter. There
are two reasons for it, first we produce
the most NATURAL and SENSIBLE pups
genetically possible and the second is our
Al King told me he went to the
first three Llewellin Setter trails, the 1st
trail they walked and foot hunted their dogs
like a family hunting together, a dream Al had
for many years, but the 2nd trail, Al noticed
many running to get an edge on the other guy,
and by the 3rd trial, the judges were put on
horse back and those in charge of having the
trial at Straight Creek Kennel wanted the
trails conducted just the same as any other
big running FDSB trails, except with the
breeds as competition. They were catering to
the independent, hyper, wide ranging dogs,
especially the false registered Straight Creek
(big running English Setters false registered
as Llewellin's) dogs. Al told me it was his
dream to bring all owners of Llewellin Setter,
together as one big family for Christian
fellowship and was why he help start the
National Llewellin Setter Association, but his
dream was all destroyed by the third trail.
When Al and some others tried to protest, they
simply started their own organization to push
the Llewellin Setters into big running Field
Trails. Their founding members proclaimed
their dream was to make a Llewellin Setter a
FDSB National Champion. Not a dream of Al's or
mine. In fact, it was Al who preserve the
Llewellin Setter as a Foot Hunting Gun Dog and
not let them be turned into just another bunch
Field Trail dogs. Is there not enough breeds
ruined for Field Trails. The last thing I
would EVER want is to see one become a FDSB
National Champion, but there are many who are
trying to do just that.
to be aware of)
Beware of
some dog trainers who sell puppies,
especially with several breeds. It's my
opinion that many dog trainers who sells
pups do so, so you will end up paying them
to train them later. Their incentive is to
produce an un-natural pup, so you will not
be able to train them without their
professional help. If the pups were
naturals, a trainer could make more money
keeping them and training them and selling
them as trained bird dogs. So if you are
looking for a natural bird dog that you
can easily train yourself, then look for
breeder's who guarantee your satisfaction
that their dogs will make a "natural bird
dog". The worst case scenario, you may
need to get them trained, but at least you
have a high chance of getting a natural.
Any dog that required professional
training, should NEVER be used for
Also, be
aware of gimmicks. We have been in the dog
world for 48 plus years now and have seen
just about every gimmick. Remember wording
matters. Look out for 30, 60, or 90 day
Guarantees. These kinds of guarantees are
designed to run out before you know if
your dog will make a bird dog or just
before a known problem shows up. Believe
me they know their dogs and have adjusted
their guarantee to prevent returns,
instead of breeding them to be
Beware of
one year guarantees as most of the worse
genetic problems won't even be seen for
many years later. Inherited genetic Hip
problems are usually not found until
2 years old and HCM genetic heart
disorders are usually found 4-8 years
later. Also many strains are prone to
Cancer at an early age of 2-4 years old.
All these problems common in many kennels
would not be known at 1 year of age. Now I
am not saying our dogs cannot get cancer,
but we have NEVER had a case of cancer
under 10 years of age in any dog.
even a one year satisfaction guarantee
would not likely be long enough for
someone to give up on their dog as a bird
I have
seen Llewellin kennels giving 90 day
satisfaction and one year genetic
guarantees. Let's see, you have 90 days to
see if your pup will make a bird dog and
you have one year to find out if your pup
has HCM, hip disorders, early cancer,
etc., etc. which cannot be detected that
young. So basically, they are covering if
you like your puppy for 90 days and
nothing else. Your pup could not make a
bird dog, pay him thousand of dollars for
training, then have hip disorders at 2,
early cancer at 4, HCM at 5, and you are
out of luck.
Mountain View Kennel, we stand behind
every pup for it's Life-Time with a
Life-Time 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. We
would not do that if we did not have 100%
faith in our breeding program and on the
remote chance of a birth defect causing an
illness or one not making a bird dog, we
fully guarantee it.
