How we raise our pups at
Mountain View Kennel, LLC.We have been breeding dogs for 52+ years now and have learned how to raise outstanding healthy pups, generation after generation. We have found that it's best to wean females from their pups around the day they become 5 weeks old and no later than 6 weeks old and then females are only nursed for 5 minutes for a day or two after if needed to dry them up properly.This practice does three things. #1. it keeps the females from being pulled down physically by their pups, resulting in less time for mothers to recover fully and be physically ready to hunt and or breed again. # 2. it keeps their teats small and at a near normal size, so they can continue to hunt without getting them scratched up and able to raise new born puppies in the future # 3. It helps socialize our pups to people early on, making them rely on us for their food and care, basically imprinting them and helping to remove any possible shyness.
Even after several litters our females have normal sized teats and appear to not even of had a litter or two. Females that are allowed to be pulled down by their pups are much more likely to have many health issues later on in life. Females with large teats will loose newborns in their future litters, because some of their teats are too large for the small pups making them poor for raising pups in the future if at all. Not to mention how they will get their teats torn up while hunting, and are more prone to having mastitis, tumors, or breast cancer. We have never had any of these problems in our dogs, so we must be doing something right.
The only females we have ever owned with elongated teats and have problems raising pups, are those that raised litters before we purchased them. We never breed females unless they are in perfect health and condition.
We also put a lot of emphasis on our females and their pups nutrition, by feeding very high quality dog foods and adding goat-lambs milk replacer to their diet for extra calcium, etc. and a good worming schedule starting at 2 weeks.
This not only assures us that the females don't get physically pulled down, but also builds a stronger physical body and hind quarters in their pups. This will add years of hunting enjoyment and quality of life when our pups become older. It has been our experience that the dogs we raise, hunt and live 3-4 years longer than those we have purchased from other kennels.
Our vaccine schedule starting at 4 weeks with the newest Parvo Vaccine on the market that will protect the pup from all known Parvo strains. Parvo, is the number one killer of young pups. We maintain a Parvo Free Kennel, but vaccine them at 5 weeks old and every 2-3 weeks so they are protected when they leave.
We also feed a high quality adult dog food between litters and exercise our dogs as much as possible and purposely hunt them when we can or at least exercise them vigorously up to two weeks before their whelping date.
This has always been our practice, but now has been scientifically proven that puppy's out of females that are vigorously hunted/exercised up till their last two weeks of pregnancy, are able to handle adrenaline and other stress related chemicals in their bloodstream and their pups are able to produce more of these chemicals in their bloodstream making them able to learn quicker, handled stress better, and became better more natural hunting dogs with less training. This was scientifically proven using the same parents in both studies, one being hunted/exercised up till 2 weeks before birth and another without any hunting or exercise. The differences were amazing in the pups from the same parents and clearly made those hunted and/or exercised much easier to train. Not to mention the muscle tone of the females making their birthing experience less problematic. Might be why in 52+ years of breeding dogs we have NEVER required one C-section or a loss of a mother or whole litter while having pups.
As you can see we have put a lot of thought and years of personal research, wisdom and tons of hard work into raising each and every pup. We have also put even more emphasis on our selective breeding part of our program and is why we can offer a 100% Life-Time Satisfaction Replacement Guarantee on every pup we place, but we will leave it to our customers and to our Lord to decide how we are doing.
Front Dew Claws
The reason front dew claws are removed from many bird dogs, is because in many breeds, their front dew claws have become poorly developed and have no function anymore. They just hang out dangling getting caught and torn on grasses, thorns, and brush, that can cause soreness' and even infection, losing valuable time in the field and causing the dog unnecessary pain. They are easily removed from most bird dog breeds with just a snip of a toe nail clipper at a few days old. We did this for many generations while breeding German Shorthair Pointers.
We attempted to clip off the front dew claws in our first two litters of pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters and all the pups had problems healing and required antibiotics. Many required more clipping to remove the extended bones and were left with large scars on them. This also upset their mothers and was a bad experience for all involved.
