2013-2014 Season We had one of the best years and had an excellent opening day of the annual family HUNT! The cover was much better than last year and birds were plentiful. All dogs are our PURE DASHING BONDHU's and they did some amazing work. We had two young dogs to start and enjoyed getting out our ole' reliable Setters. The continue to amaze and improve every year. We were glad my nephew Dennis
, brother in-law Russ, and my son USMC Mike Jr. were able make it to this years annual hunt.
2013 Opening day, Max a young Dashing Bondhu, pointing his first bird ever!
(note low set tail set is until he gets more confident)
Max same young Dashing Bondhu pointing his fist bird .
2012 opening day, Sylare another young Dashing Bondhu pointing his first bird ever!
(Note lower set tail until he gets more confident)
Skylar making his first retrieve to Dennis's hand.
Max a young dog pointing on lower left and tail high getting higher with confidence and Ole reliable Hank pointing on the upper right!
No bird are going to get past these two.
A young Dashing Bondhu has located another one on his first hunt!
You can see how good the cover was this year, we actually had fields to hunt instead of just hedge rows this fall.
Better cover means a lot more birds than last year.
Mike Jr. moving in to flush another bird for this young dog, who pointed and retrieved EVERY BIRD on his first hunt!
Dennis Jr., moving in to flush this quail a young Dashing Bondhu located on his first hunt.
A young male on his first hunt on a nice POINT.
2013 Opening Day take, if you don't think we had an awesome hunt, just look at all these birds taken by three shooters.
L-R Mike Sr. with Ole realable Hank, Russ Chapman with a young male, Dennis Mood with a young male, just some of the dogs we hunted.
30 quail, 15 Kansas Ring-Neck Pheasants!
2013 Opening Day take, if you don't think we had an awesome hunt, just look at all these birds taken by three shooters.
L-R Mike Sr. with Hank, Mike Jr. with young male, Dennis Mood with young male, just some of the dogs we hunted.
We got 30 quail, 15 Kansas Ring-Neck Pheasants and only missed a few birds
Taken by only three shooters. That is 10 quail and 5 pheasants each.
2013 Opening Day take,
30 quail and 15 Kansas Ring-Neck Pheasants!
One of the best benifits of our Setters is our annual family hunt.
I have to thank Dennis, Russ and Mike Jr. for helping me start the young dogs.
As usual, we had several training sessions and other hunts throughout the 2013-2014 season, but we did not get pictures.The 2014-2015 season looks to be an awesome year and have planned some more Kansas Ringneck hunts, wild Quail hunts, and eastern TN & KY Ruffed Grouse hunts.
All documents, photographs and graphics are Copyright © 1996-2014 Mountain View Kennel. Background "painting" of Dashing Blaze Bondhu, pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setter dedicated in her loving memory.