We have
actually heard breeders say that our
guarantees are "to good to be true", so
don't buy from them. Using that logic,
would mean that if we had a worse
guarantee, then we are OK. We will be
happy to provide you with a worse
guarantee if you like :)
Here is a
funny story, we were writing a monthly
column in a national hunting dog magazine
back in the early 90's on dog breeding and
genetics and we mentioned that at the time
we had a 98% satisfaction rate. It made
one other column writer so mad that to get
back at me, he stated in his next month's
column that he would be happy if he got
50% satisfaction. Needless to say, his
jealousy made him slip up and tell the
truth about his breeding program and now
everyone knew why he did not have the same
kidding a side, nothing is perfect in life
and a non-inherited birth defect is
possible. Geneticist say we must allow as
much as 5% birth defects before we can
consider any as inherited, but since we
have less than 1% total since 1996, we can
rest assure we have no inherited disorders
in our current breeding program, but we
provide a Life-Time Satisfaction
Replacement Guarantee and mean it!
Dog Certification!
certification is a bird of a different
color, please excuse the pun :) The
International Progressive Dog Breeders'
Alliance 'IPDBA' has had a certification
program for many hunting breeds since 1996
and the Certification program has proven
to work exceptionally well,
eliminating the jealousy between owners,
all the politics, and all of the usual
problems associated with competition
events, except a sure unbiased way to
prove to the public your dogs are proven
hunting dogs.
Gun Dog
Certification assures the buyer that the
breeder is testing and proving each dog in
their kennel. Not breeding just on a dogs
bloodline or because it is out of Ole'
Super Duper, but because the dogs are of a
high standards and a proven hunter.
With Gun
Dog Certification, it does not matter who
you are, who you know, where you live,
style of the dog you hunt, the quantity of
game in your area, or the type of upland
birds you hunt. It is very affordable and
does not require the time it takes to
campaign a dog nationally. This also makes
it's benefits available to all dog owner's
around the world, instead of just being
available to roughly 1-2% of larger
wealthier kennel owners who usually pay
handlers and professional trainers to
attend competition events weekly and live
where many Field trails are held. It also
eliminates your dog exposure to strange
dogs, that might fight, growl, or even
pass on diseases, professional and slick
handlers winning the dogs titles, instead
of being based completely on the dogs
really very simple, all pointing breeds
are required to send a clear un-edited
video MPG or DVD copy showing the dog
search (hunt), holding point, being shot
over and retrieving to hand, and backing
(honoring another pointing dog) with only
a $30 inspection fee. Gun Dog
Certification is a way to prove each
individual dog has the instinct and
abilities of a Gun Dog to pass it on to
their offspring. It is easy to know which
dogs are Gun Dog Certified by their IPDBA
titles "GDC" and being highlighted in red
by simply looking at an IPDBA pedigree.
Eventually, it will be easy to see which
kennels are simply puppy mills, pumping as
many puppies out as possible, from those
kennels that are serious in improving and
preserving their breeds natural hunting
abilities, intelligence, and
train-ability. In fact, kennel's who breed
natural easy trainable dogs will easily
certify their dogs, but those kennels who
breed dogs that must be force trained
generation after generation are not likely
to do Gun Dog Certification. In fact they
are less likely to even register their
dogs with IPDBA so they don't look like
the only ones who are not certifying their
Even if
you are just seeking a family companion,
Gun Dog Certifications assures you that
the pups parents are handled and
hunted and have the ability, intelligence,
temperament, and train-ability consistent
with the breeds reputation. Not just
someone's unwanted dogs found in the local
newspaper because of poor house training
or temperament problems and living their
lives in a puppy factory/mill. Believe me
that is where the puppy mills find their
cheap breeding stock, sold in local
newspapers because they can't be house
trained or have a bad temperament but can
produce registered puppies.
keep an eye out for puppies that are
advertised as Continental Kennel Club
'CKC' registered. It is my opinion that
CKC is a catch all registry with the
lowest registration requirements and it's
my opinion that they will register
anything with four legs, even if it is a
cross breed. They should never be confused
with the Canadian Kennel Club, aka CKC who
are a well respected registry around the
Don't get
me wrong, not every dog that is Gun Dog
Certified should be used for breeding, a
breeder still needs to only breed the very
best of the best by only selecting the
most natural and intelligent dogs of the
best breedings. The only way a breeder can
do that is to personally raise and train
each and ever pup themselves and evaluate
each ones progress as an individual.
Well bred
dogs, especially a genetic dominant dog
will reproduce their kind and if they are
duds, then duds are what they will
produce, but if they are outstanding
"Natural" dogs of excellent temperament,
then that is what they will produce. So
testing and evaluating each and every dog
is a MUST!
