Celebrating our 54th Year!

               Fd.Ch. Ch. Dash II (Armstrong's/Llewellin's)                                                                                                                         Fd.Ch. Ch. Countess Bear (Llewellin's)
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Updated: March 27th, 2025
Updates are done just moments after a pup is reserved or purchased or as soon as
any new info on pups, litters, or breeding's becomes available.

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  Our Llewellin Setter Puppies!

The purest of Sir Richard Llewellin's personal Dashing Bondhu bloodlines
Available anywhere in the wo

Best Bloodline, Best Pups, Best Guarantee!

Mountain View is also a Kentucky Proud Game Farm!

Sir Richard Llewellin's personal Dashing Bondhu bloodline has been line-bred for over 150 years and basically reproduce like clones over 99% of the time in wonderful temperaments, natural instincts, outstanding abilities, and having a strong willingness to please; they are like clones, except for their color, markings, and their amount of ticking. They were originally bred by noblemen, kings and queens, and later bred for the English and Welsh gentlemen like Sir Edward Laverack, Sir Richard Llewellin, and Sir William Humphrey; in Ireland by Fr. James Brannon; in Belgium by Marie Therese a Goes; and in America by wealthy professional men and Alfred O. King for their personal pleasure foot hunting, naturally hunting very close when needed, and with exceptional natural instincts and scenting abilities. The thicker the cover, the closer they will hunt. They are the definition of a "biddable dog" and "Man's Best Friend," and they hunt for you, not for themselves.

About 80% have been placed in serious ruffed grouse
(King of the Game Birds) hunting homes and have made some of the best grouse and woodcock gun dogs anyone has ever owned with over 99% of owners being extremely satisfied with them and over 80% reporting "their best grouse dogs they have ever seen or owned." Please see our Testimonial webpage. 

They will also adjust to open ground and can be easily taught to reach out, making them an excellent choice for foot hunting quail, partridge, pheasant, prairie chicken, prairie grouse, chukar, and Hungarian partridge. They have had the same 99% satisfaction and about 80% now being "the best in their lives." 

Dashing Bondhus build a strong bond with their master/s and have a strong willingness to please their owner/s, making them easy to house train and train to hunt just the way you want them to hunt.  They adjust to the cover staying in eyesight and make wonderful loving and loyal family companion pets that have had the same 99% satisfaction. It's the less than 1% that for some reason are not satisfactory is why we have our Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee. With the exception of one pup, all pups returned have been easily trained using our simple training method and resold as well started bird dogs during the next season. It seems that one in one hundred just do not connect well with their first owner, but they will do just fine with their second owner. This means that only about one in five hundred pups do not turn out to make a bird dog, and even that one who was not introduced to a gun properly made a great pet for someone and pointed birds and retrieved sticks/toys
near our home. I truly believe if she was introduced to a gun correctly she would have made an outstanding bird dog, just like her litter-mates.

Our Dashing Bondhu breeding program has been a wonderful success over many years, and we would like to praise God for it ALL as he is the creator of ALL life. The Holy Spirit led us, with Al and Drenda King's help, to save the pure Humphrey bloodlines from extinction, and in the process we also preserved all the remaining trusted Dashing Bondhu bloodlines in our program. All our dogs are trained and proven in the field/woods and Gun Dog Certified before being selected for breeding. Only the most natural of those with outstanding sensible, sweet personalities, and amazing abilities are selected for our breeding program. They must all have a strong willingness to please!

We would especially like to praise God for sending us wonderful customers from around the world, helping us to maintain our program. Of course, if any person deserves credit for the most natural bird dogs and amazing family companions ever developed, it is Sir Richard Purcell Llewellin, Esq.

We want to personally thank all those who purchased pups and supported our program over the past 28 years. Without our customers we could have never started our program, never mind continue to raise them annually all these many years, and we wish everyone a very happy, blessed, and healthy year and hunting season. 

Though we do not run a shooting preserve, our customers have become hunting guides for many preserves using our Setters, and we have sold many to top shooting preserves and grouse hunting lodges who use them because of their outstanding abilities, unsurpassed, beautiful hunting style, and consistency day in and day out. Regardless of the type of upland birds, hunting terrain, weather, or scenting conditions, they always excel and are even being used for retrieving waterfowl and dove--though we do not recommend doing that until after being trained to point first.

We have always strongly believed in personally hunting all of our Setters, to not only prove they are 100% natural pointers, retrievers, and backers before being selected for breeding. We also strongly believe that hunted gun dogs reproduce better than non-hunted gun dogs. It has been scientifically proven that hunting (exercising in off-season) dams daily up to two weeks before birthing increases the abilities and ease of training their pups.

All the best shooting preserves, hunting lodges, and grouse camp owners have told us our Setters are simply the BEST dogs they have, especially in getting their customers to come back again and again. Their outstanding natural abilities and  affectionate, loving temperament build bonds with their clients, not only to enjoy them in the field or woods but also at the lodge or cabin before and after the hunts, making best friends with everyone they meet. If you have a preserve, hunting lodge, grouse camp, etc. and want return customers, you need a couple of pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters; your customers will be asking for them by name, season after season. We also guarantee your complete satisfaction.

Several of our customers now also enjoy getting paid to guide for local shooting preserves, hunting lodges, and/or grouse camps. Imagine getting PAID to hunt your Setters on birds on a regular basis, plus many are also allowed to hunt those lands for free when not guiding.

Once again, we have not only received outstanding reports on our previous year's pups, but the quality of our pups continues to improve with only one or two pups needing to be replaced from years past. We are maintaining better than a 99% satisfaction record since we began breeding these wonderful Setters in 1996  and have been told by geneticists that it is impossible to improve on that percentage considering we must allow as much as 5% for natural birth defects that includes low hunting interest. So not only are they proven to be genetically sound but are amazingly 5 times below the rate of natural birth defects, like over- or under-bites which continue to decline and have never produced a single life-threatening defect. 

Please keep in mind that nothing is 100% in nature and that anything that can be produced genetically can also be produced as an non-inherited, random birth defect, but we do our very best to eliminate any problems and are doing everything possible to produce the very best quality, most natural, genetically sound, healthiest gun dog and family companions possible.

When selecting your puppy, please rest assured that our Dashing Bondhu's have been line-bred for 150 plus years by the world's best Setter breeders in history and are virtually like clones over 99% of the time; so when it comes to good health, loving temperament, high intelligence, 100% natural ability, and strong willingness to please, they are all very much alike. If, by the small chance a pup is
acting different, we will specify it in our info on every pup we offer for sale. 

Basically, the only differences are in their coloring and markings. So you can be confident in choosing a pup that you want from their color, markings, and from the pictures sent to you or those posted. Unless noted, the rest are automatically the same, litter after litter, regardless of who the parents are. This is why we are able to provide a Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee on every pup we offer. In fact, once we have carefully selected, trained, Gun Dog Certified, and added one to our breeding program, we have never needed to cull/remove a single pup that we raised for producing inferior pups. Simply put, "Like bred to like, produces like" and, in their case, "Natural Certified Gun Dogs bred to Natural Certified Gun Dogs, produce Natural Certified Gun Dogs."

On the very small chance any pup would show shyness or not be of the same high standards as expected, we will always note it in their email or posting and make them available without breeding rights for a lower price. We do our very best to catch or spot any little thing out of place and will inform you before your purchase, and we guarantee your total satisfaction for life, even after the sale. NO gimmicks, NO games, EVERY PUP has a Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee.

For some reason, we always end up with more males than females, and it might appear we get more deposits for females, but the truth is we actually sell twice as many males than we do females each year we have been breeding them. 

We understand that males in most breeds and even most lines are usually stubborn and harder to train, both in the field and sometimes in the home, but both males and the females from these wonderful, pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters have a strong willingness to please their owners and are what some call "born broke." Both males and females are usually very easy to house train and make the most natural bird dogs with supersweet personalities of any breed.

Please note, because our Dashing Bondhu bloodlines are extremely intelligent, many of our pups will not point a bird wing. This is because they instinctively know that the wing is dead and many will only try to catch a wing to retrieve it to you but will not point one regardless how much you try. Fear not, this is NO indication of their ability to point steady on live bird scent, and your pup will point on live birds when it really matters. (Most pro trainers no longer use wings in training as it teaches pups to look for the birds instead of relying only on their scenting ability. Many pups trained with wings will want to see the bird before pointing them and will bump flush birds. We have never seen our Setters, which have only been trained on live birds, bump flush a bird.)

In fact, we believe they are the smarter pups with the strongest instincts and, because of this trait, our dogs are much less likely to false point, relocate points, or flash point, wasting a hunter's time and when they do point, they will have the live bird's body scent when they point even many yards away. This is just one of the many amazing instincts these Setters have. Also, a very high percentage of our Llewellin Setter pups and adults will point with confidence, naturally holding their heads and tails high (10-12 O'clock). If you want a dog that points old-world style, insecure, holding its tail low (8-9 O'clock), head down, they may be force trained to do so, even though low carriage is not a natural trait for a confident bird dog with exceptional scenting ability and is not preferred by North American hunters.

We do not recommend you purchase one of our pups if you prefer a low-style bird dog or you don't want a highly intelligent and natural dog. They are not for people who like force training; they are natural at pointing, retrieving, and backing and do not respond well to harsh training methods. If you want a hardheaded gun dog, please look somewhere else for one. We do not breed our Setters for independence, field trials, or dog shows. If having the best foot hunting,  natural pleasure hunting gun dog and wonderful family companion is not good enough for you, please purchase elsewhere.

Though they can be easily trained to flush birds on command, we personally don't use our Llewellin Setters to flush birds. We feel that this contradicts their naturally bred and programmed instinct to hold their points solid until the hunter or handler flushes the bird/s, and they hold until a bird is shot down and never chase missed birds.

It's our opinion that one of the only times a dog should break point is when birds are moving on the run, like pheasants, chukar, sharp tails, and some western quail species are very apt to do. All our dogs will instinctively back off a point when this happens and circle around the birds. cutting them off and re-pointing them to pin them down between you and them. leaving nowhere for the birds to go. This will cut down on the time from when your dog smells the birds and you get to shoot them. Other breeds usually break point and keep moving up on the birds to re-point over and over again, until the birds reach thick cover and stay in place or get away in thick cover or hole. 

The second example of allowing a dog to break point is when they make a long point off the bird/s, and they are instructed with a light tap on one ear to move up and re-point closer to the bird/s. Another example is the rare occasion when they point out of sight of the hunter in thick cover and have not been located by their master for a while. Most will naturally back off their point to locate their master and will lead them back to the birds and then re-point them. These were highly favored traits by Sir Llewellin's, Sir Humphrey's, and Fr. Brannon's personal dogs and are all still very strong instincts we see and favor in all our Setters today.
See Pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters all from our Kennel,
Grouse hunting in Wisconsin on Larry Smith's Outdoors show.


