Who was
Lord William Humphrey?
of the manors of Stretton en le
Dale and Ratlinghope

Lord William Humphrey, Falconer
and Setter breeder extraordinaire,
with Circa, his Golden Eagle.
By Michael J. Bloodgood
of William Humphrey's life, he had mainly made
a living as a professional kennel manager. He
also tinkered in antique furniture, selling to
many wealthy people around the world. He was
considered one of the best dog breeders and
trainers in world in his day and played a
significant role in the Foxhound, Beagle, and
Springer Spaniel worlds, but is best known for
his magnificent role in the continuation and
development of Llewellin Setters in England,
only second to Mr. Richard Llewellin himself.
Especially true with the continuation of
Llewellin's personal bloodline known as the
Dashing Bondhus and their later introduction
and popularity in the United States.
British Setter circles, reference is made to
the "Great Triumvirate,” each being a
triumvir, meaning the
three great men of the Setter world and the
passing of the torch. Of course, Sir Edward
Laverack being the first and the founder of
the "English Setter," the second, Lord
Richard Purcell Llewellin, who was given the
best of Laverack's great Field Champion and
Champion Setters and was given the task to
bring back their great hunting instincts,
and the third, Lord William Humphrey,
credited with continuing Llewellin's work
with his Dashing Bondhu Setters.
William Humphrey was known to be a very
interesting character who had a lifetime
association with birds of prey and great
dogs of many breeds. His family had served
the Royal Family as Falconers for
generations. He himself was a very skilled
and well known Falconer often pictured with
his Golden Eagle, Circa. It takes great
strength to hold a Golden Eagle with one
arm. Many Falconers enjoyed hunting over
Humphrey's Dashing Bondhu Setters on the
Humphrey Lake
Cottage estate.

L-R, A 1938 photo of
William Humphrey, his son,
Humphrey's kennel manager,
and falconer Ronald Stevens
with the family Springer and four pure Dashing Bondhu
Setters. Many falconers
enjoyed hunting with Humphrey on
his Lake
Cottage estate. Please note
that this is 13
years after he inherited
Llewellin's Setters and look how
much these Setters resemble our
Dashing Bondhu Setters in size and
body type today, no doubt the same
pure bloodlines.
A younger William
Humphrey with Dan, Winner of
Lanark, Scotland Grouse Trials, 1926,
one year after
he inherited Sir Llewellin's Dashing
Bondhu Setters.
Note: the high
head, tail, and stance.
Humphrey did not breed for his Setters
to set or point with head and tail
down, like most English and European
breeders did and do.