The only
exception I can see is if the only dogs
available out of a certain pedigree are
dogs that never been hunted and are too
old to train. But care MUST be taken to
make SURE the pups out of them are as HIGH
QUALITY as those who are out of tested and
certified dog's. If they are not,
completely remove that dog's line from you
breeding program. Anything, that is not a
step forward, should not be continued.
Progressive Dog Breeders’ Alliance
Requirements for Gun Dog
The International Progressive
Dog Breeders’ Alliance has set up a Gun Dog
Certification system for various sporting dog
breeds. The owner must supply a VHS or DVD
formatted video of the dog meeting the
following requirements with a copy of the
dog's IPDBA registration papers to IPDBA
Office for inspection with $25 non-refundable
inspection fee (price subject to change).
Pointing Breed Requirements:
Basic Requirements are
Searching, Pointing, Retrieving without other
dogs, and then Backing (honoring another
pointing dog).
Video footage must show
1. The dog by their self
coursing (working the field) in search of live
game bird/s without other dogs.
2. Dog must then
locate live game bird/s by pointing them and
holding point on their own until bird/s are
flushed by handler or hunter without any
verbal instruction like hold, whoa, or any
3. The video must also
show handler or a hunter shooting at least one
game bird over the same dog by their self and
the same dog retrieving fallen game bird to
handler or hunter's “hand” (drops will not
pass inspection unless dog picks up bird and
delivers it to the hand without any aid from
handler or hunter). Dog may be called during
4. The video must also
show footage of same dog backing (honoring
point) of another pointing dog or a silhouette
cut out of a dog pointing on a live bird,
until bird/s is flushed.
5. These actions may
be recorded consecutively or separately in
sections in the video, but each requirement
must be clearly shown at least one time in a
section of video and no section may be
Dog must NOT be wearing any
electrical training devices like electronic
shock, tracking, or beeping collars and must
not have any restraints such as leashes or
check cords on them while in the field, only
regular dog collar with name plate or tag are
No other dogs may be in field
while dog is shown searching, pointing, or
retrieving and only one other dog may be in
field while showing dog backing (honoring
If approved, a Certificate of
Accomplishment will be sent to dog's owner and
dog will receive the title of Gun Dog
Certified and title letters ‘GDC’ will be
added to IPDBA data base in front of dog's
name and the GDC title will be recorded on all
future pedigrees with their name highlighted
in red.
Please note that VHS/DVD sent
to IPDBA will not be returned and all video
footage and copyrights will become the
property of IPDBA. Video will be kept for
proof of Gun Dog Certification and IPDBA will
have all rights to show, sell, advertise, use,
or profit from the complete or portions of the
video without compensation to the
View Kennel and
Dog Certification!
View Kennel is the FIRST bird dog Kennel
to pledged to breed IPDBA "Gun Dog
Certified" dogs in their breeding program,
meaning a dog must first be inspected and
certified on upland game birds to search
(hunt), point, steady when shot over,
retrieve to hand, and back (honor) another
dog. This assures all our customers that
the pups both parents are "Gun Dog
Certified" are not just brood females bred
just to sell puppies.
please note that NOT every Gun Dog
Certified dog should be used for breeding,
because they were simply not "Naturals" or
not good enough. Only the best, most
natural, pure Dashing Bondhu Setters with
a very strong willingness to please their
master will ever be used in our breeding
program, assuring our customer's the same
quality of gun dogs we own and raise
generation after generation. The only
exception will be if we purchase an older
untrained dog of exceptional breeding that
had not been hunted. Of course they will
not be advertised as being Gun Dog
Certified and only would be considered if
there were no trained dogs were available
with the same bloodlines. Fortunately,
ever pure Dashing Bondhu Setter we
purchased even as old as six years old
that were not trained, turned out to be so
natural that they ended up making
excellent bird dogs naturally and were Gun
Dog Certified to date.
To learn
more about IPDBA and it's Gun Dog
Certification program, please follow the
link to Llewellin Setter Registration
In 1996,
the "Llewellin Setters" and the "Russian
Llewellin Setters" were finally totally
recognized and registered as completely
unique separate breeds by the International
Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance 'IPDBA'
(International All-Breed Registry and
Breeders' Alliance). IPDBA was the first
International Dog Registry to do this.