 How to Train your Dashing Bondhu Setter 

Dashing Bondhu Dogs, Past and Present

Fd.Ch.Ch. Dash II (Armstrong's/Llewellin's)
  1874 Etching
The foundation dog of the Dashing Bondhus!

Hall of Fame GDC Hank's Ringo Bondhu
2008 Photo © King Llewellin Kennel
  Pure Dashing Bondhu bred!
(Sire and grandsire of many of our Setters)

A perfect example of how genetically similar the Dashing Bondhus are today from the originals, with the original Fd.Ch.Ch. Armstrong's Dash II pictured on the left and 134 years later Hank's Ringo Bondhu pictured on the right. Can there be any doubt that they are the same pure Dashing Bondhu bloodline?
By the way, Hank's Ringo Bondhu is out of OLN's "Hank" and Dashing Chess Bondhu (our Blaze's littermate) and is the sire of our DB Hank, DB Chess, Missy, DB Odette, and the grandsire of our Princess, Freckles, and Babe. He is half brother to Irish Chess Bondhu, OLN's Dash, and is related to all the rest of our dogs. So you can see he is in our dogs many times. Of course, Armstrong's Dash II was the sire of Fd.Ch.Ch. Dashing Bondhu, the foundation of the Dashing Bondhu bloodline and is in all our dogs many, many times, waaaaaaaaaaay back.m06

100% Free, included with every puppy purchase!

    • Consultation before sale (best by email mvcr@scrtc.com ). Help in selecting the right pup for you, but please understand our Setters have been linebred for over 150 years and reproduce like clones over 99% of the time. All dogs are 100% natural bird dogs and have been Gun Dog Certified before being selected for breeding.
    • Mini Pro-ID Microchip (smallest, safest, most reliable chip available and internationally recognized and required by IPDBA Registry) inserted under skin between shoulder blades for FREE!

    • Tattoo ID (usually the last three digits of microchip, usually in left ear unless under right ear is lighter color), required by IPDBA Registry and also in case chip stops working and for quick ID.

    • Health/Vaccine/Worming Record provided for free. Wormings start at 3-4 weeks and continue every 2-3 weeks. Five-Way Vaccines including Newest Parvo vaccine that will protect pup from all known strains started at 4-5 weeks and continued every 2-3 weeks.

    • All vaccines and wormings are current and up to date for age, usually no need for vaccines or wormings for 2-3 weeks from time of purchase. Even though all our Setters are wormed several times each year, all pups are born with worms, so all pups are treated with Albon/Baycox and/or Nemex/Ivomectin bi-weekly starting at 2-3 weeks to help eliminate all parasites. These are the newest, safest, and best treatments available, but because no treatment is 100% effective especially when kept with littermates, pups will likely require one or two follow-up wormings after purchase. We even continue monthly treatments with Ivomectin (used in Heart Gard to prevent heart worms, as well as most other worms, except for tapeworm) for all our dogs. Tapeworms require fleas to complete their cycle, and we maintain a tick- and flea-free environment.

    • Expert training advice (after sale). Please see How to Train your Dashing Bondhu Setter before you attempt to train your pup; this will save you wasted time and can prevent problems. Expert breeding advice (after sale), if needed. We maintain a complete line of all remaining pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setter bloodline not found in any other registries or in most kennels. We also have a list of many customers who purchased our pups all over the world and may be able to locate a stud for your female near you.
Breeding Terminology
The following breeding techniques were commonly done throughout Llewellin Setter history by Edward Laverack, Sir Richard Llewellin, Sir William Humphrey, Fr. James Brannon, Alfred O. King Sr. and continued here at Mountain View Kennel, LLC. The following line-breedings are done to preserve outstanding dog genetics within the pure bloodline, which increases the number of one-in-a-lifetime dogs that reproduce like their sire or dam for generations. These proven breeding techniques not only intensify outstanding genetics in a breeding program and benefits the breed, but also proves a line is genetically clean from inherited defects. These techniques also intensify their reproducing abilities to produce a higher percentage of one-in-a-lifetime natural gun dogs and loving family companions. This is also how wild animals have been reproducing healthy offspring for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, including wild canines.

Line-breeding: is done to preserve a genetically similar bloodline of animal, like Sir Llewellin's pure Dashing Bondhu bloodline. It not only protects the bloodline from genetic mutations found in other lines, it also makes the bloodline more genetically alike or more clone like, increasing the percentage of customer satisfaction.
This is also how wild animals including wild canines reproduce.

Double Bred:
has the same outstanding grandparent on both sides and can be an exceptional male or female. This is best done when the two other grandparents are not the same, in other words, a breeding of a half brother and sister with only two outstanding grandparents the same. Example: Our GDC Dashing Bondhu King's both parents are out of GDC Dashing Bondhu Ringo, making him Double GDC Dashing Bondhu Ringo bred.
This is also common in wild animals including all wild canines.

3/4 Bred:
has the same parent and grandparent and can be an exceptional male or female. This is best done when breeding an outstanding son or daughter back to a common, outstanding sire or dam. Example: Our GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank II has our GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank as his sire and grandsire (on dam's side), making him a 3/4 GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank bred. Also, our GDC Dashing Bondhu CountOrtho II has our great GDC Dashing Bondhu CountOrtho as his sire and grandsire.
This is also common in wild animals including all wild canines.

Quadruple Bred:
has the same four great-grandparents and can be an exceptional male or female. This is best done breeding two "double bred" dogs of the same outstanding sire or dam, but resulted using other different dogs within the bloodline. Example: Our GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly is quadruple bred HOF GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly (OLN's Hank's sire), having him as his great-grand-sire all 4 times, but having all different  great-grand-dams, keeping him genetically sound but intensifying HOF GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly (OLN's Hank's sire) genetics in him and our program, making him highly genetically like him and a highest quality reproducer like his common great-grand-sire.
This is also common in wild animals including all wild canines.

Example: How pups can change as they grow...
    Most pups will NOT change this much with amount of ticking, but this is why we send an outline diagram of each pup showing their expected ticking as an adult. That way our customers will know approximately how much ticking a pup will have as an adult. We chose this belton pup to show that just because they are born all white, it does not mean they won't have a lot of ticking as an adult. All pups are born without any ticking and will get a little to a lot of ticking, depending on parents in most cases, but there are exceptions. We have found that at 5 weeks old, we can make an educated estimate on the amount of ticking a pup will have as an adult. The same goes for pups with markings; they are born with markings, but with no ticking, and adult ticking will vary from a few ticks to a lot of ticking.
    This is also an excellent example how much a pup will look more and more like a Setter with age. It might take 3 years before a Setter will  be fully developed. Many pups will have short ears at 5 weeks and then have long, low-set ears as they develop. Also, hair will increase with age and will take many months to develop feathering on legs and tail. In general, our Setters have medium-length coats much like Border Collies and do not require regular groomings as many English Setters do. They seldom need any trimming, even for hunting.
(Pup shown for an example and not available)

Tri-belton pup at 3 wks.
(born all white and still all white with short, small ears)

Same tri-belton pup at 5-6 wks. old
(has faint ticking on body but showing ticking on belly, legs, ears, and muzzle.  Ears and hair becoming longer with age) This is about the age most pups are offered to our waiting list.

Same pup at 3 months old
(Tri-belton is 75% ticked at this point and ears have become much larger and hair is longer)

Same pup at 12 months old
(Tri-belton is fully ticked now)
Amount of ticking will vary from pup to pup. Always use the diagram emailed or posted with pictures of every pup to see how much ticking the pup will have as an adult. Some of our Setters have hardly any ticking, and some will have a very heavy amount of ticking. Pup has feathering on tail and legs now.

Same pup (tri-belton) with his best hunting buddy, Nik, and their first bird! Pheasant was pointed solid and retrieved to hand from across a deep stream. 
Don't forget to take a kid hunting!
His Dad is also a very happy customer :)

The Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Their organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Their mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy. Each year, the  Award Program identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the area a great place to live, work and play. Mountain View Kennel, LLC. in Bonnieville, Kentucky is Awarded Best Kennel 2019!

BEST English (Llewellin) Setter Breeder of the Year, 2 Years Running!


On behalf of Vetary, I want to congratulate Mountain View Kennel, LLC. on receiving the Best English (Llewellin) Setter Breeder Award 2 years in a row! Vetary has analyzed top English (Llewellin) Setter breeders and cross referenced positive social mention data with top analytic s platforms. Your site was a clear winner with U.S. pet owners over the last 24 months. For context, Vetary awards breeders with best-in-class online buzz, content, visuals, and most importantly, a strong cause and devotion toward their breed of dogs.  Link about Vetary https://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/10/prweb13797456.htm

Note: Most registries, like FDSB recognize the "Llewellin Setter" as a strain of "English Setter" and Vetary Awards reflect that. ONLY IPDBA registered "Llewellin Setters" are registered as a FULLY recognized unique Welsh BREED, separating them from the many multiple strains found in the English Setter breed!

Unfortunately, it appears Vetary will no longer be giving out ANY awards after year 2017.

Mountain View is also a "Kentucky Proud" Game Farm!


Please check "Available Puppies!" below, we many times have pups available, even with a bunch of deposits.

Number of Active Deposits for Pups
(actively wanting to see puppies available)

Boy only

Boy or Girl

Girl only
Not counting inactive deposits!

Even with this large waiting list, we have been having pups available to the public from our last several litters. Please, check out our "Puppies Available" section below.

We only post pups once those waiting have passed on them. A posted pup has NOTHING to do with their level of quality or excellence in breeding. Our pups are like clones as far as their breeding, health, wonderfully sensible temperaments, great hunting abilities, strong bonding nature, and strong willingness to please and is why we can have a Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee on every pup we place. More often than not, what would be our personal first-choice pup is the last pup selected or ends up posted for sale to the public. Pups are chosen simply by one's personal choice.

We are accepting $100. deposit checks to be added to our active or inactive (future) waiting lists. All pups are first offered to those on our active waiting list in the order received before being posted and offered to the public. About 90% of pups are never seen by the public but, because many of those waiting are waiting for a certain color, marking, breeding, or time frame, many will pass on pups until they get one that meets their desire, so the amount of pups that become available will often change. We have seen as many as 14 people on our active waiting list pass on a new pup and it ends up posted available on our website.

Please Note: Over the years we have also had several people on our "active waiting list" ask to be placed on the "inactive list" who may have lost a job, have a family illness, hardship, or who wanted to send in a deposit to be high up on our active list for a pup sometime in the future. These people are not reflected in the numbers above. Only those currently on our "active waiting list" are reflected in the numbers above. If any of those on the "inactive" list become "active" again, they will resume their place in line according to the "date that their deposit was received." The same goes with those who become "inactive" on the active list; they will be removed from the "active list" until they are ready for their pup. This may change the placement on the active list, so placement cannot be guaranteed and may change without notice, but we do guarantee that your "date of deposit received" will always be honored without exception, and once a pup has been chosen by you, it is reserved for YOU.

