2011-2012 Season As usual, we had another awesome opening day of the Kentucky quail season. Unfortunately, as usual the we forget to take pictures most of the time. All dogs are our PURE DASHING BONDHU's and all agreed, this was another awesome annual hunt. We were glad Byron was able to join us this year and Russ, Dennis, Mike Jr. were able to come with me. Unfortunately, we did not do our usual clay bird shoot the day before because everyone got in late and the guys missed more birds then they hit. About the last hour I got my Rugar 28 ga. O/U and started to back them up so the dogs would get some birds to retrieve and took a cock Pheasant farther than I ever seen one hit. I have only had a 28 ga. a few years and it is amazing how hard hitting it is at long range. I was waiting until the guys had shot and missed and hit every bird hard except for one that made it behind a tree just when I shot. It was the only miss I had. I never thought a 28 ga, would hit so hard. I got it on trade for a pup and he hunted Decota Pheasants with 28's every year with both open chokes and never cripled a bird. To be honest, I did not believe it, so I am using mod. and full chokes, and have now seen how hard it hits even at the longest ranges. I'm now taking shot out further then ever before and getting them every time. It hits as hard as my Turkey gun with Turkey loads, without the weight or kick. I'm using 1 oz. of #6 shoot. I like big shot, even for quail, because I hate finding little shot in the birds I eat.
Russ, Dennis, Byron starting out 2011 opening day for Kansas Ring-neck Pheasants and Northern Bob-White Quail.
Starting out, 2011 opening day! Dennis with our Dashing Bondhu Setters on a solid point.
Russ with IrishKing Bondhu Lady!
USMC Mike Jr. was able to make it.
Russ getting ready to flush this bird pointed by a young dog.
Russ, Dennis, Byron and Mike Jr.
Dennis and Byron.
Mike Jr. and big Mike, getting shot birds setup for photos.
Dennis, Mike Jr. with Russ and Byron and dogs in truck.
They missed as many as they hit, we only got 6 native quail and 9 Kansas Ringneck cocks. They should have doubled that many.
Next year they will shoot some clay birds before hunting.
Dennis, Mike Jr. with Mike Sr. and Byron and dogs in truck.
They missed as many as they hit, we only got 6 native quail and 9 Kansas Ringneck cocks. They should have doubled that many.
Next year they will shoot some clay birds before going hunting :)
Close up of Kansas Ring-neck Pheasants. Note their smaller size, cocks are only 2.25 pounds and hens are only 1.75 pounds. These birds roost in trees at night, hold well, and seldom run on the pointing dogs. Our Setters have no problem keeping them in place and holding them until flushed, but look out, they are super strong flyers and hard to hit, just ask the guys, they only hit about half of them and there are NO second chances as they are long gone.
Byron, Mike Sr., Mike Jr., and Dennis cleaning birds after hunt. Every body who hunts MUST help clean birds.
December 2011
Kansas Ring-Neck Pheasant and native quail Hunt!
This hunt was with our long time good friend Rich Lair from Lexington, IL. Unfortunately, his son Paul had just started a new job and could not come, hopefully next year they can come. Rich's wife Sue was/is Marie's bast friend and went to High School together. Sue was able to come and visit with Marie while they guys went hunting. We all had a blast and look forward to making this an annual get together.
All three dogs pointed this bird at the same time.
Two pointing this time together.
Ol'e Lady got one pinned down.
Mike Sr. with his birds and then Mike Jr. (taking photo) birds in the middle and then good buddy Rich Lair from Lexington, IL with his birds.
Great hunt by all, dogs did excellent even on these late season birds and everyone hit their birds. Rich is a great shooter
as well as one of the funniest men I know, he always has us laughing until our ribs hurt. But, he is a no nonsense hunter
and enjoyed hunting these Kansas Ring-necks that hold good for the dogs, a big difference than those Illinios birds.
Another picture of happy hunters with their birds.
We had several training sessions and other hunts through out the 2011-2012 season,
but as usual we did not get pictures.
The 2012-2013 season looks to be an awesome year and have planned some more Kansas Ringneck hunts, wild Quail hunts, and eastern TN & KY Ruffed Grouse hunts.
All documents, photographs and graphics are Copyright © 1996-2012 Mountain View Kennel. Background "painting" of Dashing Blaze Bondhu, pure Dashing Bondhu Llewellin Setter dedicated in her loving memory.