In 1996
our Dashing Blaze Bondhu was the FIRST
Llewellin Setter to be officially registered
as a fully recognized "Llewellin Setter" and
not as a strain of English Setter like those
that have been registered since 1902 in
Field Dog Stud Book and are still registered
that way today. It is misleading for anyone
to say that a Llewellin Setter is a breed in
FDSB, since they technically are not
recognized as a breed in FDSB. It is also
false to say that to be a Llewellin Setter,
they must be registered with a certain
registry especially FDSB, since they are not
even recognized as a breed in them.
Llewellin Setter is a Llewellin Setter
regardless where one chooses to register
their dogs. ALL our dogs ancestors were
originally registered with the Kennel Club
of UK (1st dog registry ever) before they
came to the USA does that mean that only
dogs registered with the KC of the UK are
Llewellin Setters? NOTHING was added to
change them, they were 100% and they remain
100% pure Llewellin Setters. They are the
same in KC, FDSB, and IPDBA. In fact since
IPDBA has always had the most strictest
registration regulations then ALL the
registries including AKC, it makes sense
that if anything IPDBA has the purest of
them all, but I would never say someone's
dog is not something because of the registry
it is registered with, that would simply be
wrong. Remember it was FDSB that had DNA
problems and those dogs were NEVER
registered with IPDBA and had NOTHING to do
with IPDBA, in fact all DNA testing by IPDBA
has proven to be 100% correct with their
View Kennel was also the first Llewellin
Kennel to register it's kennel name with
IPDBA. OLN's TV stars Hank and Dash are both
IPDBA registered "Llewellin Setters".
Mountain View Kennel, King's Llewellin
Kennel, the largest and longest breeding
Llewellin kennel in the world, as well as
many other top Llewellin Kennels are now
EXCLUSIVELY registering their kennels and
ALL their puppies with IPDBA in an effort to
preserve and improve them. In fact,
thousands of new Llewellin Setters are added
to the IPDBA data base each year, creating
one of the largest "Llewellin Setter" breed
data bases in the world!
SETTER ASSOC. is the oldest Llewellin
Setter organization in the world and is the
official Llewellin Setter Breed Charter of
IPDBA. IPDBA recognizes over 500 pure
bred dog breeds internationally making it
the largest all breed International dog
registry in the world.
has the strictest registration policies of
all registries in the world and the only
registry that requires all Setter breeds
including the Llewellin, Russian Llewellin,
English, Gordon, Irish Red Setter, and Irish
Red & White Setters to all have
microchips, tattoo, and three color photos
to be registered. This assures the identity
of each dog and makes it nearly impossible
to switch papers with other dogs. DNA
parenting, OFA (Hips) certification are also
options and are recorded on the registration
papers for no extra fee.
When you
read in publications and websites claiming a
Llewellin Setter is just a line of English
Setter and not a separate breed, they DON'T
know what they are talking about. The
Llewellin Setter was recognized as a
separate line in 1902, long before many
other breeds have come into existence and in
1996 where officially recognized as a unique
individual breed of it's own. Even though
there are Setter breeds like English Setters
that continue to allow Llewellin Setters to
be bred into them to improve there breed,
the Llewellin Setter does NOT allow ANY
Out-crossing with ANY other breed and is
recognized as a totally separate unique
breed of their own.
& Remedies
The following Tips
and Remedies may or may not be FDA approved or
recommended for use on humans or dogs, etc..
Please use at your own risk, Mountain View
Kennel or it's owner's do not accept any
responsibility for their use.
Tick Removal
Best way to remove a tick -
blob some dish soap on a cotton ball - rub for
about 15 seconds and the tick will release and
stick to the cotton ball! (Warning, NEVER use a tweezers
to pull a tick out, as pinching a tick will
push his insides into the bite area increasing
the chance for Lyme and other diseases.)
10 cc/ml. of "Ivomec Cattle 1% inject-able"
with 90 cc/ml. of Veg. oil. Shake mix well and
give orally 1 cc/ml. per 10 pounds of body
weight. Excellent wormer for round, hook,
and/or whip worms (not for tape worms).
Option, for
older pups/dogs, mix 20 cc/ml. of "Ivomec
Cattle 1% inject able" with 80 cc/ml. of Veg.
oil. Shake mix well and give orally 1 cc/ml.
per 20 pounds of body weight.