So we investigated further and realized that unlike many other breeds today, the pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters front dew claws are VERY highly developed with very strong muscles, ligaments, and bones forming an intricate working thumb. We have found that they should not be removed by simply clipping them off. Removing them is like removing a functioning thumb from a person and to do so properly, would require surgery to remove the whole structure, not just the front dew claw.
Their front dew claw structure actually continues up along the side and inside of their front legs and does not dangle freely, like in other bird dog breeds. Because it is so developed, removing it may be like removing a big toe and may interfere with their balance. In fact it has now been proven that dogs do use them when turning sharply, pulling them after braking through the ice, climbing over logs, etc. and dogs without them are much more likely to have lower leg injuries.
As puppies their front dew claw may look a little large, loose, and dangly, but as they continue to develop, they will become leaner, stronger and they will hold it tightly up against their front foot out of the way of trouble. They will even use it to climb over things, like over fallen trees, rock walls, and rough terrain while hunting and will even pull them out after falling through the ice. So unlike other bird dog breeds, these actually have a function and are an asset to them in the field and woods and may even save their life.
All the Dashing Bondhu Setters we purchased had them and but for those first two litters of pups, all of our Setters and pups have them and we have never had a single problem or heard of a single problem from all our customers. It's very interesting to think that they may be the last breed or line of dogs who still have functioning front dew claws, or should I say thumbs. I think that it is amazing that Llewellin and Humphrey must have bred these dogs down to the development of their front dew claws being better developed. We have not had any Llewellin Setter pups born with rare dew claws on their hind feet.
BTW, All our Setters have front dew claws and we hunt all our Setters and have never had any problems with their dew claws hunted under the worst grasses and cover conditions.
The Functionality of Canine Dew Claws
The Function of Dewclaws 101Front dewclaws are typically removed by some at 3-5 days of age, because they are believed to be a non-functional digit that poses an unnecessary risk for being injured.
In standing, the front dewclaw may not appear to be functional because it doesn't come in contact with the ground. However, observing the dewclaw when the dog is in motion tells a different story.
Five tendons attach to the dewclaw and play an important role when the dog is in motion. For example:
- When a dog’s lead leg is on the ground during the gallop or canter, the dewclaw is on the ground to stabilize the carpus
- When a dog turns, the dewclaw digs into the ground to support the structures of the limb and prevent torque
If a dog does not have dewclaws, there is a higher potential for the carpal ligaments to stretch and tear which could result in laxity and arthritis over time (OUCH!). This can then result in more stress being generated through the dog's carpus, elbow, shoulder, and spine as it tries to compensate for the lack of digit.
On the other hand, the rear dewclaws do not have associated tendons and are considered non-functional (though they may be required for some breed standards to be present).
In speaking with many vets, you would be surprised at how few dewclaw injuries they see.
So- given the front dewclaws' functional use, why are we so quick to remove them?
In dogs, the most common injuries seen by many rehab providers and vets occur in the shoulder complex, yet we don’t see shoulders being removed. Food for thought!
Here are some cool videos proving the functionality of dewclaws in dogs:
Delayed ClosuresUnfortunately, with raising fat rollie pollie puppies, we increase the number of "Delayed closures" and they are just that. The fatter the pup the increase number we get. We hardly ever got them until after feeding high quality puppy foods. The choice we have is to raise slender pups, or to educate our customers. Since we want to make sure our pups are getting the best start possible to live a long healthy life, we are going with the latter.