Also, please understand that we, as one of the breeders who saved this pure rare bloodline, will always reserve the right to keep a pup for our breeding program out of any litter. This will only be done before they are offered to anyone and when deemed necessary for preserving their genetics within the Dashing Bondhu bloodline. Again, once a pup has been chosen, the choice will be honored. We honor your choice, but please understand, once you have reserved a pup using your deposit, your deposit will be sacrificed if you do not follow through with the purchase of that pup.

By sending a non-refundable deposit or when purchasing a pup/dog outright from us, you agree and accept all conditions and policies in our Lifetime Satisfaction Replacement Guarantee. Please make out deposit checks to Mountain View Kennel, LLC and send to: 

Mountain View Kennel, LLC.
11290 N. Dixie Hwy.
Bonnieville, KY 42713

If you have any questions, please contact us by email for quick reply!


Please read about our selection process and how it works below on this page before sending in a non-refundable deposit.

All our pups have a
Lifetime 100% Satisfaction Replacement Guarantee!
It's simple, Best Bloodline, Best Pups, Best Guarantee!
  All pups are out of

'GDC' Titled Parents!

All our breeding stock are proven 100% natural at pointing, retrieving, and backing with sensible loving temperaments, and have a strong willingness to please. They have a strong bonding nature and live to please and serve their owner/s. This is a must of every dog we add to our program.

Please Note!
We are accepting $100.00 deposits now...

for future litters this year and beyond. The sooner we receive your deposit the sooner and more choices you will have. Of course, we realize it's hard to plan to purchase a pup before you see them so, please understand, you have the right to wait until a pup to your satisfaction is available, and we also guarantee your satisfaction 100% after the sale for their lifetime.

Mountain View Kennel, LLC is a registered business with the State of Kentucky and all pups that are picked up must add 6% Kentucky sales tax of purchase price ($6 per $100) including deposit (at time of sale). Only pups that are shipped or pet transported are exempt from KY sales tax.

Please make out $100. deposit check to Mountain View Kennel, LLC. and send to:

Mountain View Kennel, LLC.
11290 N. Dixie Hwy.
Bonnieville, KY 42713

May God Bless YOU!

 Planned Litters!

100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines

Gun Dog Certified Parents!
Planned litters are listed in random order and are currently placed together
may already be bred or may not be bred for several months.
Once they are seen breeding or dam is starting to show,
they will be listed in "Litters Due" below.

All our Setters are 100% Sir. Richard Llewellin's pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines and are are color coated to give credit to those who preserved them in the past. Dog's names in RED are 100% Humphrey blood and dogs in BROWN are both Humphrey and Fr. Brannon blood.
Dogs in Purple have some Belgium from Humphrey. Dogs in Maroon have some Advie Scottish blood from Fr. Brannon.
* means older dog/gyp who may not breed or conceive*
(Planned Litters are subject to change.)

                           Sire                      X                       Dam                
             GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank II X GDC Dashing Bondhu MissChess 

   GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank II X GDC Dashing Bondhu Lucy

GDC Dashing Bondhu CountOrtho II X GDC Dashing Bondhu Pride        

               GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank III X GDC Dashing Bondhu ScinnAmach

 Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litters Due!
100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines

Gun Dog Certified Parents!

Due dates are estimated times due and may be off by a week or two.
We also may have several litters due, but females may not be showing yet.
Also, please allow for the possibility of a rare false pregnancy.

All our carefully selected Setters breed "naturally" without any assistance, as nature intended. No artificial insemination is used in our breeding program. We always have several top, proven females in with our outstanding, proven studs (one stud per pen with one-three females) and they ALL MUST and do get along as a testament to their great temperaments. Some of the females may
be now bred but are not showing yet. We will post them as due as soon as they are seen breeding or
beginning to show.

Though our studs are not kenneled together, they are all loaded and hunted together like our dams and are non-aggressive toward one another. All our dogs MUST get along well together, or they will not be a part of our program to assure great temperaments in our pups. We have never had any temperament problems in our Setters and plan to keep it that way.

   Litters Due 
(Some breeding's do not take, especially with older studs or dams. Also, due dates could be off 10 or more days)
(*Older Dogs who may be done breeding, or who may breed and not conceive, or only have a couple of pups*)

Color Codes: Dogs names in Bright RED are 100% Humphrey bred and dogs in BROWN are part Humphrey and part Fr. Brannon (Ireland) bred, who got his originally from Humphrey.
Dogs, in PURPLE have some Belgium blood, originally from Humphrey and dogs in Brandy have some Advie blood owned by Derry Argue in Scotland, his dogs are originally from Fr. Brannon's Scinn Amach kennel (Ireland). Keep in mind that all our Setters are predominantly Humphrey (80-100%) bred and all our Setters are 100% pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters with every vain tracing 100% back to Sir Richard Llewellin's Dashing Bondhu original kennel in Whales making them 100% truly Llewellin's Setters.

Due Date +/-                  Sire                                       Dam                                  Notes

 04/06/25 +/-  GDC Dashing Bondhu Count II X GDC Dashing Bondhu Remington (Showing)

05/15/25 +/-  GDC Dashing Bondhu RoyalFlush X GDC Dashing Bondhu Silky (bred)

We are sure there are dams due that were not seen breeding who have been and are in with the selected studs and are not showing for sure yet. They are listed under "Planned Litters" above. We will post info as soon as we see any are in season, breeding, or starting to show.
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!

Happy Birthday Puppies!
Nursery News - New Litters

 100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines

Gun Dog Certified Parents!

Litter # R24 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
96% Humphrey & 4% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 10/22/24 Has 2 boy and 3 girl pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Chessette
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  withe Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly and Hank's son Hall of Fame GDC Hank's Dashing Bondhu aka Dash of "Upland Days with Dash an Dez". 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural gun dog certified and proven gun dogs. These pup have been fully evaluated and we have a boy  pup available in our Puppies Available section below near the bottom. 
Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # C25 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
95.5% Humphrey, 3% Fr. Brannon's, & 1.5% Belgium (Humphrey)
Technically, 97% Humphrey3% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 02/04/25 Had 1 boy & 1 girl pup
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu CountOrtho II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Jayne
Puppies Pedigree
 Notes: These pups are 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's, Fr. Brannon's and Belgium kennels, and from generations of natural gun dog certified and proven gun dogs. These pups have been fully evaluated and the girl has been reserved, but the boy is available in our Puppies Available section below near the bottom of those listed. 
Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # D25 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
91% Humphrey & 9% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 02/08/25 Has 4 boy and 1 girl pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu MissLady
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  withe Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly. 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural gun dog certified and proven gun dogs. These pups have been fully evaluated and we have some males available in the "Puppies Available" section below. 
Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # E25 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
93% Humphrey & 7% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 02/09/25 Has 6 pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Toniette
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are 3/4 bred GDC Dashing Bondhu Toniette and are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  withe Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly. 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural gun dog certified and proven gun dogs.  These pups have been fully evaluated and we have some males available in the "Puppies Available" section below. 
Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # G25 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
94% Humphrey & 6% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 03/03/25 Has 5 pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Dash
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu LadyBird
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural gun dog certified and proven gun dogs. Pup will be fully evaluated around 04/07/25 and will be first offered to those on our waiting list. We will post any pups that are available after that in the "Puppies Available" section below. 
Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Puppies Available!

 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!

"Best Bloodline, Best Pups, Best Guarantee" 

Gun Dog Certified Parents!

 Litter # K24 Boys  
100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
91.5% Humphrey & 8.5% Fr. Brannon
Date of Birth: 07/08/24 Had 4 boy pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu LadyBird
Puppies Pedigree

Notes: These pups are heavy bred HOF GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly, out of Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural "gun dog certified" and proven natural gun dogs.
If you see a pup you want, please email us at mvcr@scrtc.com

Male Puppy # K24M1
White, Black, & Ticked
(Medium Ticking)

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

 Litter # L24 Boys  
100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
93% Humphrey & 7% Fr. Brannon
Date of Birth: 07/09/24 Had 5 boy pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Toniette
Puppies Pedigree

Notes: These pups are heavy bred HOF GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly (OLN's Hank's sire), out of Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural "gun dog certified" and proven natural gun dogs.
If you see a pup you want, please email us at mvcr@scrtc.com

Noses will darken with age.

Male Puppy # L24M3
Orange Belton
(Medium Ticking)


Small Male Puppy # L24M5
Orange Belton
(Medium Ticking)

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

  More Recent Litters

Litter # R24 Boys 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
96% Humphrey & 4% Fr. Brannon
Date of Birth: 10/22/24 Had 2 boy pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Chessette
Puppies Pedigree

Notes: These pups are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  with Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly and Hank's son Hall of Fame GDC Hank's Dashing Bondhu aka Dash of "Upland Days with Dash an Dez". 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of natural Gun Dog Certified and proven gun dogs.
Please, send choice to mvcr@scrtc.com

Male Puppy # R24M1
(Medium Ticking)

Price $1000.00

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # C25 Boy 
100% Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
95.5% Humphrey, 3% Fr. Brannon's, & 1.5% Belgium (Humphrey)
Technically, 97% Humphrey3% Fr. Brannon

Date of Birth: 02/04/25 Had 1 boy pup
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu CountOrtho
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Jayne
Puppies Pedigree

Notes: These pups are 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's, Fr. Brannon's and Belgium kennels, and from generations of natural Gun Dog Certified and proven natural gun dogs and are amazing proven reproducers of 100% Natural Gun Dogs.
Please, send choice to mvcr@scrtc.com

Male Puppy # C25M1
White, Black, & Ticked
(Heavy Ticking)

Price $900.00

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # D25
100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
91% Humphrey & 9% Fr. Brannon
Date of Birth: 02/08/24 Had 4 boy pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu MissLady
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  withe Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly. 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of Gun Dog Certified and Natural proven gun dogs.
Please, send your selection choices within 24 hours to mvcr@scrtc.com , so your deposit date will be honored.

Noses will darken with age.


Male Pup # D25M1
(Light-Medium Ticking)

Price $1050.00

Male Pup # D25M4
(Light-Medium Ticking)

Price $1050.00

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!

Litter # E25
100% Llewellin's Pure Dashing Bondhu Bloodlines!
93% Humphrey & 7% Fr. Brannon
Date of Birth: 02/09/24 Had 5 boy pups
Sire: GDC Dashing Bondhu Ashly II
Dam: GDC Dashing Bondhu Toniette
Puppies Pedigree
Notes: These pups are very heavy bred Hall of Fame GDC Henry PrinceOf Pause aka Hank of "Hunting  with Hank" and his sire Hall of Fame GDC IrishKing Bondhu Ashly. 100% Pure Dashing Bondhu bloodlines originally imported from W. Humphrey's and Fr. Brannon's kennels, and from generations of Gun Dog Certified and 100% Natural proven gun dogs and wonderful family companions.
Please, send your selection choices within 24 hours to mvcr@scrtc.com , so your deposit date will be honored.