Worm and Prevention
were first identified in the United States
in 1847 and occurred most frequently on the
seacoast in the southeastern United States.
In recent years, heartworm disease has been
found in all 50 states in the USA. The
movement of infected animals that could
serve as sources of infection for others is
probably a significant contributing factor
to heartworms spreading across North
America. The actual number of infected dogs
and cats in the United States is unknown.
What are heartworms?
Dirofilaria immitis, belong to the
same class of worms as roundworms. In fact,
they look a bit like roundworms, but that is
where the similarity ends. Heartworms spend
their adult life in the right side of the
heart and the large blood vessels connecting
the heart to the lungs.
are found in dogs, cats, and ferrets. They
also occur in wild animals such as
California sea lions, foxes and wolves. They
have rarely been found in people.
How do dogs become infected
with heartworms?
Adult heartworms in
the heart lay very tiny larvae called microfilariae,
which then live in the bloodstream. These
microfilariae enter a mosquito when it sucks
blood from an infected animal. In 2-3 weeks,
the microfilariae develop into larger larvae
in the mosquito and migrate to the
mosquito's mouth.
are more than 60 different species of
mosquitoes that can transmit heartworms. |
When the mosquito
bites another animal, the larvae enter the
animal's skin. The larvae grow and after
about three months finish their migration to
the heart, where they grow into adults,
sometimes reaching a length of 14 inches.
The time from when an animal was bitten by
an infected mosquito until adult heartworms
develop, mate, and lay microfilariae is
about 6-7 months in dogs and 8 months in
cats. (Remember this – it is important when
we talk about diagnosis.)
Severely infected dogs
can have up to several hundred heartworms in
their hearts and vessels. Adult worms in
dogs usually live up to 5-7 years. Thirty to
eighty percent of infected dogs have
microfilariae, and the microfilariae can
live up to 2 years. Microfilariae cannot
mature into adult heartworms unless they
pass through a mosquito.
Use Ivomec wormer mix above
monthly for Heart Worm prevention. Basically the
same as Heartgard only MUCH cheaper. (Warning, NEVER use Ivomec
products on Collies, Huskies, or related
breeds or on Heart Worm positive dogs. Also,
NEVER use Ivomec Poor-On products, on any breed
of dog. It may be absorbed into their
reproductive organs causing deformities in
future pups).
Heartworm Treatment
Vets commonly use high doses of Arsenic and
charge over a thousand to treat Heartworms.
Southern kennels have been dealing with
Heartworms for over 100 years and found a
safer way to treat them using a common sheep
wormer known as Levamisol. The treatment is
simple they would place a dog in a small pen
to limit it's mobility and to keep them calm
and dose them daily for 7 days, keeping the
dog calm for at least a month so the
heartworms are desolved in the bloodstream.
Mites and Treatment
There are
several types of mites that can invade the ear
canals of dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
The same mite can affect both dogs and cats.
In the puppy and kitten, the most common ear
mite is Otodectes cynotis. It is not
important in the diagnosis and treatment of
ear mites to identify the species of mite.
Regardless of the mite species involved, we
usually refer to mites of the ear canal simply
as ear mites. Contrary to popular belief,
however, is the fact that ear mites can live
anywhere on the animal's body.
You can make the same
Ivomec wormer mix we use for Heart-worm
preventative using Extra Virgin Olive
oil for best results when using it for
ear mites and put a few drops of the wormer
mix in each ear to treat ear mites, retreat in
2 weeks. The Olive oil also helps clean the
wax and heal the ear as well as helps kill the
mites. This is the best ear mite remedy I have
ever used regardless the high price of the
others. You can also us the Olive oil mix as a
wormer if you like, but the taste is not as
well liked by most dogs as Veg. oil.
Coccidia and
Coccidia are small protozoans (one-celled organisms)
that live in the intestinal tract and other
tissues throughout the body of dogs and cats.
They cause weakness which can lead to disease
most commonly in puppies and kittens less than
six months of age, in adult animals whose immune
system is suppressed, or in animals who are
stressed in other ways (e.g.; change in
ownership, shipping, other disease present).
In dogs and cats, most
coccidia are of the genus called Isospora.