There is an area in the abdominal wall where the great vessels of the umbilical cord exit the body of the fetus to derive nutrition and oxygen from the placenta. After birth, these vessels close and shrink up. There is left behind a small area in the mid line where the vessels formerly escaped the body. The nature of this structure is a linear slit in the middling, lined with normal connective tissue. There are other structures on the 'middling' that undergo similar development after birth. In the heart, there is a hole between the upper chambers that allows the fetus to bypass the lungs, which, of course, cannot contribute any oxygen to the blood before birth. Oxygen is obtained through the umbilical cord from the placenta, where the mother's blood stream exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the baby's circulation. When there are delayed closures in the heart, it may be possible to hear a murmur at 4 or 5 weeks that is no longer audible by 6 or 8 weeks. This is normal development. These holes, like the umbilicus, must be present in the fetus and close over a period of time after birth.
Omentum is a kind of slippery thin sheet of tissue which is present in the abdomen. It provides several services to the abdominal organs. It has blood vessels traveling through it to the intestine. Its surfaces produce serious fluid which lubricates the abdominal organs and makes it possible for them to slide against each other without rubbing. It carries lymph nodes for the abdomen, and is a major depot for fat storage. It partially contains the abdominal organs - especially the small intestine - and supports them in a kind of "plastic bag". As the puppy puts on weight, it is possible for a bit of this thin slippery tissue to protrude through the umbilical slit. As the normal process of closing of the umbilicus proceeds, it is possible for this bit of tissue/fat to be entrapped. The danger here is whether it is solely Omentum that is escaping, or if the defect is large enough for a loop of small intestine to escape the abdomen as well.
It helps to "reduce" the tissue escaping once daily. Turn the puppy on its back and gently massage the protrusion and slide the contents back up into the abdomen. This lowers the risk of a loop of intestine becoming strangulated in the protruding tissue.
If the 'hernia' is a closure defect, the normal process of closing will continue, and at some point a small amount of momentum may be entrapped in a bubble outside the essentially closed body wall. This is viewed by most people as a hernia, and a serious problem, but if the dog has a small bubble, or 'outsy belly button', and it cannot be reduced, has been there since it was a baby, and the dog is healthy and well, it is pretty obvious that the bubble does not contain any intestine. While the puppy is younger, it may not be clear. The very tiny holes the size of a pinkie tip with a small bubble do not require surgery. Only larger holes should be closed to be sure that no intestine becomes strangulated in the process of closure.
NOTE: no delayed closure can ever close completely simply because there is something sticking through it. If there were no momentum sliding out, they would continue to close normally. What they do, is they close tightly around the momentum, trapping it outside in an absolutely firm unchanging bubble and is perfectly all right and should not effect the selection process for breeding.
"True" umbilical hernias can make no progress in closing, ever and will grow bigger as the pup grows bigger. They are usually large and must always be surgically repaired when the pup is at least 4 months old. These can be quite serious, but easy to recognize at an older age. Unless an emergency, pups should not be operated on until 4 months or older anyway.
Fortunately, they are VERY rare and not at all likely in a pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters, but with all things, anything can be possible as a birth defect (non inherited). These are easily spotted and if a pup of ours would have a "true hernia", it will be included in their description we send or post and price reduced for their future surgery. To this day none have happened, but have had two customers and their Vets who choose to fix them right away surgically.
I have never seen a female with a delayed closure or with a trapped momentum bubble show any sign of problem in carrying a litter or whelping, even a very large litter. I have never seen one of these females produce puppies with hernias.
The catch is, you must know which you have. Most veterinarians don't draw these kinds of conclusions or try to differentiate the two different conditions and some will automatically recommend unnecessary surgery. Breeders with years of experience know the difference intuitively. Indeed, since "true" hernias are relatively rare, most have never seen one, unless they bred a line that produced them in the past. In any case, the breeder knows better if the line they are breeding will produce "true" hernias and should know best how to differentiate between the two.
So if your pup turns out to have a small pinkie tip size hole, just follow the recommended procedure above and it should not become any bigger and as the pup grows it will become inconsequential.
In the unlikely event that one would continue to grow larger and not completely close and require fixing later on, it can easily be fixed when they are spayed or neutered for a little extra. Of course we do stand behind every pup we sell and will refund the buyer $100 the cost of what our vet charges for fixing one if it is required to fix it without a spay and only $25. more if done during a spay. Please, do not let a vet operate on a small puppy, just follow the daily recommendations above and wait until at least 6 months old to reevaluate them, over 99% will be almost closed if not completely close by then.