Ronald Stevens in 1938, famous author &
falconer extraordinaire, with his
falcon and his Dashing Bondhu Setter
from close friend W. Humphrey, while
hunting on Humphrey's Lake cottage
estate. Note how much his
Setter looks like our Dashing Bondhu
Setters today!
his early years, he was known to ride to the
hounds and had superior knowledge of
Foxhounds, Harriers, Beagles, and Springer
Spaniels. Especially the Springer, which he
bred extensively for many years and used them
with his birds of prey and was known to own as
many as one thousand dogs and a hundred birds
of prey. He was well known in falconry,
hunting, and shooting world of his day and had
numerous high society friends. He later was
particularly knowledgeable and respected in
the Setter world and fancied Llewellin's pure
Dashing Bondhu Setters over all other hunting
dogs and strains, having great success in the
early foot hunting Field Trials and show
competition with them, personally making 41
Field Champions himself in just 38 years of
breeding them. He ALWAYS gave Lord Llewellin
FULL credit for all their many
being an independently wealthy man most of
his life, like his good friend Lord
Llewellin, Humphrey came to the United
States in the early 1900s with some
well-bred Spaniels and a few birds of prey
to show Americans the sport of falconry.
Many falconers today give William Humphrey
credit for popularizing their sport of
hunting with birds of prey in the USA.
was hired by Erastus Tefft, Master of Star
Ridge Foxhounds in Brewster, New York, and
Governor of the New York Stock exchange at
the time. Tefft gave Humphrey authority over
all his large Foxhound kennel, as well as
Tefft's Llewellin Setters and other hunting
dogs Tefft owned. Humphrey improved Tafft's
Foxhound pack by introducing superior Welsh
Foxhounds imported from Britain and his
Llewellin Setters through selective
linebreeding. He was also very impressed
with Tefft's Llewellin Setters and,
interesting enough, it may have been his
first encounter with Llewellin Setters.
During these years, Humphrey became very
successful, earning income by importing
antique furniture and some fine guns from
one of Humphrey's many talents.
the Stock Market crash, both Tefft and
Humphrey were left destitute. Fortunately,
Humphrey was able to get Tefft's Llewellin
Setters as payment and was able to bring
them and many birds of prey with him back to
passion grew for good Setters, and one day
at a field trial he saw a very tall,
slender, older gentlemen with a full beard,
standing off by himself. Curious, he walked
over and started a conversation with him.
They quickly hit it off and enjoyed talking
about dog breeding for hours and hours until
sunset. Just as they started to part, he
realized they had not been introduced so
they exchanged names and, to Humphrey's
great surprise, he had been speaking with
Lord Richard Llewellin all along.
Humphrey's friendship grew with Llewellin,
and he became what some called a disciple of
Llewellin. On Lord Llewellin's passing in
1925, Mr. Humphrey said in his manuscript
that he quickly sold out of all the Setters
he had, in order to make room for all of
Lord Llewellin's pure Dashing Bondhu Setters
that were given to him through Lord
Llewellin's surviving housekeeper who
Llewellin secured a pension for. Mr.
Humphrey vowed to continue breeding,
training, and campaign Lord Llewellin's
superior strain known as "Dashing Bondhu"
and started to use that name as well on all
the pure dogs of that strain.
Humphrey made many friends and inherited a
large sum and ownership of some of the best
grouse moors in the area named Longmynd from
a friend. These were the old hunting grounds
of King John and Humphrey was given titles
of Lordship of the Manors of Rattlinghope
and Stretton en le Dale. Now being a Lord
himself and an independently wealthy man
with title like Lord Llewellin, Lord
Humphrey was now able put his great skills
of dog breeding and training to good use and
indulged in his true passion to preserve
Lord Richard Llewellin's personal pure
Dashing Bondhu bloodline.
Humphrey also became great friends with
Father James Brannon, an Irish priest, who
owned Scinn Amach/Machad Kennel in Ireland
and also had access to great hunting grounds
there. Lord Humphrey had married, had four
children, and the Humphrey family were known
to switch cottages with Fr. Brannon, living
in each other's homes a few months each
summer. During these times they would
hunt, train, breed, and care for each
other's Setters. This gave them both not
only intimate insight on each other's
programs, but also shared in each other's
successful breeding programs.
Fr. James
Brannon in 1974 with his Dashing Bondhu
Llewellin Setter. Look at the similarity
to our Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters
today! |
Llewellin, Lord Humphrey had outstanding
success and bred hundreds of Llewellin Setters
at his Horsford Kennels, and many were sold
around the world. He also had great success in
field trials and shows, winning just about
every major title of that time in the UK and
some major events in the USA trials.
Humphrey's home and kennels was Lake Cottage
in the grounds of Wolcott Hall, Lydbury North,
the ancestral home of Clive of India. Humphrey's
grandson, Chris Sorenson, did breed
his grandfather's great Llewellin
Setters for a few short years, but
sadly there are no Llewellin Setters
left at Lake Cottage now, and all
breeding activity has ended there.
He now runs an animal transportation
business at the kennels. Many
of his best dogs were exported to the US in
the 1960s and that is where our pure Humphrey
Dashing Bondhu bloodlines were descended from.
Lord Humphrey's passing in 1963, Fr. James
Brannon owned Scinn
Kennel and received many of his best Setters
and continued breeding them pure Dashing
Bondhu until his passing. This is where the
Irish Bondhus originate from in the Mountain
View Kennel breeding program. Machad
Ambassador was one of the last pups produced
by him and was imported in 1988. He was bred
to a 100% Humphrey female bred pure from 1960s
Humphrey imports named Bicker's Bondhu Ann.
This breeding produced the great IPDBA
Hall of Fame and Gun Dog Certified IrishKing
Bondhu Ashly that Al King bred to another 100%
Humphrey female he had bred from his 1960s
imports named Dashing Janette Bondhu, and they
produced Hall of Fame and Gun Dog Certified
Henry PrinceOf Pause, aka "Hank," of OLN's Top
Sports TV show Hunting with Hank. Hall
of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly produced
hundreds of outstanding pups and was one of
the most sought-after Llewellin Setter studs
during the 1990s.
It has been
said that Lord Llewellin donated all his land
and the majority of his wealth to a Baptist
Church that still remains on the estate. It is
believed Llewellin's brother was Pastor there
at the time.
William Humphrey passed away at age 81 on
Nov. 22, 1963, the same day President John
F. Kennedy was assassinated. His ashes were
spread on the Long Mynd which is now a
National Trust and is part of the public
National Parks program. The grave of Lord
Richard Purcell Llewellin is situated only a
short drive away and that of Edward Laverack
is about half an hour's drive as well.
Humphrey's huge contribution to the Dashing
Bondhu strain of Llewellin Setter was truly
amazing. For more information on the Dashing
Bondhu line, please read "The
Dashing Bondhu Line".