Nose will darken with age.

Sale Pending!

Male Pup # E25M1
(Light-Medium Ticking)

Brown nose will darken with age.

Price $1050.00

Male Pup # E25M3
(Has marking under left year, so is not a Belton, but will look like a Tri-Belton)
(Medium Ticking)

Nose will darken with age.

Price $950.00

Male Pup # E25M4
(Medium-Heavy Ticking)

Price $1050.00

Life-Time Satisfaction Guarantee!


    Photos never do our pups or dogs any justice, and they always look much better in the flesh. All photos posted of pups/dogs are the most recent photos we have. We will update photos as soon as time allows us to do so. New photos are posted and shared with everyone when we are able to update them. Only those on our waiting list will receive privately shared links to photos of each litter available before posting them to the public. If you would like to reserve a place on our waiting list, please follow the directions to send a deposit (lower down on this webpage).    
    Most years we post less than 1/10th of the pups we produce, so if you are wanting to
see pups as soon as they become available, even one or two years in the future, we recommend sending a deposit check to get on our waiting list for a better position on the list.

Please note: For some unknown reasons, as long as we have been raising this pure Dashing Bondhu bloodline, they have produced twice as many boys as they do girls. Even though we sell many more boys than girls, we usually have more deposits remaining for girls than we do boys and sometimes have some boy pups posted on our website, making it appear that the boys are harder to place. The truth is we actually place twice as many boys as we do girl pups.

Also, most fat pups in these Setters will have what is now commonly known as a delayed closure. All puppies are born with a small hole for the umbilical cord, and the hole closes naturally over time. In our fat pups, the abdominal fat commonly gets in the way causing a delay in them closing. In over 25 years of raising these Setters with about 70% having delayed closures, ALL have closed on their own with the exception of two that were fixed by a Vet before it had the chance to close on its own.  We even thought we had one pup with quarter size hole and made an appointment to get it fixed. When the appointment day came, I went to get the pup and found that it had already closed on its own. As with any pup with a defect, we would NEVER offer a pup with a true hernia without first making it clear the pup had one, secondly reduce the price, and thirdly only offer it without breeding rights.

Please, understand that there is NO logic in us saying that they are delayed closures if they were hernias. A hernia will never close without surgery, so it would make us look bad and hurt our great reputation as a Supreme Grand Master Breeder, and we would have to pay to get it fixed anyway. All we ask is to give it a year to close on its own. Please, see our comments webpage for info about "Delayed Closure" from a nationally renowned and respected Vet. By the way, most Vets who have not dealt with our Setters might
never have seen a delayed closure and are only used to dealing with hernias. Many might claim it is a hernia and believe it will never close. Only time will tell who is right. Our Vet of 24 years has agreed that it is perfectly safe to wait until the pup is one year old. The same is true for a undescended testis. We have found, if left alone, even a delayed testicle will drop within the first year. We now wonder how many unnecessary surgeries are performed on pups each year.

DO NOT feed ANY puppy/dog foods with ANY "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," or "Animal Digest" in them. This includes all other SPORTMIX
® labeled foods (except for their WHOLESOME® natural line). Foods with "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," or "Animal Digest" have medications, chemicals and/or additives to make those animals infertile, grow faster, larger, more tender and moist, and will affect the growth and future health of your puppy and dog. Tainted "Poultry-by-Products," "Chicken-by-Products," and/or "Animal Digest" are also the number one cause for recalls. Feeding them will NULL & VOID our Lifetime Guarantee. Also, it's my opinion that by-products causes allergies in dogs and may be the cause of early cancers. Many dogs with so called corn allergies got their problem while they were fed by-products and yet our dogs have no allergies to corn, other grains, or anything else.

WARNING! We are NO LONGER feeding or recommending "SPORTMIX® Stamina 24/16" Dog Food because of the addition of CHICKEN-BY-PRODUCTS.

We are now feeding Good Friends® Hi Energy Performance Blend 30/20, that is Meat base without by-products or animal digest and made by Nutrena for Rural King and is available at all Rural King locations. We are ONLY recommending their Hi Energy formula and have been extremely pleased with how our pregnant and nursing dams and their puppies maintain good weight, as well as our dogs excellent stamina and abilities afield.


Good Friends Hi-Energy Performance Blend Dry Dog Food, 40 lb. Bag (ruralking.com)

Other Recommended Dog Foods without by-products or digest.

WHOLESOMES® Puppy Chicken and Rice 30/20 Dry Dog Food, 16.5-lb bag is an all-natural puppy dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and Chewy.com and is somewhat more reasonably priced than other puppy foods. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at

WHOLESOMES Puppy Chicken & Rice Dry Dog Food, 16.5-lb bag - Chewy.com

® Energy Plus 24/20 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and Chewy.com and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at
WHOLESOMES Energy Plus 24/20 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag - Chewy.com

® Hi Energy Plus 26/18 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and Chewy.com and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available online at

WHOLESOMES High Energy 26/18 Dry Dog Food, 40-lb bag - Chewy.com


Chicken, Beef, or Lamb & Rice, is an all-natural dog food made by SportMix® and is a high-quality food for less active dogs, available at most PetSmarts, TSC, and is somewhat more reasonably priced than others. It is a VERY GOOD FOOD! Available at many stores incuding TSC and online at: https://www.chewy.com/sportmix-wholesomes-chicken-meal/dp/118416

® High Energy 24/20 Multi-Meat based formula (beef, chicken, pork) that has excellent levels of both protein and fat, supporting the needs of growing puppies and active dogs. Fortified with high levels of both Glucosamine and Chondroitin. These additives work to support healthy joint cartilage, which is the key to long-term health of your dog! I have not fed this, but it looks like a very good quality dog food without by-products, but please check the ingredients before purchase. Available many stores and
online with free 2-3 day shipping at
VICTOR High Energy Formula Dry Dog
Food, 40-lb bag - Chewy.com

If you need a lower fat diet because of overweight problems during non-hunting months,  for dogs over 12 months old who have overweight problems. Wholesome makes a
23/12 quality grain free food WHOLESOMES Grain-Free Beef Meal & Potatoes Formula Dry Dog Food, 35-lb bag - Chewy.com

IMPORTANT UPDATE: MORE FAT, LESS PROTEIN DIET improves detection dogs' sniffers! An article in the Cornell  Chronicle proves that higher protein and low fat diets will adversely affect dogs' scenting abilities and their body temperature, decreasing both scenting ability and stamina.

We have found this is the case with feeding dog foods that 18-20% fat, our Setters have greater stamina, hunting all day without prior conditioning and having scenting ability to point single wild quail up to 40 "yards" away.

Cornell Chronicle

From sniffing out bombs and weapons to uncovering criminal evidence, dogs can help save lives and keep the peace. Now, researchers have uncovered how to improve dogs' smelling skills through diet by cutting protein and adding fats.

Such a diet, say the researchers, appears to help dogs return to lower body temperatures after exercise, which reduces panting and, thereby, improves sniffing.

The findings could change how detection dogs are fed and boost their detection abilities, says Joseph Wakshlag, Associate Professor N of Clinical Studies and Chief of Nutrition at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine. Wakshlag, who collaborated with researchers at Auburn University, is presenting the findings at the Companion Animal Nutrition Summit in Atlanta, held March 22-24.

The study, funded with a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, also found that detection dogs are more reliable detectors than previously thought. The study is the first to be conducted in the world's only detection dog research facility designed in conjunction with a military dog trainer. The Alabama facility, which provides expert detection dogs to police and military forces, flushes out fumes between tests, ensuring a fresh field each time.

"Previous studies from other facilities, which lack this feature, had suggested detection dogs signaling for suspect substances are about 70 percent accurate," said Wakshlag. "The lower numbers may have been due to study design flaws which our new study overcame. Dogs tested in the new facility signaled with 90 percent and above accuracy. We also found we can push detection performance even further with the right kind of food."

Bucking conventional thinking, the group found that less protein and more fat in the dogs' diet helped trained dogs perform better in exercise and detection tests. During an 18-month period, they rotated 17 trained dogs through three diets Wakshlag selected: a high-end performance diet, regular adult dog food, and regular adult dog food diluted with corn oil. Measuring how different diets affected each dog, they found that dogs eating the normal diet enhanced with corn oil returned to normal body temperatures most quickly after exercise and were better able to detect smokeless powder, ammonia nitrate, and TNT.

"Corn oil has lots of polyunsaturated fats, similar to what you'd find in a lot of nuts and common grocery store seed oils," said Wakshlag. "Past data from elsewhere suggest that these polyunsaturated fats might enhance the sense of smell, and it looks like that may be true for detection dogs. It could be that fat somehow improves nose-signaling structures or reduces body temperature or both. But lowering protein also played a part in improving olfaction."

Wakshlag designed the high-performance and corn oil diets to have the same amount of energy from fat (57 percent). But the corn oil diet had less protein: 18 percent compared with 27 percent in the regular and high-performance diets.

"If you're a dog, digesting protein raises body temperature, so the longer your body temperature is up, the longer you keep panting, and the harder it is to smell well," said Wakshlag. "Our study shifts the paradigm of what 'high-performance' diet can mean for dogs. It depends on what you want your dog to do. A sled dog or greyhound may need more protein to keep going. But detection dogs tend to exercise in shorter bursts and need to recover quickly and smell well. For that, less protein and more fat could help."

Carly Hodes '10, MBA '14, is a communication specialist at the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Please Note: Mountain View Kennel, LLC. or its owners do not receive any discounts or compensation for recommending any dogs foods. We just want your pup/dog to have a long healthy life.

We do NOT recommend dog foods over 30% protein or lower than 18% fat because we have found high protein and low fat ratio foods will cause loose ligaments in their hips, knees, ankles, and feet as well as possibly causing liver and kidney problems in later years. In the past, we have seen once popular high-protein dog foods like 27/10 with low fat %  caused liver and/or kidney problems later in older dogs, so we believe it is good to use caution when trying new, higher protein levels, especially if the fat content has not been increased. High fat contents are needed in high-protein food formulas to prevent liver and/or kidney damage. The fat is burned to digest the protein; if fat levels are not increased with protein levels, the dog will use its own organs to digest the protein.

We also add Lamb Milk Replacer 25/25 to our nursing mothers' and pups' food mixed with warm water for their first 7-8 weeks and then feed all the dry food they want for their 1st year, rationing their food if needed, but most of our Setters are in perfect condition while eating it free will, 24/7. 