DO NOT feed ANY puppy/dog foods with ANY "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," or "Animal Digest" in them. This includes all other SPORTMIX® labeled foods (except for their WHOLESOME® natural line). Foods with "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," or "Animal Digest" have medications, chemicals and/or additives to make those animals infertile, grow faster, larger, more tender and moist, and will affect the growth and future health of your puppy and dog. Tainted "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," and/or "Animal Digest" are also the number one cause for recalls. Feeding them will NULL & VOID our Lifetime Guarantee. Also, it's my opinion that by-products causes allergies in dogs and may be the cause of early cancers. Many dogs with so called corn allergies got their problem while they were fed by-products and yet our dogs have no allergies to corn, other grains, or anything else.
WARNING! We are NO LONGER feeding or recommending "SPORTMIX® Stamina 24/16" Dog Food because of the addition of CHICKEN-BY-PRODUCTS.
We are now feeding Good Friends® Hi Energy Performance Blend 30/20, that is Meat base without by-products or animal digest and made by Nutrena for Rural King and is available at all Rural King locations. We are ONLY recommending their Hi Energy formula and have been extremely pleased with how our pregnant and nursing dams and their puppies maintain good weight, as well as our dogs excellent stamina and abilities afield.
Good Friends Hi-Energy Performance Blend Dry Dog Food, 40 lb. Bag (
Other Recommended Dog Foods without by-products or digest are...
WHOLESOMES® Puppy Chicken and Rice 30/20 Dry Dog Food, 16.5-lb bag is an all-natural puppy dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and and is somewhat more reasonably priced than other puppy foods. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at
WHOLESOMES Puppy Chicken & Rice Dry Dog Food, 16.5-lb bag -
WHOLESOMES® Energy Plus 24/20 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at
WHOLESOMES Energy Plus 24/20 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag -
WHOLESOMES® Hi Energy Plus 26/18 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at
WHOLESOMES High Energy 26/18 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag -
Wholesomes® Chicken, Beef, or Lamb & Rice, is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food for less active dogs, available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available at many stores incuding TSC and online at:
Victor® High Energy 24/20 Multi-Meat based formula (beef, chicken, pork) that has excellent levels of both protein and fat, supporting the needs of growing puppies and active dogs. Fortified with high levels of both Glucosamine and Chondroitin. These additives work to support healthy joint cartilage, which is the key to long-term health of your dog! I have not fed this, but it looks like a very good quality dog food without by-products, but please check the ingredients before purchase. Available many stores and online with free 2-3 day shipping at VICTOR High Energy Formula Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag -
If you need a lower fat diet because of overweight problems during non-hunting months, for dogs over 12 months old who have overweight problems. Wholesome makes a 23/12 quality grain free food WHOLESOMES Grain-Free Beef Meal & Potatoes Formula Dry Dog Food, 35-lb bag -
From sniffing out bombs and weapons to uncovering criminal evidence, dogs can help save lives and keep the peace. Now, researchers have uncovered how to improve dogs' smelling skills through diet by cutting protein and adding fats.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: MORE FAT, LESS PROTEIN DIET improves detection dogs' sniffers! An article in the Cornell Chronicle proves that higher protein and low fat diets will adversely affect dogs' scenting abilities and their body temperature, decreasing both scenting ability and stamina.
We have found this is the case with feeding dog foods that 18-20% fat, our Setters have greater stamina, hunting all day without prior conditioning and having scenting ability to point single wild quail up to 40 "yards" away.
Cornell Chronicle
Such a diet, say the researchers, appears to help dogs return to lower body temperatures after exercise, which reduces panting and, thereby, improves sniffing.