Isospora canis and I. ohioensis
are the species most often encountered in
dogs. Regardless of which species is present,
we generally refer to the disease as
coccidiosis. As a puppy ages, he tends to
develop a natural immunity to the effects of
Unfortunately, this is very
common in bird dogs, especially if people use
pigeons in dog training, but many birds and
livestock carry Coccidia and can be passed on
for generations without knowledge. Most dogs
have coccidia, unless treated properly.
Albon is NOT a cure, it only
kills active coccidia in their intestines. It
is very good for that, but the Coccidia will
live in the body tissues for the life of the
dog and every time the dog/pup is stressed it
will attack the intestines again and again.
Many Vets simply assume they will have
coccidia for life and will recommend giving
them a dose of Albon every month.
To "cure" Coccidia: Use Baycox
Piglet. Give one treatment of 1cc/ml. per 5.5
pounds of body weight. Tests have shown 100%
elimination of all Coccidia throughout all the
body tissues in just one treatment. Also, must
treat with Albon for 5 days if Coccidia is
already active in intestines (showing
symptoms). Recommended to retreat in 2 weeks
to prevent re-infestation. Baycox is not
available in the or labeled for dogs or cats
here in the US, but has been used for decades
in Europe, Australia, and Canada now and some
Vets are starting to use it now in the US. It
is extremely safe and it can be purchased from
the following reliable source:,
and Treatment
are protozoa (one-celled organisms) that live in
the small intestine of dogs and cats. Giardia
are found throughout the United States and in
many other parts of the world. Infection with
Giardia is called 'giardiasis.'
There are many
things we do not know about this parasite.
Experts do not agree on how many species of
Giardia there are and which ones affect which
animals. Veterinarians do not even agree on
how common Giardia infections are and when
they should be treated. Generally, it is
believed that infection with Giardia is common
but disease is rare. There is much about the
life cycle we do not know either. Stagnant
water is a common place for Giardia and when
dogs get in contact and ingest it, they become
infected and can pass it on to other dogs
without symptoms and pass it to their pups.
Farm land with ponds where livestock have
access to them, are extremely likely
contaminated with Giardia. Also, very common
in old dairy barns and is very difficult to
rid of in old barns, etc.. Very common in
pigeons and even in game birds.
To treat
Giardia: Use Panacur for Cattle or Goats, give
1 cc/ml. per 5 pounds for 5 days. Also, great
treatment for round, hook and even tape worms.
Giardia vaccine also recommended if it gets
into your kennel, pond, or livestock barn if
dogs have access.
Treatment for Diarrhea in
Puppies or dogs: Give Keo Pectin 1 cc/ml.
per 10 pounds, at each bowl movement until
normal. Just like with humans, many times
diarrhea can be caused by bacteria and
treated with simply over the counter
We have also seen puppies and dogs with
chronic diarrhea be completely cured with a
few treatments of Strectinomycin products
like SpectoGard used for pig scours
(diarrhea). Dogs and puppies can be given
1cc/1mm per 10 pounds of body weight (same
dose as piglets) given twice daily for 3-5
We get all our vaccines from
Revival Animal Health at
. They are Christian veterinarian family run
business and provide excellent service.
We recommend vaccinations
starting at 5-6 weeks and then booster
vaccinations every 2 weeks until 12-16 weeks
of age and 1st Rabies killed vaccine starting
at 16 weeks of age.
We also
recommend a 1 year booster for combinations
and rabies and then boosters every three
years for life. Yearly boosters will do more
harm than good as it will over load their
immune system. This maybe the cause of dogs
having so many allergies. If your vet still
recommends yearly boosters or won't give a 3
year rabies, then get another Vet who does,
he is out for your money and does not keep
up with medical journals. Annual boosters
have been proven to be harmful to their
immune system, increasing skin and/or food
allergies, etc..
#1 killer of young pups.
"NeoPar" Parvo and Norivac Vaccines, are the
ONLY two Parvovirus vaccine that will protect
against ALL known Parvovirus mutations 100%,
new and old to date. All our pups are given a
NeoPar or Norvvac vaccine starting at 5-6
weeks and every 2-3 weeks until 12 weeks of
No other
Parvo vaccine will protect your pup or dog
from the new common strains. If a pup is
exposed to the new strain (most commonly at
the Vets) and has not been given a NeoPar or
a Nobivac vaccine, it will get it and will
likely die within days from it. If you have
purchased a pup from someone and it has
parvo, give it a NeoPar vaccine as soon as
possible, even if your Vet is against it. It
could save it's life. We have seen several
cases turn around after given the vaccine.