When feeding high quality, properly balanced foods, you will add years to their life span, have less Vet bills, and even save on the cost of feeding them in the long run. Dogs actually eat/need half the amount of high quality food as they will eat/need on cheaper foods. Saving a few dollars on a bag will usually cost more since the dog may need to eat twice as much food.

We personally DO NOT recommend any Purina dog foods, especially "Puppy Chow," "Purina One," or "Purina Pro Plan." We know of several dogs of many breeds (including many Setters) who have had chronic coat and skin problems, hyperactivity, and underweight issues while being fed "Purina Pro Plan" or "Purina One." When they were changed over to what we recommend, they have all cleared up completely, gained weight, and had calmer dispositions. Most of Purina foods have poultry by-products, animal digest, or chicken by-products which will also null and void our health guarantee. If you must feed Purina, feed only their natural foods without by-products or digest in them.

To be fair to Purina, if you are raising game birds, Purina Game Bird foods are the BEST food to feed them. It costs more, but it's been our experience raising game birds for over 52 years, including for NY State Conservation Department, that the birds will hardly peck at all and will grow to be strong boned and fully feathered. Especially Purina Game Bird Startina 30% protein, we start all our quail and pheasant chicks on it. We feed our six-week-old pheasants and quail Purina Game Bird Grower 18% or Flight Conditioner 18%. We have found that as long as we maintain an 18% or higher protein level in our quail and pheasants, we have little to no pecking. We do put specks on our pheasants at six weeks old. Once pecking has started, it is very difficult to stop. 

We have tried just about all other brands of feed and found it costs less to feed Purina bird feeds because of much fewer losses. Consider the cost of losing a half- or full-grown pheasant or quail as well surviving birds that are without any feathers to protect them when released, and if  you lose even one or two birds, it costs more to feed the cheaper feed than it does to feed them Purina. Also, a stronger, healthier, well-feathered bird will fly and survive better in the wild and won't contaminate the native birds. All comments made are my personal opinions formed over many years of experience as a Supreme Grand Master Breeder. 

Please note: We DO NOT recommend  Retriever® Hi-Pro dog food (from Tractor Supply® TSC), Ole Roy® Hi-Pro dog food from Wal-Mart® or any dog foods made by these brands. Our adult Setters had very little stamina and even had VERY poor scenting abilities compared to what the same dogs normally had when they were on another diet and it has now been confirmed with several customers' dogs having the same problems when fed these foods and some other foods like them. We never thought it was possible for a manufactured dog food to adversely affect a dog's scenting and hunting abilities until we tried them. The same Setters who constantly made 40 yard points could not smell a bird unless they were within 3-4 yards of them.

This may explain why we have been able to easily train all but one of the less than 1% pups returned and sold them as well started within a few weeks after hunting them.  If you are feeding one of them or are not satisfied with your dog's scenting abilities or stamina, you will see a noticeable improvement feeding them one of the following foods listed below. It may be the answer to problems you may be having with your pup/dog.

We also do NOT recommend "Taste of the Wild," or other very high-protein dog foods over 30%. These high-protein dog foods will cause loose ligaments as they develop and may cause liver or kidney problems later in life. Protein is hard to digest, and it takes a bunch of energy to burn protein and will burn up their liver and/or kidneys in the process. They found this out years ago when the crave was for high-protein dog foods that only had 10% fat. Many dogs died at a young age from liver or kidney problems.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: More fat, less protein improves detection dogs' sniffers! Article in Cornell Chronicle proves that higher protein and low-fat diets will adversely affect dogs' scenting abilities.   http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2013/03/more-fat-less-protein-improves-detection-dogs-sniffers

WARNING! Recent testing has shown that Blue Buffalo foods had only 5% meat and a lot of bone and the quality is not as advertised. Blue Buffalo also makes "Taste of the Wild," and we do not recommend these very high-protein dogs foods with no grains at all. Super high protein can cause loose ligaments as well as liver and/or kidney problems later in the dog's life. Our Setters will not grow right on super high-protein foods of higher than 30% and may affect their long-term health/life.

Please note: We do not sell dog food or receive any coupons or proceeds for recommending any of these products and only do so to help our customers select quality, safe food for their pups and dogs. We have been offered many deals to feed our dogs and recommend brands that have by-products, digest, and/or other additives, which we refuse to feed our dogs. We would never recommend something we would not feed our dogs, regardless how much they offer.

Attention All Customers
Subject Microchips

     We microchip all puppies with the US made Buddy-ID or Pro-ID Mini microchip (smallest, safest, and most-reliable microchips available) that are preregistered to the International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance, 'IPDBA' dog registry. Every pup is provided with a registration card to register the Pro-ID Microchip in the pup's new owner's name for a one-time, lifetime fee of only $24.95.


Note the size of normal Avid chip verses the Buddy-ID and Pro-ID Mini chip used at Mountain View Kennel, LLC. When we used the Avid chip for several years, we found that about one out of twenty chips stopped working within the first year and had some problems with hemorrhaging under the skin with the larger Avid chips. 
We have been using the Pro-ID and Buddy-ID mini-chips for several years now without any problems or complaints from our customers. Most pups don't even know we inserted them.

It has come to our attention that some shelters are not willing to contact the original registered owner, kennel, breeder, or registry of the microchip if the chip has not been registered to an individual dog and owner with a national, online microchip registry. IPDBA will continue to contact dog owners if they are contacted, but to make sure all shelters will contact you directly, saving valuable time, eliminating possibly having your dog put up for adoption, or being euthanized, we recommend that you also register your pup's/dog's microchip for life for a one-time low fee with the Microchip Registration Center at http://www.microchipregistrationcenter.com/  or call (800) 434-2843. Please add our Customer Provider Code # C14240 so we can keep track of our pups being registered within their system.

This will assure you that your dog is registered for life in your name and personal contact info in all three online national lists and will allow you to make your contact changes online without any additional charges for life.

Please note: We do not receive any discounts or proceeds for recommending the "Microchip Registration Center" or the Buddy or Pro-Mini ID microchip. We do so because we have been pleased with their excellent service, products, and want our customers to receive the same. These chips are now available at Revival Animal Health | Pet Supplies, Medications & Pharmacy
By popular demand, we are now offering our
Kansas Wild-Stock Ringneck Pheasants
Fresh Hatching Eggs

Day-old Chicks by advanced order ONLY!

100% Breeders originally from eggs collected from
Kansas wild nests after hens were killed during hay-cutting season.

  Taking orders NOW for 2025!
A Very limited amount of hatching eggs
Eggs shipped April-May or picked up April-July!
(Very Limited Supply)
Chicks are only available by special order, no shipping of chicks.
No started, or adult birds available.
Sorry, NO eggs, chicks or adult birds of our wild stock Bobwhite Quail.

    Taking orders for 2025 Hatching Eggs Now!
NO better pheasants for stocking, shooting, training, table, or for mounting. Very brilliant, strong flyers, non-runners, hardy, and predator smart with excellent survival and reproducing rates both in the wild and in captivity.  If you want to hunt pheasants like you hunted with your dad or he hunted with his dad years ago, these are them. True WILD Ringnecked Pheasants that are surprisingly easy to raise and very hardy, broody, having the strongest survival instincts that I have ever seen in 50+ years as a Game Farm breeder. If you want to increase your local pheasant population with great genetics or want to introduce true wild pheasants to your area, these are the BEST!  They are the true wild size, roost at night, stay put in cover, and burst into flight rather than running. We have been stocking and hunting these pheasants for  10+ years and have not had one bird run on our Setters' points, but be ready for an explosive flight. Very strong, high-flying birds.

For Pricing and more info Click Here!

Mountain View is a Kentucky Proud Game Farm!

 We are looking for someone with hunting land within one hour of Bonnieville, Kentucky 42713. We will stock thousands of dollars worth of our top-quality, wild-type Bobwhite Quail and wild stock Kansas Ringnecked Pheasants annually for my Christian family to have annual hunting rights on your land. KY CRP land would be ideal, but any land suitable for upland game birds could work. Of course, the more land the better. We stock about two to three times as many birds than we shoot each year and double or triple the wild bird populations annually, establishing good wild populations on the land we hunt. We will treat your land with respect as we would our own land and want to help plant food plots, watering and feeding stations, early stocking, etc. to make your land the best hunting grounds around for all types of game. Of course, your family members are also welcome to hunt with or without us and can use our wonderful Setters, if needed. Basically, we are hoping to build a long friendship with your family and ours. If you have land in our area and would like to become hunting buddies, use our many years of experience in stocking the best genetic birds possible as well as managing hunting grounds, and want see your land become the best hunting grounds around, please contact us by email: mvcr@scrtc.com.

P.S. We will also have some good, medium-speed rabbit dogs to run, with permission, on your land and like to kill every coyote we see or can call in.


Llewellin Setter Puppy Price List
Prices listed are subject to change.

We have tried to keep our prices low despite all the many increases in the cost to raise them as well as the huge demand for them. Dog food has almost doubled since 1995 as well as vaccines, fencing, etc.. Even so, we still have our Dashing Bondhu pups priced far below what they originally cost us when we purchased them. 

Also, please keep in mind that all our Setters are "Gun Dog Certified," and we have the added expense of training each and every dog we add to our breeding program. Then we select the most natural and best-tempered for our breeding program, assuring our pups are out of proven, natural parents, and are "genetically sound." This could save you hundreds of dollars in professional training, veterinarian expenses, and all our pups come with a 100% Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee! Mountain View Kennel is the first and only kennel to offer such a full guarantee and is setting the standard for the rest to follow, if they can. If you can possibly find a better guarantee on any bird dog, we will match it 100%.

All pups are sold with full breeding rights unless noted for "non-breeding home only." We feel it is important to have whole dogs with breeding rights available in case they are ever needed to help save the pure Dashing Bondhu bloodline again, but if you prefer to spay or neuter yours, it is fine with us. There is no better or genetically sound (clean) strain of dogs available in the world than the pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters.

For some odd reason, we do get almost twice as many male pups than female pups born, so it often appears females are in more demand, but we sell almost twice as many males as we do females each year. 
Prices listed are for six to nine week old pups. If you purchased a pup and will be unable to pick it up or receive it by its 10 week birthday, please add $50 per week for the boarding fee after 9 weeks, unless our fault. We allow some six-week-old pups to be personally picked up for early bonding and can ship starting at eight weeks of age in most cases. Shipping prices increase with pups after nine weeks old because of their increased size.
Note: This is the pricing system used for pricing our pups and for future pups not posted. The price posted is the price of the pup (without tax, S/H, or pet transport).

Puppy Price List 
(Prices subject to change)
All pups will be $100.00 more starting June 1st 2025

Pure Dashing Bondhu Puppies!

"Best Bloodlines, Best Pups, Best Guarantee"

6 weeks - 9 weeks old
Male pups start at $900.00 ea.