The findings could change how detection dogs are fed and boost their detection abilities, says Joseph Wakshlag, Associate Professor N of Clinical Studies and Chief of Nutrition at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine. Wakshlag, who collaborated with researchers at Auburn University, is presenting the findings at the Companion Animal Nutrition Summit in Atlanta, held March 22-24.
The study, funded with a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, also found that detection dogs are more reliable detectors than previously thought. The study is the first to be conducted in the world's only detection dog research facility designed in conjunction with a military dog trainer. The Alabama facility, which provides expert detection dogs to police and military forces, flushes out fumes between tests, ensuring a fresh field each time.
"Previous studies from other facilities, which lack this feature, had suggested detection dogs signaling for suspect substances are about 70 percent accurate," said Wakshlag. "The lower numbers may have been due to study design flaws which our new study overcame. Dogs tested in the new facility signaled with 90 percent and above accuracy. We also found we can push detection performance even further with the right kind of food."
Bucking conventional thinking, the group found that less protein and more fat in the dogs' diet helped trained dogs perform better in exercise and detection tests. During an 18-month period, they rotated 17 trained dogs through three diets Wakshlag selected: a high-end performance diet, regular adult dog food, and regular adult dog food diluted with corn oil. Measuring how different diets affected each dog, they found that dogs eating the normal diet enhanced with corn oil returned to normal body temperatures most quickly after exercise and were better able to detect smokeless powder, ammonia nitrate, and TNT.
"Corn oil has lots of polyunsaturated fats, similar to what you'd find in a lot of nuts and common grocery store seed oils," said Wakshlag. "Past data from elsewhere suggest that these polyunsaturated fats might enhance the sense of smell, and it looks like that may be true for detection dogs. It could be that fat somehow improves nose-signaling structures or reduces body temperature or both. But lowering protein also played a part in improving olfaction."
Wakshlag designed the high-performance and corn oil diets to have the same amount of energy from fat (57 percent). But the corn oil diet had less protein: 18 percent compared with 27 percent in the regular and high-performance diets.
"If you're a dog, digesting protein raises body temperature, so the longer your body temperature is up, the longer you keep panting, and the harder it is to smell well," said Wakshlag. "Our study shifts the paradigm of what 'high-performance' diet can mean for dogs. It depends on what you want your dog to do. A sled dog or greyhound may need more protein to keep going. But detection dogs tend to exercise in shorter bursts and need to recover quickly and smell well. For that, less protein and more fat could help."
Carly Hodes '10, MBA '14, is a communication specialist at the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Please Note: Mountain View Kennel, LLC. or its owners do not receive any discounts or compensation for recommending any dogs foods. We just want your pup/dog to have a long healthy life.
We do NOT recommend dog foods over 30% protein or lower than 18% fat because we have found high protein and low fat ratio foods will cause loose ligaments in their hips, knees, ankles, and feet as well as possibly causing liver and kidney problems in later years. In the past, we have seen once popular high-protein dog foods like 27/10 with low fat % caused liver and/or kidney problems later in older dogs, so we believe it is good to use caution when trying new, higher protein levels, especially if the fat content has not been increased. High fat contents are needed in high-protein food formulas to prevent liver and/or kidney damage. The fat is burned to digest the protein; if fat levels are not increased with protein levels, the dog will use its own organs to digest the protein.
We also add Lamb Milk Replacer 25/25 to our nursing mothers' and pups' food mixed with warm water for their first 7-8 weeks and then feed all the dry food they want for their 1st year, rationing their food if needed, but most of our Setters are in perfect condition while eating it free will, 24/7.
When feeding high quality, properly balanced foods, you will add years to their life span, have less Vet bills, and even save on the cost of feeding them in the long run. Dogs actually eat/need half the amount of high quality food as they will eat/need on cheaper foods. Saving a few dollars on a bag will usually cost more since the dog may need to eat twice as much food.