Basically, they had nothing to lose but try
the vaccine. BTW, Many Vets say it takes 2
weeks for incubation for Parvo, but the
truth is, the newer strains are known to
start making a pup sick within 24 hours from
exposure and are much harder to treat then
the original strain was 30 + years ago.
There are still 30 year old strain vaccines
being sold today for Parvo, that are
non-efective in protecting pups from the
several new strains common today.
Corona virus
The original Canine Corona
virus has been eradicated from the world
according to Cornell University, there has not
been any known cases new or old of Corona
virus in over fifteen years in the US. Even if
a new case of Corona virus was to arise, the
original vaccines we have today will not
protect them, in fact it would likely weaken
their immune system more than help them, so it
is no longer recommended by them or
knowledgeable Vets and we no longer give it to
our pups/dogs.
distemper is still very common in wild animals
and can be spread to domestic animals as well
as your dog. It is recommended that you use
the newest distemper vaccine on the market,
because these would be the vaccines tested
against the newest strains as well as the old
ones. Nobivac 1- DAPPv is our choice as it
covers 5 different viruses including
Distemper, Adenovirus, Typ 1 (Hepatitis),
Adenovirus Type 2 (Respiratory Disease),
Parainfluenza, and against all known
Parvovirus strains.
info to come soon.
Setter Dog House Plans
Made from just (1) 3/4"
4' X 8' Plywood & (1) Treated 10'
2" X 4"
(Click on photo for Print
Friendly format)

More about Al
King & FDSB
Unfortunately, there
are still some people who are telling lies
about my dear late friend Alford O. King.
Hundreds of his dogs were DNA checked to
match their parents and all but one was
found with papers that not match it's
parents. The dog was three years old and had
changed owners three times "on record",
which there is no way to know how many times
the dog and papers actually changed hands,
because many times, signed papers are not
filled in with the buyer's name for many
transfers. The dog not only did not match
the sire on the papers, but when the King's
DNAed all their Studs, he did not match any
of King's studs, being used the time of the
mating. This was back before their pups were
tattooed or micro-chipped and the dog was a
Blue Belton (Black Ticked) on the papers.
Now common sense would tell most people that
the dog is obviously NOT the same pup that
was purchased from the litter and some where
a long the line the papers were either
mistakenly moved or purposely to attempt
moved to hurt the Kings.
Unfortunately, the FDSB owner clearly had an
ax to grind with the King's for forcing FDSB
to keep the "Llewellin" distinction for
years after several attempts by the owner to
remove it and the fact that Al protested
against the horse back Field Trials. The
owner made the problem PUBLIC without
sharing all the facts that they could not
prove the puppy sold was the same dog on the
papers and that hundreds of their dogs were
tested before and after without any
problems, especially, that the King's were
denied an appeal or hearing and once the
King's had already left FDSB and registered
all their dogs with IPDBA registry, FDSB PUBLICLY
banned them for 2 years for "not allowing
FDSB full rights to all their dogs
DNA". Which means the Kings were no
longer banded in 2004 and were NOT banned
for false registering the dog, but for
leaving FDSB and having NOTHING to do with
The King's never registered their dogs with
FDSB again, but many continued to say they
"are still banned for false registering"
even today in an effort to get their
customers. It is important to note, that the
King's we not banned for false registration,
the letter said he banned him for not
cooperating with FDSB and giving them 100%
control on all their Setters DNA. The King's
had already left FDSB, so they were banned
for NOT allowing FDSB owner to have all
rights to their dogs DNA, even though the
King's had gone through great expense to get
all their dogs DNA themselves. After FDSB
owner went public with NO proof except a dog
who did not match his papers and couldn't
trust FDSB owner with their DNA after they
clearly mishandled the case and would not
allow them an appeal process as stated in
their own by-laws. FDSB owner knew that if
Al was given a hearing open to the public
that everyone would know how FDSB had a
personal vendetta against them. You may be
Since FDSB broke their own by-laws for not
allowing the King;s a hearing, I wish Al had
sued the heck out of FDSB, and ALL those who
spread lies about him. I know I would have
in a heart beat, in fact I would have owned
FDSB if they did what they did to them to
me. Al King was clearly setup and refused an
appeal, because the owner clearly violated
FDSB by-laws which deems "a person may be
banned if they purposely falsifying papers".