Female pups start at $1000.00 ea.

add $100.00 if 100% Humphrey bred.

We accept personal checks for deposits ONLY and cash, certified bank check, or bank wire transfer for deposit of balance due at time of purchase or week before pet transported or shipped. The starting price is for all pups that are white, black, & ticked, the original and most common colors of a pure Llewellin Setter color.

True Beltons are born completely white without any markings. They then begin to get ticking a few weeks later, similar to one or both of the parents. Beltons can come in any color of ticking. Please add $100. extra if a pup is a Belton

Tri-color is, white, black, orange (tan), & ticked. Please add $50. extra for tri-color.

It has taken many years of selective breeding to produce the beautiful white & chestnut (liver) or white & orange (tan) in this strain, especially the tri-chestnut (white, chestnut, tan, & ticked), so please add $50. extra if pup is chestnut or orange in color and another $50. extra if a tri-chestnut.

Quad and quad-belton: We originally thought we could see additional colors on our Setters and thought they could have four different colors, but after consulting with canine geneticists and much research, the consensus is that it is not genetically possible! Shades of the same color do not constitute a different color. Many Setters have lighter color on ears, belly, and other parts of their belly. Also, new hair will be darker than old hair. Just look most Irish Setters, which are solid Red but can have much lighter shades on ears, belly, etc..

Though some may appear to be, you cannot genetically have black and chestnut on the same dog. For example, chestnuts (liver, chocolate, brown) have to have the addition of a dilute gene, making black appear chestnut (liver, chocolate, brown), so if the dilute gene is present, all black pigment on the dog will be diluted to look like the chestnut (liver, chocolate, brown) color, including the nose, eyelids, paw pads, etc.. Very dark orange, almost red markings and ticking can appear to look like chestnut. It is sometimes very difficult tell the difference between a dark orange belton and a chestnut or tri-chestnut belton in color, but the chestnut and tri-chestnut Beltons will have the dilute gene and will have chestnut (liver, chocolate, brown) nose, eye lids, lips, paw pads, etc.. For pictures and more detailed descriptions, please check out our webpage www.mvsetter.com/LScolors.html


In 1925, Sir. William Humphrey Sr., directly inherited all of Sir. Richard Llewellin's pure Dashing Bondhu Setters and maintained them 100% pure for 38 years until his passing in 1963 He himself made 41 one Field Champions during those 38 years. The 100% pure Humphrey bloodlines is very very rare today and was saved from extinction by Mountain View Kennel, LLC. in 2003 and has maintain the only remaining gene pool of them. Because of this, please add $100. to starting price for all 100% Humphrey bred pups.

Example of color pricing.

Example #1: a blue belton, please add $100. for being a belton.

Example #2: a chestnut belton, add $50. for being a chestnut and $100. for being a belton = $150. Total should be added to starting price.

Example #3: a tri-chestnut belton, add $100. ($50. for Chestnut + $50. for Orange) for being a tri-chestnut and add $100. for being a belton = $200. Total should be added to starting price.

Example #4: a tri-belton. add $50. (for Orange) for being a tri, and add $100. for being a belton = $150. Total should be added to starting price.

Prices will increase at 10 weeks of age and may increase every two weeks for extra care, wormings, and vaccines, so if a pup posted is marked higher than the above calculations, this is the reason.

Many pups are born with pink or spotted noses, but about 95% will become solid in color when mature. Tri-color, white & black and most white & orange pups will have solid black noses when mature and tri-chestnuts, white & chestnuts, and some white & orange pups will have solid brown noses when mature.

Please note: All Dashing Bondhu bloodlines go back to Sir Richard Llewellin's personal Setters that he himself named and bred for over 50 years. Sir Willaim Humphrey Sr. and Fr. James Brannon were very close friends and frequently bred, trained, and traded their pure Dashing Bondhus until 1963 when Humphrey passed away. Fr. Brannon continued his strict pure breeding program of his Bondhu's until his passing, and the great Machad Ambassador was imported in 1988 and was bred to a pure Humphrey female that produced H/F IrishKing Bondhu Ashly. After breeding both pure Humphreys and high percentage of Fr. James Brannon's Setters, as well as those with some Belgium Setters (100% Humphrey) in them, we have found no difference in their looks, temperaments, natural hunting abilities, genetic soundness, or in their quality; they are all identical. The only Belgium bloodline carried in some of our Setters are pure Humphrey Dashing Bondhu breeding, bred for 36 years in Belgium without any Wind'Em in them.  They are the same quality bloodlines imported to the USA in the 1960s by Dr. Stephenson. It was kept pure in Belgium after Sir. Humphrey's passing in 1963 and then imported to the USA in the early 1990s. 

We only show % of Humphrey (UK)Fr. Brannon (Ireland), Marie Therese a Goes (Belgium) and Advie (Scotland) to give them credit for their part in preserving Sir. Richard Llewellin's personal Dashing Bondhu Setters.

All pups are wormed, vaccinated, micro-chipped, and tattooed usually with the last three digits of microchip number. Photos are also taken for permanent identification, and all our pups are IPDBA (International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance) Litter Registered, at no extra charge.
Mountain View Kennel, LLC is a registered business with the State of Kentucky, and with all pups that are picked up, we must add 6% sales tax to the purchase price ($6 per $100), deposit included. So far only pups that are airline shipped or pet transported do not require sales tax in Kentucky.

"Best Bloodlines, Best Pups, Best Guarantee"

No matter how well a breeding program is maintained,
nature is never perfect, so all our pups come with a
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!

Deposits, Reservations, and Our Selection Process

We require $100 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to reserve a pup or to be placed on our waiting list for future pups, which will be applied to the purchase price of your new pup.

Reservations are taken in the order that deposits are "received" in hand, which guarantees your place in sequential order starting at five to six week birth date. It is impossible, in most cases, for someone to come and pick out a pup within 36 hours of the day they are emailed info, because of the unknown timing of the picking order. So, if they are unable to come in person within 24 hours of the 1st notice sent, they MUST make their selection from the photos, diagram, and description emailed them within that time. All additional questions will be answered, but if management believes the person is attempting to delay the selection process for any reason, Mountain View Kennel reserves the right to offer the available pups to the next person in line. Mountain View Kennel always reserves the right to refuse the sale of their pups at anytime. Available pups' info will be emailed or sent to the first person at the top of our waiting list on or between the five-six week birth date. 

All selections MUST be made in a TIMELY manner (within 24 hours) from when email/s with info are first sent. Please make sure you have approved our email mvcr@scrtc.com so they will not go to your spam or trash folder. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer to check their email/s often and to have their email set up to receive pictures and all emails from us. Please keep management notified of any address changes. Any delays will forfeit your selection order regardless of when your deposit was received, and pups will be offered to the next person waiting or will be posted to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The bottom line is that you may need to select your pup at five weeks old, before they are ready to go. You are welcome to come within the 24 hours of pictures sent to you, but won't be able to take him home if he is under six weeks old.

The old method of our selection process of sending photos and info of available pups to each person has been taking too long to place all the pups at a young age. We will now be sending an email to multiple customers at a time, with a URL link so pups will be placed for early bonding. Like before, you will have 24 hours to email your selection choices for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., so your deposit date will be honored. After 24 hours, I will contact those who replied with their choices for pups according to the deposit dates. You can pass on pups or select one pup and pass on others. You will be notified if the pups you select are available to you.

This is done so other customers will be able to make their selections in a timely manner and can start picking up their new pups as young as six weeks of age to begin their important bonding process, and we can offer any unreserved pups on our website as soon as possible.

Please note: Mountain View Kennel always reserves the option for first choice on all litters for their personal program but will honor all selections, once made. This does NOT mean that a pup will be chosen from each litter. Deposits may not be transferred to another litter once a selection has been made. We NEVER accept "REFUNDABLE" deposits. If a litter is not born, or puppy does not make it, or is not desirable, deposit may be transferred to a future litter or another puppy that is available. If customer decides to purchase elsewhere, deposit will be forfeited and will NOT be REFUNDED.
Generally, reserved puppies are to be picked up at six-eight weeks of age or shipped at eight-nine weeks of age and no later than 10 weeks, unless under special circumstances. Mountain View Kennel does not offer any TRAINING or KENNELING services and will NOT raise pups for you! 

 We raise each puppy as part of our family, so we prefer that our customers pick up their pup in person if possible, so we can meet their new owners in person. Since it is not always feasible for everyone to pick up their pup, we do offer customers a service to ship their pups safely starting at eight weeks of age from Louisville International Airport, whenever possible. You can now use ground transport to the eastern-plus half of the USA for a little less than airline shipping and without temperature restrictions, see "Pet Ground Transport" section below.

Shipping and handling fees are extra: We can ship to any major airport in the world that allows airlines that carry live animals, but the flight can have only one connection. We have shipped safely to hundreds of airports around the world, including to every state in the USA, (except Hawaii because of quarantine), Canada, Brazil, Mexico, France, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Russia, Japan, Norway, Belgium and other countries.

We do not ship to any country if they require pups to be quarantined. We will only ship pups younger than 12 weeks of age to countries where rabies titer testing is not required for pups under 12 weeks old. The reason will do not want to ship to countries with quarantine or titer testing requirements under 12 weeks old is that our Setters build lifelong bonds at an early age, and titer testing will require pups be over 12 weeks old to receive rabies vaccination, must be boarded for 30 or more days, and then titer tested to prove  rabies vaccine protection is likely before shipping. Basically, we would have to board your pup until three months old and pup might be five-six months old when permitted to ship them to those countries. By that time, they have bonded to us and take as long as a month to bond with their new owner. It is also much easier and cheaper to ship pups younger than 12 weeks of age.

By sending a non-refundable deposit or when purchasing a pup/dog outright, you agree and accept all conditions and policies in our Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee. Please make out deposit checks to Mountain View Kennel, LLC and send to:

Mountain View Kennel, LLC.
11290 N. Dixie Hwy.
Bonnieville, KY 42713

Please, contact us by email for quick reply!


We accept personal checks for deposits ONLY. Balance due for pup at time of pickup or the week before shipping must be paid in cash or by cashier's/certified bank check, or  bank wire transfers (ask for info).

Available, Pet Ground Transport!
Safe summer or winter transport, to your door
We prefer our customers/buyers come pick up their pup/dog, but when that is not feasible, we now have available safe, insured, pet ground transport within the eastern plus half of the USA with Buckeye Dog Haulers 740-500-8226. Kat's Dog Haulers covers all lower 48 states 520- 869-1610. Both will meet at Canadian or Mexican borders.  Pups/dogs travel in climate controlled suvs/vans, and they are watered, fed, cleaned whenever needed, and exercised along the route, without the stress or the temperature restrictions of airline shipping. Best of all, their fees are LESS. Many of our customers prefer this way of transport over airlines and makes it possible to get your pup hand delivered to your door, even with very high or very low temperatures. Also, NO trips to the busy airports for either of us. Pups/dogs are picked up at our kennel and transported to you, and you pay them cash on delivery for their service. They will even meet you within their travel range if you live outside of it.