We personally DO NOT recommend any Purina dog foods, especially "Puppy Chow," "Purina One," or "Purina Pro Plan." We know of several dogs of many breeds (including many Setters) who have had chronic coat and skin problems, hyperactivity, and underweight issues while being fed "Purina Pro Plan" or "Purina One." When they were changed over to what we recommend, they have all cleared up completely, gained weight, and had calmer dispositions. Most of Purina foods have poultry by-products, animal digest, or chicken by-products which will also null and void our health guarantee. If you must feed Purina, feed only their natural foods without by-products or digest in them.
To be fair to Purina, if you are raising game birds, Purina Game Bird foods are the BEST food to feed them. It costs more, but it's been our experience raising game birds for over 52 years, including for NY State Conservation Department, that the birds will hardly peck at all and will grow to be strong boned and fully feathered. Especially Purina Game Bird Startina 30% protein, we start all our quail and pheasant chicks on it. We feed our six-week-old pheasants and quail Purina Game Bird Grower 18% or Flight Conditioner 18%. We have found that as long as we maintain an 18% or higher protein level in our quail and pheasants, we have little to no pecking. We do put specks on our pheasants at six weeks old. Once pecking has started, it is very difficult to stop.
We have tried just about all other brands of feed and found it costs less to feed Purina bird feeds because of much fewer losses. Consider the cost of losing a half- or full-grown pheasant or quail as well surviving birds that are without any feathers to protect them when released, and if you lose even one or two birds, it costs more to feed the cheaper feed than it does to feed them Purina. Also, a stronger, healthier, well-feathered bird will fly and survive better in the wild and won't contaminate the native birds. All comments made are my personal opinions formed over many years of experience as a Supreme Grand Master Breeder.
Please note: We DO NOT recommend Retriever® Hi-Pro dog food (from Tractor Supply® TSC), Ole Roy® Hi-Pro dog food from Wal-Mart® or any dog foods made by these brands. Our adult Setters had very little stamina and even had VERY poor scenting abilities compared to what the same dogs normally had when they were on another diet and it has now been confirmed with several customers' dogs having the same problems when fed these foods and some other foods like them. We never thought it was possible for a manufactured dog food to adversely affect a dog's scenting and hunting abilities until we tried them. The same Setters who constantly made 40 yard points could not smell a bird unless they were within 3-4 yards of them.
This may explain why we have been able to easily train all but one of the less than 1% pups returned and sold them as well started within a few weeks after hunting them. If you are feeding one of them or are not satisfied with your dog's scenting abilities or stamina, you will see a noticeable improvement feeding them one of the following foods listed below. It may be the answer to problems you may be having with your pup/dog.
We also do NOT recommend "Taste of the Wild," or other very high-protein dog foods over 30%. These high-protein dog foods will cause loose ligaments as they develop and may cause liver or kidney problems later in life. Protein is hard to digest, and it takes a bunch of energy to burn protein and will burn up their liver and/or kidneys in the process. They found this out years ago when the crave was for high-protein dog foods that only had 10% fat. Many dogs died at a young age from liver or kidney problems.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: More fat, less protein improves detection dogs' sniffers! Article in Cornell Chronicle proves that higher protein and low-fat diets will adversely affect dogs' scenting abilities.
WARNING! Recent testing has shown that Blue Buffalo foods had only 5% meat and a lot of bone and the quality is not as advertised. Blue Buffalo also makes "Taste of the Wild," and we do not recommend these very high-protein dogs foods with no grains at all. Super high protein can cause loose ligaments as well as liver and/or kidney problems later in the dog's life. Our Setters will not grow right on super high-protein foods of higher than 30% and may affect their long-term health/life.
Please note: We do not sell dog food or receive any coupons or proceeds for recommending any of these products and only do so to help our customers select quality, safe food for their pups and dogs. We have been offered many deals to feed our dogs and recommend brands that have by-products, digest, and/or other additives, which we refuse to feed our dogs. We would never recommend something we would not feed our dogs, regardless how much they offer.
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Background painting of GDC Dashing Blaze Bondhu, in her loving memory.