How in the world can anyone prove that Al
purposely falsified the papers, when they
cannot even prove it was the same dog he
sold. Never mind that the dog changed owners
three times on record before even being DNA
tested. We all know that papers get
switched, especially in FDSB.
Those breeder's who were around back then,
should have stood up for Al, boycotted FDSB,
but it was clear, that many chose to just
take advantage of it the situation for
personal profit. After all with the King's
out of the way, they could now sell their
pups. Only problem, the King's still had all
the pure bloodlines and FDSB has a bunch of
false registered bloodlines still being bred
in their registry. Not to mention all the
genetic disorders being spread under the
disguise of out-crossing to hide them, but
as time goes on and the genes are spread,
they will soon be in the whole breed and
they will not be able to produce a health
litter. We see this in so many breeds today,
suffering from out-crossing instead of
line-breeding to keep their dogs genetically
Also, for the record, the King's continued
to allow all their customers access to their
dogs DNA on hundreds more of their dogs they
sold to be checked since they left FDSB and
ALL have passed perfectly as before.
Sadly, instead of being honored by FDSB and
the Bird Dog Hall of Fame, in his last years
for the fact he SAVED the Llewellin Setter
DISTINCTION in FDSB, maintained the highest
amount of pure gene pool for over 50 years
and then helped establish them fully as a
unique "Breed" in IPDBA, and help preserved
all the pure Llewellin Setter strains there,
they were cast aside and slandered by many
who never knew them or the fact that EVERY
Llewellin Setter in FDSB today including
their own, has some of the King's personal
dogs in them. Sadly, the same was done by
those high up in FDSB to Sir. Richard
Llewellin in his last years. Their jealousy
seems to continue to have no end in that
crowd. They have a clear record of cutting
off the hand that feeds them.
If the King's were no good, then all the
Llewellin Setters anyone own's today are no
good, you cannot have it both ways. May God
bless bless them and Al be rewarded in
heaven for all the joy he has given the
world through his Llewellin Setters. IPDBA
did honor Al with a Grand Master Breeder
Award (same as Hall of Fame in other
organizations) before his condition got the
best of him and he was deeply moved. At
least IPDBA gave the man a small amount of
acknowledgment for his life's work in saving
and preserving the Llewellin Setter breed
and at least 12 pure bloodlines for 50+
years, Enough said.

Game Birds
verses a home Brooder with equal
equipment investment
Unit Cost
Avg. Loses
Avg. Birds
Bottom line
each unit
125 quail/65 pheasant
30% (Idaho F&W)
87.5 quail/45.5
less than 1/10th the
unit = $240.00
quail/50 pheasant
5% Our Averages
95 quail/47
More birds raised
with 1/10th the investment.
GQF Brooders
5 unit stacks = $2400.00
quail/500 pheasant
5% Our Averages
950 quail/475
10+ times the birds
5 weeks with the same
We raise
all our game birds in wire bottom, stack-able
brooders with clean out trays similar to the
GQF, only ours are 30"D x 60"W and hold 200
Quail, 150 Chukars, or 100 Pheasants in each
for 4-5 weeks. As you can see the cost of one
GQF brooder unit is 1/10th the cost of one
Surrogator and they are far superior to them
as well. The quail and pheasants have no idea
where they are raised and their is really no
benefit to raising them in a brooder out in
the field or in a garage, spare room. or good
out building. In fact, just the opposite is
true. In the field, pilot lights blow out,
feeders get clogged, waters leak or clog,
predators, both animal and humans reek havoc.
We also use automatic GQF waters cutting an
inch off the bottoms for quail and putting
stones in them a few days to keep the birds
from drowning.
Even if you compare only one
brooder unit against the Surrogator, the
brooder until costs 1/10th the amount and
raised 95 quail/47.5 pheasants and the
Surrogator only raised 87.5 quail/45.5
pheasants starting with 25% more chicks. If
you don't believe me, see what the Idaho Fish
& Game review had to report, it is not