Buckeye Dog Haulers range marked in Green 740-500-8226.
Kat's Dog Haulers covers all lower 48 states
520- 869-1610.
Both will meet at Canadian or Mexican borders.

We have only received high praise from customers who have used these transporters to get their pup or dog. Some have used them multiple times over many years, but once your pup/dog has been turned over to the transport representative at the time of pickup and has left our possession, we, as the seller, cannot and do not accept any responsibilities for the loss, damage, or destruction of your pup/dog.

Remember, all pups/dogs are transported on your behalf at your request, and the sale is finalized at the time the transport representative/s accepts possession of your pup; they are responsible to you, from that time on, for the welfare of your pup/dog once in their possession.

Any loss, damage, or destruction of the buyer's/consignee's pup/dog should be covered by their insurance policy. Of course, we will help the buyer on our end any way we can to get their claim filed, but we, the seller/shipper, do not accept any responsibilities for any loss, damage, or destruction of the buyer's/consignee's pup/dog once the pup/dog has left our possession.

By the way, to date there has not been any problems reported. In fact, we and every customer have reported complete satisfaction with their service, and they do guarantee your pup/dog's safe delivery.

Airline Shipping
For Your Pup/dog!

Please note,
only American Airlines is accepting pets in cargo and they now have fewer flights equipped for safe pet shipping, we will only airline ship when no pet transport is available in a reasonable time and to major airport that has pet equipped flights. American Airlines is the only airlines still accepting pets in cargo and have always been most reasonable prices, but they have doubled some of their fees since Covid. Many customers have found it cheaper to fly into Louisville 'SDF' meet us their with pup and then fly back with their pup as a carry-on (up to 10 weeks old). Most airlines do accept pets as carry-on in a soft pet carrier that will fit under seat.
We prefer our customers/buyers come pick up their pup/dog, or have pup Pet transported to your door, but when those options are not available, we are willing to provide our customers a service to safely ship their pup/dog, fully insured with a major airline and have them arrive at a major airport near them when no transport is available or feasible. We  don't try to profit from shipping your pup/dog, so we only try to cover all the expenses.

For shipments outside of the U.S., the fees do not include inspection fees, taxes, or fees charged on the customer's end.

Once your pup/dog has been turned over to the airline representative at the airport and has left our possession, we, as the seller/shipper, cannot and do not accept any responsibilities for the loss, damage, or destruction of your pup/dog.

Remember, all pups/dogs are shipped on your behalf and at your request, and the sale is finalized at the time the airline representatives accept possession of your pup; they are responsible
to you, from that time on, for the welfare of your pup/dog once in their possession.

Any loss, damage, or destruction of the buyer's/consignee's pup/dog should be covered by the airlines insurance policy that is paid for with the S/H fee. Of course, we will help the buyer on our end in any way we can to get their claim filed, but we, the seller/shipper, do not accept any responsibilities for any loss, damage, or destruction of the buyer's/consignee pup/dog after the pup/dog has left our possession.

Fortunately, shipping is safe. We have been shipping pups/dogs and many other animals for almost 50 years now and have only had one serious problem with a pup over 25 years ago. All pups/dogs we ship are Veterinarian Health Certified and insured for $1000.00.

Unfortunately, because of Covid, only American airlines is still airlines that accept pet cargo shipments implemented new guidelines and restrictions, Delta and United, are no longer accepting pets in cargo, but do accept pets as carry-on in soft carriers. Generally, we can ship pups using American Airlines when temperatures are between 20 & 85 degrees F with a Veterinarian acclimation certificate, but even they require more expensive carriers with no clips allowed and do not allow multiple stops.

We do our best to keep our shipping and handling fees as low as possible but the airlines seem to increase prices annually. Our S/H includes: making airline reservations, vet health certificate, airline-approved pet carrier with dishes, and food, transportation to and from our vet's office and to Louisville International Airport, $1000.00 shipping insurance, and the airline shipping expenses to your airport. Airline costs are much cheaper when paid in advance, and many airports or airlines require payment up front so we need payment in full the week before we plan to ship so we can make airline reservations and Vet appointment, etc.. 

We also make all airline reservations for a Wednesday date and time that suits both of us. We now usually ship on Wednesdays so we have Thursdays as a backup day if they are postponed for any reason. We will NEVER ship on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or on or around holidays because of high passenger traffic and extra baggage amounts, which can cause pets to miss scheduled flights causing delays, sometimes requiring staying overnight at an unknown kennel.

Our schedule is very busy, but we now set aside Wednesdays to ship pups/dogs when weather permits. Payment with S/H fee must be paid in full and "received" no later than the Sunday before the Wednesday we plan to ship them, NO EXCEPTIONS. Any payments not received by Sunday will be rescheduled to ship the following week on Wednesday, if possible.

Pups must be at least 8 weeks old to ship. Pups usually ship better with another pup, and we can ship two pups in same carrier for the same price if they are the same size and not over 19 pounds each. Even if over 19 pounds, we can save you about $400. shipping if we ship two pups in separate carriers on the same invoice instead of shipping two pups that size at two different times. So it still saves to ship two pups on the same invoice if they are in the same carrier or in two carriers. If we have two pups being shipped to same airport but to different customers, we will ask each customer if they want their pups shipped together and split the shipping. If both agree, we will give each customer the others contact info, and they can work out getting their pups. Many customers who have done this have made lifelong friendships.
Age of pup
costs for US lower 48 states
subject to change!
 8-9 week old

One pup $700.00 S/H.
Add $150.00 for an additional pup
in same pet carrier.

These pups are also small enough to go as a carry-on with customer. In that case a Vet's health certificate is required, cost $50.00

10-13 week old
One pup $750.00 S/H  
Plus Boarding fees may apply.
Add $150.00 for additional pup
in same pet carrier.

14-19 week old
only one pup
per carrier
$800.00 S/H 
& Boarding fees, if apply

5-9 months old
only one pup
per carrier
$850.00 S/H
& Boarding fees, if apply

10 month & up , only one pup/dog
 per carrier
$900.00 S/H
& Boarding fees, if apply

Prices above do not include boarding fees mentioned for pups kept for you personally over 10 weeks of age. Pups sold between 6-8 weeks old are expected to be picked up or shipped between 8- 9 weeks old, unless arrangements have been made and approved by Mountain View Kennel, LLC. management first or a shipment has been delayed on our end. In case a shipment is delayed for bad weather, canceled flights, for reasons out of the buyer's control, no additional boarding fees will be charged.

It is now easier and cheaper, in most cases, for Canadian purchases to picked up at a closer US airport and simply hand carry them across the border. But we can ship to a few Canadian Airports and International to most other countries, but the shipping costs are double the rates given above plus an additional $100.00 added for special USDA State Health Certificate. 

Some Canadian shipments will require pups to stay overnight in a facility/kennel at last US connection, usually in Minneapolis/St. Paul. If they do, you will need to pay another $100. for kenneling fee. This is because they must spend at least 4 hours at US ports of exit, and the Canadian inspection offices close at many airports for import at 4 pm. This only leaves a small window. Some inspection officers will check them after hours for an additional fees but that may vary in different Canadian ports of entry. Our shipping and handling fees do not include inspection fees or import taxes/fees charged on the customer's/buyer's end. Many Canadian buyers find it more reasonable to fly to Louisville International Airport and take fly back home with their 8-9 week old pup as a carry-on. Pups over 9 weeks may be to larger for carry-on and over 10 weeks are for sure.

Mountain View Kennel, LLC will try to ship pups in a timely manner but, because shipping is a complicated and time-consuming process, they reserve the right to put off shipping dates to make the most out of their very busy schedule and always for the safety of the pup. Safety of the pups will always be our top priority.

Multiple Purchases: Many times, two pups of similar age can be shipped together for slightly higher than one, and two pups of the same size will ship better together than apart. So, whenever possible, we will ask multiple customers receiving pups at the same airport to split the costs of shipping and receive their pups together, saving both customers on the S/H. Pups must be under 20 pounds each to be shipped together.
International Shipments: Mountain View Kennel, LLC has and will ship pups around the world. All additional expenses must be paid before pup or dog is shipped. May require $500.00 - $600.00 more than USA shipments above. 
International buyers should be aware that almost ALL our Llewellin Setters have great scenting ability, are naturally high style, and point confidently with heads and tails held usually between 10 and 12 o'clock, far off the birds. This makes them very visible in cover and beautiful to see on point. If you do not like this style, please do not purchase one of our Setters.

GDC Dashing Bondhu Ringo
100% Humphrey Bred!

GDC Dashing Bondhu Hank
Grandson of OLN's Hank!

Very, very seldom anything ever goes wrong while shipping and we take all precautions for a safe and stress free experience. We insure them for their full value whenever possible, but Mountain View Kennel is only responsible to deliver your pup to the airport authorities. Shipping is the buyer's full responsibility once the puppy or dog has left our possession with the airlines. Buyer must notify the airline at time of pickup of anything that may have happened during shipping and to file all claims with the airline. Mountain View Kennel will help with the filing, but does not cover any injuries during or after shipping or pickup.
Please keep in mind, that in over 50+ years of shipping pups and dogs around the world, we have only had one problem with shipping a pup over 20 years ago and many improvements have been made. Shipping is very safe!


Sorry, NO credit card or PayPal payments accepted.

Marie will accept personal checks or Zell payment for deposits only (check must clear before shipping or pickup of pup). Balances must be paid by cash, bank wire transfer, or certified/cashier's US bank check made out to: "Mountain View Kennel, LLC" only.   Please send payment/s to:

Mountain View Kennel, LLC
11290 N. Dixie Hwy.
Bonnieville, KY 42713

Please note:

Because of the overwhelming amount of customers interested in our wonderful, pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setters, we are having a difficult time answering or returning phone calls and won't likely be able to return calls to those who leave phone messages. We will always put the care and time with our Setters as the first priority.

PLEASE EMAIL! We always give emails high priority and will answer them ASAP instead of calling. In most cases, we get in very late at night and can email when it's much too late to return calls. If you don't get an email reply, please check your spam folder and make sure to add our email address to your approved email list.
Please, contact us by email for quick reply!

Please, no calls or visits on Sundays or Holidays as these days are reserved for church and family.

Visitors (not picking up pups) are welcome by appointment ONLY from March 1st - October 1st!

We always prefer email, but if you must get a hold of us by phone or in case you get lost on your way to pick up a pup, our number is (270) 531-7966. Please leave a message, and we will do our best to get back with you as soon as we can but cannot guarantee a return call unless you're lost coming here.

Attention Gun Owners

We are not gun dealers, and we're only looking for certain makes, model, gauges and calibers for our personal use.

We have family members very interested in, but may not be limited to, the following in very good to excellent condition.

Wanted on Trade?
We will seriously consider trading or buying (marked items):

  • Llewellin/English Setter Art, books, statues, DVDs, etc.
  • High-quality, registered King Charles Cavalier Spaniel female puppy with breeding rights, prefer smaller size, will trade or pay for one.
  • AR-15s or AR-15 Uppers in any caliber.
  • AR-15 Rifle .223, 24" SS barrel or upper, Predator type preferred.
  • AR-15 Rifle .308.
  • Remington 1100 and/or 870 in 28ga. High finish only.
  • SS Revolvers .357 mag with 6"-8" barrel
  • All Handguns will be considered, but very interested in 22 cal./22mag combo, or 9mm small enough for Conceal Carry in Sig, Glock, Beretta, Kimber, Ruger, etc..
  • Burris Eliminator Scope.
  • Night hunting scopes.
  • Electronic Predator calls and/or equipment.
  • Loading equipment, dies, cases, bullets, primers, etc. for 20ga., 28ga., .223, 9mm, .357 mag, 7mm  Rem. Mag. 308 cal..
  • Game cameras.
  • Game feeders.
  • Aluminum dog box for large p/u.
  • Good Ammo in .22 cal .223 cal, 38 special, 357 Mag., 9mm, 28 ga., 20ga., and 7mm Rem. mag.

Some Lifelong Achievements!

Retired aerospace machinist, Michael J. Bloodgood has been breeding top gun dogs of all kinds since 1971-present! Marie joined him in marriage on Dec. 2, 1978. Here are some of his dog breeding and other achievements with the help of Marie and their three children over their many years: 
1. Mike started breeding gun dogs and game birds in 1971 at age 15.
2. 1974-77 worked as an advisor in AKC Irish Setter Program and pro-trained wealthy clients' bird dogs for Orion Kennel. Many were newly imported dogs by wealthy Long Island, NY, bird dog owners. Trained many dogs that became Fd.Ch's as well as one National Field Champion English Pointer.
3. Personally bred top field trial AKC Beagles and dominated Beagle field trials from 1971-1984 with his outstanding Woodland, Pearson Creek bloodlines. Our Pin Point Beauty, bred with Fd.Ch. Mellimark Deacon (81 trails, 79  firsts, 2 seconds, and 1 third) bloodlines also state champion in 4 states 4 years in a row. Now raising top Black Creek Beagles bred for hard hunting smooth medium speed with line control, close work on checks, pleasure gun dogs.
4. Developed an outstanding bloodline from direct German-imported AKC German Short-Hair Pointers and bred them for 8 generations from 1974-1996, with 100% satisfied customers.
5. Was saved and born again in fall of 1986 and led by the Holy Spirit to start the development of a new breed of tree dog known as the "Mountain View Cur
TM" from 100% pure OMCBA registered Mt. Curs.  The following year, Mountain View Curs were recognized as a unique breed within two registries in 1995 and is still breeding some today. Went through 56 OMCBA Mt. Curs to find four natural tree dogs with wonderful temperaments. Our MVCs went on to win several national, regional, and state competition hunts against ALL tree dogs in six different registries in seven states, dominating their competition events from 1991-1996. His MVCs had nine 1st, two 2nds, one 3rd place, and never lost a cast in their last 12 state, regional, national, and world night and squirrel hunts. Also won all major bench shows, including international, regional, and state shows and many treeing contests with as many as 169 barks in a minute counted in world treeing contest. Home to a 4 time National Coon Champion, and KY State Squirrel and Show Champion and many other titled tree dogs.
6. 1992 nominated on Board of Directors for major national dog organization.
7. 1993 elected as President for major national dog organization.

8. Awarded Lifetime Outstanding Breeder Award in 1994 by national dog organization.
9. Awarded Master Breeder in 1996.
10. Purchased his first Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setter in 1996 and was led by the Holy Spirit to save the pure Humphreys of Sir Richard Llewellin's personal strain from extinction and still breeding them today.
11. Awarded Grand Master Breeder in 1997 (only four breeders ever awarded GMB).
12. Awarded Supreme Grand Master Breeder title in 1999 (1st  SGMB). This is the highest breeding award available in the world and is equal to being entered in a Hall of Fame in other major organizations.
13. Have and currently serving as Genetics and Breeding Advisor on several breed association boards, councils, and/or as CEO.
14. Chief Genetics Advisor for the International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance (International All-Breed Dog Registry) since 1996. 
15. Served as a Director and as President for three different breed associations, serving as many as eleven terms in one association.
16. Helped start and advised the forming of several 501c3 organizations for many breeds, endangered species,  animal rescues, and no-kill shelters.

17. Author of many published works and articles on breeding and genetics for several association newsletters and national dog magazines.

18. Published monthly columns in a national dog hunting magazine from 1991-1999 and is still being sought after to write more in National publications and as a speaker on better dog breeding.

19.  Judged many field trials, night and squirrel huts, dog shows, and many events in several registries and organizations from 1977-present.
20.  2016 & 2017 Awarded Best English (Llewellin) Setter Breeder of the Year!
Kentucky Department of Agriculture Kentucky Proud Game Farm 2018, 2019,  2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, & 2025!
22. Awarded Best Business Kennel in 2019!

There are many more accomplishments in breeding dogs and other animals, game birds (raised Ruffed Grouse successfully) and even endangered species, over 300 species and sub-species and still counting. His accomplishments as an aerospace machinist (specialized in making parts for A1M1 tanks, Patriot Missiles, the Space Shuttles, the Space Station, Mars Rover, Hubble Space Telescope, etc, and for many military and civilian aircraft for NSA, BOEING, Lockheed Martin,
etc.), hunting, sports, and most important of all, raised a Christian family, but those are other subjects. 
Mike and his family give God all credit and glory for all these achievements made throughout his life; past, present, and future. Mike was/is led to save, breed, and preserve Llewellin's personal Setters (Dashing Bondhu's) through the Holy Spirit, and he, his family, and hopefully their customers have all been blessed many times over as his family has been owning, hunting, and breeding them as well as meeting all the wonderful people interested in them. May God bless you and your family, and may God bless America and all its true allies!

"We can not do great things, we can only do small things with great love." - Mother Teresa -


Dashing Bondhu Colors
Many people think that a certain color or pattern is what a Llewellin Setter is supposed to be. Some people think a blue belton, others think an orange masked with  ticking, and some others think they must be chestnut or something else. The truth is no color or markings define a Llewellin Setter or a Dashing Bondhu from English Setters. Mr. Llewellin and Mr. Humphrey bred for performance, temperament, and genetic health--nothing else.
Mountain View Kennel does not breed or select for color either, and while the Dashing Bondhu bloodlines are genetically capable of producing all known English Setter colors, the large majority of the Dashing Bondhu pups being produced today are "white, black, & ticked"; "tri-color" (white, black, tan/orange, & ticked); "Blue Belton" (white with black ticking); "tri-belton" (white with black & tan ticking) in color just like their ancestors from Mr. Llewellin's own FdCh. Armstrong's Dash II (Dashing) and FdCh. Dashing Bondhu. Many of the following colors, such as: white, black, & ticked; blue beltons; white & chestnut; chestnut belton (white with chestnut ticking); tri-chestnut (white, chestnut, & tan/orange ticking); white & orange and orange beltons (white with orange ticking) may also be produced--usually when one parent is. We could easily produce more of one color than another by simply selecting more dogs of a certain color but, like those who developed the breed and strain, we are more interested in their quality as natural bird dogs, as well as family companions, and genetic health for generations to come. The most genetically sound program will have a large variety of colors, markings, and amounts of ticking. Breeding for one color, pattern, or amount of ticking weakens their genetic strength, not to mention finding enough homes for a litter of pups of one color, pattern, or amount of ticking. 

The term "belton" was first used by Mr. Laverack and was taken from the name of a town near North Umberland, England, where many of the Setters there carried this distinctive color scheme.  The term "belton" is used on Setters that are born all white (like Dalmatians) without any markings and will have ticking as they grow. The amount of ticking has nothing to do with whether or not it is a belton, and some are very heavily ticked as adults, while others can have hardly any ticking as an adult or may come in any color or combination of colors.

The blue belton is very striking, especially with heavy amounts of ticking. They are actually just white with black ticking, but the overlay of silvery-white hairs over their black ticking makes the ticking appear blueish in color. Heavily ticked blue beltons will appear to have a blue sheen or glow, much like a Blue tick hound.

The spotting that begins to come out a few weeks after birth is called ticking. Usually an experienced breeder can tell how much ticking the pup will have as an adult beginning around 5 weeks of age. This is why we always show our customers a color diagram showing the markings and amount of ticking we expect them to have as adults. We usually lean heavier rather than lighter on the estimation of ticking.

All "tri" dogs will have some degree of tan (orange) markings on their muzzle and tan (orange) ticking on lower legs and feet. The amount can vary from hardly any on their feet to a bunch of tan ticking all the way up to their knees.

A complete list of possible colors are as follows:

Predominant colors are listed first in order. Most Llewellin Setters have more white than any other color, so white is listed first, followed by the next predominant color. 

Common Colors:
White, Black & Ticked = W, B & Tkd.
Tri Color: White, Black, Tan & Ticked = W, B, T, & Tkd.

Rare Colors:
White, Orange & Ticked = W, O & Tkd.
White, Chestnut & Ticked = W, C & Tkd.
Tri Chestnut: White, Chestnut, Tan & Ticked = W, C, T, & Tkd.

Belton: A genetically true belton is born solid white with no body markings at all. On litter registrations, only pups born solid white are to be submitted as a "belton." If a pup has any color markings, even under the ear at birth, it should not be recognized as a "belton."

Common Belton Colors:
Blue Belton = White with Black Ticking
Tri-Belton = White with Black & Tan Ticking

Rare Belton Colors:
Orange Belton = White with Orange Ticking
Chestnut Belton = White with Chestnut Ticking
Tri-Chestnut Belton = White with Chestnut & Tan Ticking


Please Note: Statements of percentages of bloodlines in our dogs and pups are calculated approximations made to the best of our knowledge and abilities from the pedigree information we have at the time.

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Training a Dashing Bondhu Pup!
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Who was Richard Llewellin?
Who was William Humphrey?
Llewellin Setter Registration
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Email  mvcr@scrtc.com

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All our Llewellin Setters are permanently identified with registered microchips,
tattooed, photographed and are DNA swabbed for personal genetic identification.

All documents, photographs and graphics are copyright © 1996-2025 Mountain View Kennel, LLC.
Background picture of pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setter litter of puppies nursing on GDC Dashing Bondhu Henrietta (Double bred OLN's Hank).